PASS BEC高频词汇必备

出版时间:2011-3  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:谷征  页数:277  


on lnvestment(roi),balancesheet,qualityassurance(qa),total quality


chapter i marketing and sales
1. brand
2. promotion
3. pricing
4. product
5. distribution channel
6. market segment
7. public relations
8. business environment
9. customer relations
10. sales management
11. advertisement
chapter ii human resources management
1. job application
2. qualification
3. recruitment
4. training
5. performance appraisal
6. salary, pension and benefits
hapter iii finance
1. accounting
2. auditing
3. banking
4. currency
5. taxation
chapter iv business strategy
1. mergers and acquisition
2. competitive advantage
3. goals and objectives
chapter v information technology
1. information system
2. e-commerce
3. software
4. telecommunication
chapter vi operation management
1. research and development
2. production
3. process control
4. purchasing
5. quality control
6. supply chain management
7. outsourcing
chapter vh investment
1. stock market
3. futures
4. bond
5. financing
6. insurance
7. real-estate
chapter vm management
1. organisational structure
2. management styles
3. titles and posts
4. facilities
5. motivation
6. time-management
7. teamwork
8. corporate culture
chapter ix internationaltrade
1. balance of trade
2. exchanging rate
3. payment
4. pirate
5. free trade area
6. wto terms
7. multinational companies
8. countries
9. industries
chapter x business ethics
1. environmental protection
2. carbon dioxide
3. sroi
4. industrial espionage
5. health and safety
6. common laws
chapter xi transportation
1. business trip
2. logistics
3. road
4. railway
5. shipping
6. airplane
7. pipe
chapter xii business communication
1. proposal and report
2. contract and agreement
3. telephone
4. presentation
5. complain
6. negotiation
7. business etiquette
8. formal dinner
9. clothes
附录— 图表写作高频词汇
附录二 肚界著名企业译名
附录三 常用缩略语



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用户评论 (总计27条)


  •   本书根据词频分类出高频备考词汇,针对性强;提高效率。
  •   很不错、纸质很好!词汇也挺全的!
  •   词汇量不是很多,但是归类整理的还不错,由于不满免邮金额,有点点心疼5快运费。
  •   通过了bec高级了~~~
  •   书的质量超级好,内容也很好,分主题来编排单词,比那些按字母顺序来排的单词书更容易记住
  •   感觉不是很厚实,内容应该再丰富点,单词量应该多多加点。
  •   有固定术语还不错,有助考试。
  •   设计的不错,比之前买的单词书好
  •   将单词归纳成不同的类别,更有针对性。
  •   我只想说没背完,内容很好很丰富使自己没有努力
  •   书还行吧~~~
  •   速度很快,书很新~!
  •   The catalogue is clear and the contents are very useful! worthy!
  •   很好背
  •   一般 快递很快
  •   用了几个月了,这个书的英文翻译很不正统,不知道从哪里摘来的, 有些甚至有对不上的情况。对商务词语的解读还好,算可以长点见识的一本书吧。
  •   词汇还是比较简单的,工作以后似乎不是很适合阅读啊
  •   即使不参加考试 也可以丰富自己的单词量
  •   很好的书,纸质不错,讲解明白。希望对考试有帮助
  •   都是实用的单词,分类也挺好的
  •   书小方便携带,
  •   质量还不错,希望有帮助~
  •   哈哈字比较大所以喜欢看
  •   还是给老婆买的,真是个爱奋斗的女人。。。
  •   希望内容再丰富一点~不过将词语分类应该比较容易记住
  •   快递不行。把我的书当凳子坐
  •   还是帮朋友买的。

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