
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:王菇,胡燕 等主编  页数:245  




Part Ⅰ  Listening & Speaking for Secretary
Chapter One Reception
Section 1 At the Office
Section 2 At the Airport
Section 3 Having Business Dinner
Chapter Two Business Communication on the Phone
Section 1 Making Appointments
Section 2 Making Reservations
Section 3 Seeking Information
Chapter Three Office Automation
Section 1 Office Facilities Management
Section 2 Office Software Application
Section 3 Web-office
Chapter Four Management of Business
Section 1 Something Urgent
Section 2 Letters Processing
Section 3 Business Travel Arrangement
Chapter Five Conference Arrangement
Section 1 Before the Conference
Section 2 During the Conference
Section 3 Post-conference
Chapter Six International Business Negotiation
Section 1 Preparing Stage
Section 2 Materially Negotiable Stage
Section 3 Agreement Concluding & Executing Stage
Part 11 Reading for Secretary
Chapter One Be a Qualified Secretary
Section 1 Cultural Awareness
Section 2 How to Be a Qualified Secretary
Section 3 What Should a Secretary Do in the Office
Chapter Two Reception
Section 1 Cultural Awareness
Section 2 What Makes a Secretary a Good Receptionist
Section 3 Business Dinner Etiquette
Chapter Three Secretarial English for Telephone Use
Section 1 Cultural Awareness
Section 2 Phone Call Etiquette
Section 3 Telephone Communication Skills
Chapter Four Office Automation
Section 1 Cultural Awareness
Section 2 Knowing Office Automation
Section 3 Suggestions on Electronic Filing
Chapter Five Conference Arrangement
Section 1 Cultural Awareness
Section 2 Meeting Arrangement
Section 3 Cross-cultural Negotiation Meeting
Chapter Six International Business Negotiation
Section 1 Cultural Awareness
Section 2 Overview of International Business Negotiation
Section 3 What Should a Secretary Do for Business
Part Ⅲ Writing for Secretary
Chapter One Office Documents
Section 1 Announcement
Section 2 Memos
Section 3 Meeting Minutes
Chapter Two Ceremonial Documents
Section 1 Letters of Thanks
Section 2 Letters of Apologies
Section 3 Letters of Congratulations
Chapter Three Social Documents (Ⅰ)
Section 1 Letters of Inquiry
Section 2 Letters of Request
Section 3 Letters of Complaint
Chapter Four Social Documents (Ⅱ)
Section 1 Letters of Recommendation
Section 2 Letters of Invitation
Section 3 Letters of Job Application
Chapter Five Human Resources Documents
Section 1 Enrollment
Section 2 Internal Transfer
Section 3 Termination of Employment
Chapter Six Business Documents
Section 1 Establishing Business Relations
Section 2 Inquiries, Offers & Counter-offers
Section 3 Orders & Contracts
Appendix Ⅰ 国家秘书职业资格英语考试简介
Appendix Ⅱ 涉外秘书英语考试模拟试题及参考答案



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  •   这本书很使用,但是是不是有光盘啊!!
  •   比较简单 适用于初学者
  •   还没来得及细看,翻了一下,还可以把
  •   一般般,惟一的不足——中文翻译的比较少,不过这也是动脑筋的地方呢!哈哈~还是很有收获的

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