
出版时间:2011-2  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:张锦芯 编  页数:483  






第一部分 中级篇——夯实基础Computer Science and the Web计算机与网络Text Computers in ClassReading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 观点与例证TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 应用文Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解Medical Science and Health医学与健康Text Doctor-assisted Suicide:Is It Ever an OptionReading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 选择搭配TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 应用文Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解Ethics and Morality伦理与道德Text The Moral NaturalistsReading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 选择搭配TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 英文摘要Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解U4 World View and Values世界观与价值观Text Respecting What We DestroyReading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 观点与例证TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 应用文Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解New Sciences and Technology科普新知识Text Will Books Be Napsterized?Reading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 观点与例证TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 英文摘要Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解U6 History and Culture历史与文化Text Fact ImpactReading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 选择搭配TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 应用文Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解Industry and Agriculture工业与农业Text The Merits of Genteel PovertyReading Comprehension(包括“答案与题解”)Notes课文参考译文练习ClozeReading Passages(包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)Part A 阅读理解Part B 段落排序TranslationWriting(包括“审题指导”)Part A 应用文Part B 英语写作练习答案与题解……第二部分 高级篇——挑战高分


  Fifteen years after U. S. and European multinationals started shipping large numbers of manufac-turing jobs overseas: experts are saying that the "second wave" of offshoring is at hand——and it promisesto be bigger and more disruptive to the U. S. and European job markets than the first. In the yearsahead: sizable numbers of skilled: reasonably well-educated middle-income workers in service-sectorjobs long considered safe from foreign trade——accounting: law: financial and risk management: healthcare and information technology: to name a few——could be facing layoffs or serious wage pressure as de-veloping nations perform increasingly sophisticated offshore work.  For Europe and the United States: thats a troubling scenario at a time when there is already plentyof economic insecurity. The EU unemployment rate is 9 percent. U.S. job growth has been weak in thelast few years: and real wages are falling at the fastest rate in 14 years. According to a recent report byMcKinsey: many Western workers in crucial "skill-intensive industries will feel substantial pressurefrom low-cost countries for the first time. " And that Competition will lead big firms in those sectors tobuy products from developing nations: or even move plants abroad. The industries include auto parts:fabricated metals: machinery: pharmaceuticals and telecom equipment: which together account for near-ly half of the manufacturing consumption in America. By 2015: notes McKinsey: those key "second-wave" industries will account for fully half of all U.S. imports from low-cost countries.


  20个单元,由易至难,从夯实基础到超越真题,全程护读  以阅读为中心,涵盖大纲全部题型,语言基础、技能双提高  主题丰富,涉及历年真题热门话题,扩大知识面  配翻译,做注解,精选词汇词义



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