
出版时间:2011-12  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:西尔维·拉福雷  页数:384  




作者:(英国)西尔维•拉福雷(Sylvie Laforet) 拉福雷博士是英国谢菲尔德大学管理学院( University of SheffieldManagement School)营销学高级讲师。自1994年起,她一直从事企业品牌和品牌结构方面的研究。其研究成果广泛发表于英国和美国顶尖的营销期刊。


第1篇 品牌化的战略含义
 第1章 现代品牌管理概述
 第2章 品牌资产和品牌评估
 第3章 品牌建设和业务建设
 第4章 作为战略资产的品牌——提上公司议程
第2篇 管理品牌——创建和维系品牌资产
 第5章 品牌识别和定位
 第6章 品牌架构
 第7章 品牌延伸
 第8章 贯穿生命周期管理品牌
 第9章 品牌声誉和企业声誉建设
第3篇 新的业务环境
 第10章 新竞争环境和品牌化
 第11章 零售商品牌对制造商品牌
 第12章 面向消费者的包装设计和品牌化
 第13章 原产地品牌化


版权页:插图:acquiring national companies with a number of local brands, in addition to their own global andregional brands. Second, these were well-established traditional brand names known for theirquality and reliability. Third, this structure allows products to be tailored to local preferences, andproduct innovation was quite low. There were few potential synergies from harmonizing brandsacross borders.A large number of companies had hybrict branct structures with a combination of corporateand product brands. For example, Coca-Cola used the Coca-Cola name on its cola'r)brandworldwide, with product variants such as Cherry Cke, Coke Lite or Diet Coke, and caffeine-freeCoke in some, but not all, countries. In addition, Coca-Cola has a number of local or regional soft drink brands, such as Lilt in various fruit flavours in the U K, TabXtra, a sugar-free cola drink inScandinavia, and Cappy, a fruit drink in eastern Europe and Turkey (Douglas et al., 1999). In otherinstances, companies use the corporate name for some product businesses, but not others. For instance, Danone used the Dannon/Danone name on yoghurt worldwide, on bottled water in the US and on cookies in eastern Europe. Danone also owns the Lu and Jacob brands which are usedon biscuits in Europe and the US, and three other bottled water brands: Evian, sold worldwide,Volvic and Badoit, only sold in France, as well as Kronenbourg and Kanterbrau beers, andVivagel and Marie frozen foods in Europe. Other companies had different brand architecturesfor different product divisions. For example, Unilever had a global brand in its personal productsdivisin. The yellow fats division consists mostly of local brands with some harmonization in positioning or brand name across countries, while the ice-cream division had a combination oflocal and global product brands such as Magnum, Cornetto and Solero. These were endorsed by a country or regional house brands such as Walls and Algida, and all shared a common logoworldwide.





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