
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:王建华 中国人民大学出版社 (2011-08出版)  作者:王建华 编  页数:558  


  目前,图书市场上考研英语辅导用书版本很多,分类也比较细,从语言知识运用到阅读理解,从翻译到写作,从词汇到新题型再到应用文写作,每一部分都有相应的考点知识讲解和实践练习的专项辅导书,尤其是阅读部分考试分类辅导用书划分更细,有考研阅读真题详解用书,也有考研阅读专项练习书,还有阅读长难句讲解用书等。目前市面上的考研阅读辅导书有220篇、200篇、150篇、120篇和100篇等等。这么多不同版本的考研阅读辅导书对考生而言不是一件轻松的事情,为什么呢?因为考生要自己作出判断和选择,自己决定买哪个版本的书比较值,但是考生没有明确的判断标准,因此就变得很艰难甚至痛苦。  判断一本好的考研英语辅导书的标准是什么呢?  首先,编书的作者必须是在考研辅导界有多年辅导经验的老师。这样的老师知道考生的需求在哪里,更知道考生的问题在哪里,这样,老师在编书的时候就能够根据大多数考研学生的需要而设置辅导书的框架和内容,从而书中的内容对考生的辅导更有针对性。对于考研英语阅读辅导用书,有经验的编者选择的文章有较强的权威性。




Unit 1 Unit 1试题详解Unit 2Unit 2试题详解Unit 3Unit 3试题详解Unit 4Unit 4试题详解Unit 5Unit 5试题详解Unit 6Unit 6试题详解Unit 7  Unit 7试题详解Unit 8  Unit 8试题详解Unit 9  Unit 9试题详解Unit 10Unit 10试题详解Unit 11Unit 11试题详解Unit 12Unit 12试题详解Unit 13Unit 13试题详解Unit 14Unit 14试题详解Unit 15Unit 15试题详解Unit 16Unit 16试题详解Unit 17Unit 17试题详解Unit 18Unit 18试题详解Unit 19Unit 19试题详解Unit 20Unit 20试题详解Unit 21Unit 21试题详解Unit 22Unit 22.试题详解Unit 23Unit 23试题详解Unit 24Unit 24试题详解Unit 25Unit 25试题详解Unit 26Unit 26试题详解Unit 27Unit 27试题详解Unit 28Unit 28试题详解Unit 29Unit 29试题详解Unit 30Unit 30试题详解


版权页:It's quite clear that in the current educational system, girls are outpacing boys when it comes tohigher education. Boys are now only 46% of the total college enrollment, and it gets worse thehigher rhe level of attainment-female students now earn 60% of bachelor's degrees.(Interestingly, this gender split.is not there yet for Hispanics, where the boys in college stilloutnumber the girls. The imbalance is worst among Blacks, and it's almost as bad for Asians.)Also, one shouldn't misunderstand the data. It's not clear that boys are doing worse than in the past (as is commonly misreported), it's just that girls are doing so much better. As Ashley wrote lastweek, overall college enrollment is higher today than it's ever been in history.What will make it more complicated for the Commission on Civil Rights is the tie-breakerphenomenon. As yet, I doubt any colleges need to admit under-qualified boys to achieve genderbalance.  Rather,  because there is such an oversupply of applicants,  there are more than enough girlsand boys who meet most college's SAT and_.GPA standargis (there's just a lot more girls).Admissions officers can basically let gender be the rie-breaker.  Their jncoming freshman boys won'tbe noticeably'behind the girls, just that more girls on the bubble end up rejected. Why do collegeswant balanced gender, other than it's traditional? Well, what some colleges are finding is that whenthey tick up to 60% girls, high school boys stop applying there. Why they're doing so is unclear,but the consequence is: some schools will suddenly have very few boys at all. That tipping pointisn't very far off for a lot of colleges.Now, to be clear, it is currently illegal under Title IX to discriminate against girls. And also,this is not the same as past affirmative action admission preferences for Blacks and Hispanics. Butjust for the purposes of argument, let's say-entirely hypothetically-that the law was changed.What if colleges decided preserving some gender balance was so important to their mission that theystarted having slightly lower standards for boys than girls. Either because they wanted to preventbecoming female-only campuses, or they just wanted to make sure boys got the benefit of highereducation.5


《2012年考研英语经典专项阅读150篇》150篇文章 ,30个单元,每篇文章包括英语文章本身,选项和选项解析以及长难句讲解和全文,文章全部选自《经济学人》和《新闻周刊》。



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