
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:邱立志,孙庆珍 主编  页数:274  


  2005年春,我们在中国人民大学出版社的支持与指导下,倾力推出了一套高职高专英语教材,经过两年的使用,受到了广泛关注和好评。去年,该套教材被教育部确定为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”,我们深受鼓舞。为适应高职高专教育的发展,为更加契合英语教学特点、方便教师使用、适合学生自学和复习巩固,在广泛征求使用院校广大师生意见的基础上,我们组织了本套教材的修订。  我们在修订时主要注重了以下几个方面:  (一)紧扣大纲,降低难度。我们以教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》为依据,在专家的指导下,以教学第一线教师为主体,紧密结合英语教学实际,在原教材的基础上适当降低难度。  (1)教材主体部分中的:Integrated Course部分由原来的一篇长课文改成了两篇短课文,最长的文章不超过400个词,因为短小精悍的文章深受教师和学生的欢迎,一则是一个学时可以学完,一则是生词不会过分集中,减少了学习的恐惧感。 (2)课文的选材进一步贴近生活,避免选用专业性较强的文章。生动有趣的短文,读起来回味悠长,既富有教育和启发意义,也加强了英文的阅读与理解。 (3)增加了预备教程,是对中学阶段基本语言知识和技能的总结和归纳,供入学时英语基础薄弱的班级作为过渡教材,复习最常用的语法结构和词汇。  (二)调整了教材结构,方便师生使用。在保留第一版综合本的基础上,对教材的结构进行了调整,为教师的课堂教学和学生的课后复习巩固提供了方便。  (1)文化背景知识(cultural Background)部分由学生用书调整到教学参考书,并适当增加了有关课文内容的背景材料,为教师备课和学生自学提供了方便。  (2)每个单元的练习单独成册,方便学生练习和教师批阅、检查。  (3)重新设计和制作了配套CD-Rom光盘,操作更加人性化,录音速度更加符合学生的水平和接受能力;同时,还增加了图文并茂的多媒体教学课件。  (4)教学参考书增加了教学提示(Teaching Tips),从重点词汇、重要句型、语言技能等三个大的方面提出教学建议。  (5)各册、各单元以及各单元内部都注重梯度控制,体现“听、说、读、写、译”技能提高的系统性、连续性和渐进性:整套书(从预备教程到第四册)遵循由易到难、由浅人深的原则。各个板块(交际技能、阅读技能、写作训练、综合练习)也有各自的梯度,避免了跳跃式推进。各个单元内部的各个板块之间,也注重控制难度推进的程度,避免单元内部的难易不均。


  实用        将英语语言基础学习和职业岗位活动融为一体,充分体现“工学结合、以工作环节为主导”、“教、学、做”三位一体的高职英语教学理念。  选择职业活动中以实际应用为主的、具有共性的材料为课文内容,短小精悍难度适合高职学生实际水平。  立体      同时提供教学参考书、练习册、考试辅导书、mp3文件、多媒体教学课件和网络学习资源,提供合理的教学建议和丰富的专业知识,方便教师授课,为教学提供便利。


Unit 1 Part Ⅰ   Listening Comprehension: Getting Lost and Asking the Way Part Ⅱ  Speaking Development: Getting Lost and Asking the Way Part Ⅲ   Integrated Course: Text A  The Development of Reading Habits Text B  Outside Distractions While Studying Part Ⅳ   Workplace Context: Making Appointments Part Ⅴ   Writing Work: How to Write a LetterUnit 2 Part Ⅰ   Listening Comprehension: Sports and Games   Part  Ⅱ  Speaking Development: Sports and Games Part  Ⅲ   Integrated Course: Text A  The Voice of TimeText B  From Olympia to the Great Wall Part  Ⅳ   Workplace Context: Letters and Emails Part  Ⅴ  Writing Work: Letter of Thanks and Congratialations                                       Unit 3 Part Ⅰ   Listening Comprehension: Seeing the Doctor Part Ⅱ  Speaking Development: Seeing the Doctor Part Ⅲ    Integrated Course: Text A  When Mothers Get the Bug ( I )Text B  When Mothers Get the Bug (Ⅱ) Part Ⅳ   Workplace Context: Confenrence Arrangements Part Ⅴ    Writing Work: Letter of Reference and RecommendationUnit 4 Part Ⅰ  Listening Comprehension: Sightseeing and Touring Part  Ⅱ Speaking Development: Sightseeing and Touring Part  Ⅲ   Integrated Course: Text A  The Killer Smog ( I )  Text B  The Killer Smog (Ⅱ) Part  Ⅳ   Workplace Context: File Management Part  Ⅴ   Writing Work: Letter of Applications ……Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8练习册


  The workplace, like anyplace you bring a bunch of people together, is a jumbleof many different personalities. In addition to coworkers who are easy to work with,you will also find difficult people at work. What sets the workplace apart from manyother places is that everyone——even the difficult people——must cooperate in order to beproductive. Here are five types of difficult people you may meet at work and advice forgetting along with each one.  The Chatterbox  Lets start with your most affable coworker. The chatterbox usually means well.She is friendly and wants to share all her thoughts (every last one of them) with you.She isnt trying to cause harm to anyone ... her incessant talking is just keeping youfrom concentrating on your work. Here are some things you can do to quiet downyour chattering co-worker so you can get your job done. Rather than risk insulting yourcolleague, put the blame on yourself. Tell your coworker you have trouble concentratingwhile you are listening to her very engaging stories. Youd love to hear them at someother time, just not while youre working. Then, if you truly enjoy her company, havelunch with her once a week.  The Gossip  The gossip seems to know everything about everyone and he wants to share it. Should you listen to what your gossiping colleague has to say? Yes, you should listen to it since it is often a good way to hear news that may not make it through more formal information channels. The problem with gossip is that it carries both elements of truth and untruth, so view it with a cynical eye. Listen to your gossipy coworker quietly. Dont become a gossip too. However, if the gossip being shared is of a very personal nature, for example he shares with you news of another coworkers marital problems, change the subject or say that you dont feel right discussing someone behind his back.



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