出版时间:2011-3 出版社:中国人民大学 作者:博士研究生入学英语考试命题研究组 页数:573
《博士研究生入学考试英语辅导用书:2012年考博英语模拟试卷与精解》特点如下: 一、作者阵容强大,预测具有权威性 《博士研究生入学考试英语辅导用书:2012年考博英语模拟试卷与精解》的编著者都是考博英语的首席主讲专家,他们都在全国一线亲自辅导广大考生的考前复习,有相当丰富的辅导和教学工作经验,深谙命题规律和出题的动态,集清华大学、北京大学和中国人民大学等名校的权威讯息,浓缩成《博士研究生入学考试英语辅导用书:2012年考博英语模拟试卷与精解》。 二、紧扣最新考试形式与出题动态,高效预测 《博士研究生入学考试英语辅导用书:2012年考博英语模拟试卷与精解》紧紧联系当前各个高校考博英语的考试动态以及最新考试形势与政策,注重实际操作演练。每套试卷均由一线著名专家精选材料,题题推敲,优化设计命制完成。 三、启迪备考,极具操作性 许多考生缺乏实际临场经验,《博士研究生入学考试英语辅导用书:2012年考博英语模拟试卷与精解》将精辟阐明解题思路,全面展现题型变化,将浩瀚的习题浓缩于有限的模拟题精华中,迅速提高考生快速、准确、灵活的解题能力。为考生全程领航和理性分析,引领考生高效通过考博难关。每套试卷都有详细的标准答案和解析。考生可以利用模拟试卷进行考前模拟实战训练,检验自己的学习成果,及时进行查漏补缺,有针对性地进行复习备考。希望考生能在仿真的环境下进行模拟训练,这样效果最佳。
版权页:插图:It was two years ago today that the hunting ban came into force, supposedly endingcenturies of tradition. However, the law has been an unmitigated failure-not that eitherside is shouting about it. It was a nightmare vision that struck fear and loathing into the hearts of mil-lions. When the hunting ban became law, it was said, 16,000 people would lose theirjobs, thousands of hounds would be put down, rotting carcasses would litter the country-side, hedgerows would disappear, riders would face on-the-spot fines, law-abiding peoplefrom doctors to barristers would be dragged from their horses and carted off to prison,while dog owners would be prosecuted if their mutt caught a rabbit. These were just some of the claims as desperate countryside campaigners battled tosave their sport in the lead-up to the hunting ban, which Labour rammed into law usingthe Parliament Act on November 18, 2004. For many, the fears were real. Others exaggerated as they fought an increasingly ag-gressive anti-hunting lobby which had rejected acres of independent evidence affirming thathunting is the most humane way of killing foxes. In the battle to "fight prejudice, fightthe ban", every emotive argument was deployed. For its part, the anti-hunting brigade extravagantly claimed that the ban would put anend to the rich parading in red jackets. A senior Labour MP, Peter Bradley, admitted inthis newspaper that it was, as many suspected, about "class war". He lost his seat shortlyafterwards. But people in red coats did not disappear.