出版时间:2011-3 出版社:张锦芯、 郭庆民 中国人民大学出版社 (2011-03出版) 作者:郭庆民 编 页数:605
重点题材与多样题材兼顾,涉及热点问题,帮助了解新知识、新问题、新观点 详析历年考题特点,剖析解题思路,着重训练应试技能与把握作者观点和意图的能力 配套全文翻译,注解疑难长句,透彻理解文章深意 精选核心词汇与词组,筛选词义,帮助考生实质性提高掌握词汇的质与量
第一部分 阅读理解110篇及疑难长旬注解与译文和题解第一节 阅读理解110篇及疑难长句注解与译文一、经济二、教育三、社会与心理四、网络与计算机五、医学与健康六、法律与道德七、能源与环保八、政府与政治九、信息与传媒十、语言与文化十一、科学与技术十二、其他:历史、人口学、传记、文学艺术第二节 阅读理解110篇题解一、经济二、教育三、社会与心理四、网络与计算机五、医学与健康六、法律与道德七、能源与环保八、政府与政治九、信息与传媒十、语言与文化十一、科学与技术十二、其他:历史、人口学、传记、文学艺术第二部分 阅读理解PartB选择搭配模拟试题及题解与译文第一节 备选题型一、解题思路概述二、模拟试题三、模拟试题题解与译文第二节 备选题型二一、解题思路概述二、模拟试题三、模拟试题题解与译文第三节 备选题型三一、解题思路概述二、模拟试题三、模拟试题题解与译文第四节 备选题型三一、解题思路概述二、模拟试题三、模拟试题题解与译文第三部分阅读理解PartC英译汉模拟试题及译文与题解第一节 解题思路概述一、命题特点分析二、答题与备考思路第二节 模拟试题译文与题解第四部分阅读理解自测题3套及题解与译文自测题一(含PartB和PartC)自测题一题解与译文自测题二(含PartB和PartC)自测题二题解与译文自测题三(含PartB和PartC)自测题三题解与译文第五部分阅读应试技能指导第一节 给考生的建议第二节 文章的阅读一、什么是确的阅读方法二、把握文章的重要信息三、文章类型四、阅读中注意运用已有的知识五、对文章中的举例与引用的理解第三节 猜测词义第四节 解题思路训练
版权页:So just where does happiness reside for consumers? Scholars and researchers haven't determined whether Armani will put a bigger smile on your face than Dolce Gabbana. But they have found that ourtypes of purchases, their size and frequency, and even the timing of the spending all affect long-term happiness.One major finding is that spending money for an experiencconcert tickets, French lessons, sushi-rolling classes, a hotel room in Monaco-produces longer-lasting satisfaction than spending money on plain old stuff. According to retailers and analysts, consumers have gravitated more toward experiences than possessions over the last couple of years, opting to use their extra cash for nights at home with family, watching movies and playing games-or for "staycations" in the backyard. Many retailing professionals think this is not a fad, but rather "the new normal. "Jennifer Black, president of the retailing research company Jennifer Black &Associates, largely at-tributes this to baby boomers' continuing concerns about the job market and their ability to send their children to college. While they will still spend, they will spend less, she said, having reset their priorities.While it is unlikely that most consumers will downsize, many have been, well, happily surprised by the pleasures of living a little more simply. The Boston Consulting Group said in a June report that recession anxiety had prompted a "back-to-basics movement," with things like home and family increasing in importance over the last two years, while things like luxury and status have declined.Current research suggests that, unlike consumption of material goods, spending on eisure and services typically strengthens social bonds, which in turn helps amplify happiness. Academics are already in broad agreement that there is a strong correlation between the quality of people's relationships and the irhappiness; hence, anything that promotes stronger social bonds has a good chance of making us feel all warm and fuzzy.
《2012年考研英语阅读200篇》:名师经典 精讲阅读理解