
出版时间:2012-4  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:张春玲,刘莉 主编  页数:193  




Unit One Get Your Career Started
 Text A Career Planning
 Text B Self-assessment
 Text C Career Exploration
Unit Two Know About the Company
 Text A Corporate Culture
 Text B The Functions of Corporate Culture
 Text C The Corporate Culture of McDonald's
Unit Three Be an Excellent Employee
 Text A The Attributes of a Good Employee
 Text B How to Be a Good Employee
 Text C Critical Factors in Success
Unit Four Be a Skillful Employee
 Text A How to Make Your Boss Like You
 Text B Managing Your Motions at Work
 Text C How to Work with People You Don't Like
Unit Five Detail Means Creation
 Text A How the Japanese Do Things Differently
 Text B Ethical Business Practices at Johnson & Johnson.
 Text C Wang Yung-ching——Legend of a Century
Unit Six Ignorance of Details Leads to Failure
 Text A Colgate's Distasteful Toothpaste
 Text B How Yahoo China Missed Out in China
 Text C Coca-Cola Deleting "Classic" from Coke Label
Unit Seven Be a Successful Administrator
 Text A The Role of the Manager
 Text B The Qualities of a Good Administrator
 Text C Elements of Communication
Unit Eight Skills of Management
 Text A Successful Management: The Key to Business Growth and
 Text B New Supervisor: Prepare for Your Changed Role
 Text C Management Styles of Warren Buffet
Unit Nine Teamwork
 Text A Team Building: The Seeds of Excellence
 Text B How to Build a Teamwork Culture
 Text C Teamwork and Team Building Essentials
Unit Ten Start a Business
 Text A How to Choose and Start Your Own Business
 Text B How to Become a Successful Businessman
 Text C John D. Rockefeller: Anointed with Oil
Unit Eleven Tactics of Running an Enterprise
 Text A Sam Walton: 10 Rules for Building a Successful
 Text B Proper Financing and Financial Controls
 Text C Leveraging Limited Human Resources
Unit Twelve Successful Entrepreneurs
 Text A Harvey Mackay——"Mr. Make Things Happen"
 Text B Investment Genius: Warren Buffett
 Text C Beauty Creator: Mary Kay



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