出版时间:2010-7 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:坦纳,霍尼克特,厄夫迈耶 著 页数:408
本书较好地把握了现代销售管理的发展趋势和脉络,使得读者能够全面审视和思考销售管理的各项职能。全书紧扣现代信息技术对销售管理的作用和影响这一主线,对各种销售理论和管理技术进行了深入阐述。 开篇案例:各章开篇均为真实的销售经理的案例,描述了这些经理每天必须面对的问题和挑战,激发学生探索销售管理职业可能遇到的各种情境。 Aplicor软件:应用目前市场上最受欢迎的销售自动化工具Aplicor,拥有CRM特征和学生能够链接使用的数据库,使得学生深刻感受技术工具对于销售管理工作的影响。 全球化与伦理问题:对于销售管理中所面对的全球化和跨文化管理的挑战的处理非常巧妙,用整章的篇幅讨论,同时通过各章相关的小案例加以强调:对伦理问题也是如此,便于读者理解和接受书中的观点和理念。 销售队伍结构:相关内容虽然与招聘、选拔和培训销售人员有关,但反映的是当今销售领域中许多不同的销售职能和销售队伍结构的真实情况。 中国人民大学出版社同步推出了本书的翻译版,可供有需要的读者参考。
小约翰·F·坦纳,(John F.Tanner Jr.)贝勒大学Hankamer商学院营销学教授,拥有佐治亚大学博士学位。曾在罗克韦尔国际和施乐公司的营销和销售部工作了8年。现任贝勒大学专业销售中心的联合主任和主管师资队伍建设的副院长。出版13部著作,发表100多篇文章,专业研究获得多项奖励。小厄尔·D·霍尼克特,(Earl D.Honeycutt Jr.),北卡罗来纳州艾隆大学Lore商学院营销学教授、营销协调员,Chandler家庭职业销售中心总监。担任多个专业期刊的编委,发表了175篇文章,与人合作撰写了3部著作。罗伯特·C·厄夫迈耶,(Robert C.Erffmeyer)于威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校为本科生和研究生讲授营销学、推销和销售管理课程。担任多个专业期刊的编委,发表30多篇文章,是营销教育评论奖的第一位获得者。
第Ⅰ篇 战略规划 第1章 销售管理概论 第2章 销售职能和多元销售渠道第Ⅱ篇 销售领导 第3章 领导力和销售主管 第4章 伦理、法律和销售领导第Ⅲ篇 消费者和市场分析 第5章 企业间销售和客户关系管理 第6章 利用信息技术第Ⅳ篇 设计和发展销售队伍 第7章 设计和组织销售队伍 第8章 招聘和选拔合适的销售人员 第9章 培训和发展销售队伍第V篇 流程管理 第10章 监督、管理和领导销售人员 第11章 设定目标并管理销售队伍的绩效 第12章 激励并奖励销售人员第Ⅵ篇 测量、分析和知识管理 第13章 将客户信息转变为销售知识 第14章 评估销售队伍及其成员的绩效 第15章 影响公司销售业绩的内部和外部文化力量第Ⅶ篇 案例研究 案例研究1 种植园:计划、目标设定和团队销售 案例研究2 旧金山巨人队:客户关系管理案例分析 案例研究3 太平洋医药供应公司:招聘、激励和保留优秀的销售人员 案例研究4 东南销售联营公司:通过评估和指导销售人员来提高他们的绩效 案例研究5 自由电信公司:通过设定新的销售目标改进销售队伍运营 案例研究6 萨拉索塔日报社:销售队伍不可避免的变革和重组 案例研究7 协和联营公司:评估销售区域 案例研究8 加农联营公司:实现新老销售队伍的内部整合
插图:TRAINING Training is very important. A critical issue identified in the research is having sufficient training;too 1ittle training actually results in a decrease in the performance of the salesperson. Salespeople who have to use a program or technology,but don’t know how,waste too much time trying to figure it out. Research also indicates that because they simply do not know how to make use of the system,they make poor decisions about their time. The result is fewer sales calls and lower sales. the opposite of what you want from sales technology.Training isn’t a once and done project,either. while initial training is important,ongoing training can secure more effective use of the system. Ongoing training,according to Ram Ramamurthy of DG Vault. is as much about how to get the most out of the system as it is about what buttons to push. He regularly presents the sales staff with ideas of how to use the information in the system as well as the more advanced features. Salespeople now eagerly attend these training sessions because they know they will learn something that will enhance their performance(we’ll address training with greater detail in Chapter 9).MANAGEMENT SUPPORT When SFA Or CRM soft ware is not used by a sales force. sales managers may be part of the problem. In a study of sales executives. one sales executive stated that he believed that technology had little to of. fer in the future. Yet this same sales executive was not using the system he had to its fullest capability;he was not using many of the applications. One conclusion 0f that study was that sales leaders do not always fully comprehend the value of a CRM or SFA system. nor do they have the skills needed to gain full benefit.Managerial support is critical to salesperson adoption. If managers expect salespeople to use the software. sales people are far more likely to adopt it.’.When managers fail to adopt the software and to support it,a significant barrier to adoption is created. Sales people who want to use the software then report being stymied in reaching the productivity gains they expect from the software.” What is less important is peer use——salespeople are not as1ikelv to use software just because their peers do.Managers can run into some ethical challenges when they implement software. The Ethics in Sales Management feature in this chapter identifies some of,these challenges. though the list of challenges is by no means complete.TECHNICAL SUPPORT In addition to training and managerial supper,post implementation technical support is also important. Sales people need to have easy access to help because problems can arise in the field;there is no one right there with them to answer questions. For example,Tricia Jennings has her office in her home. As a sales manager for Merck,a pharmaceutical company,she spends most of her time making sales calls with her sales-people or working at home on reports. When she encounters problems with the system. there isn’t anyone in the next office to ask for help. Good technical supper is important to ongoing use after the initial training.COMMUNICATING THE BENEFITS When a new system is launched. sales people have to be sold on its benefits. Some companies have created systems that benefit marketing or sales management but have few benefits for salespeople. According to Bruce Culbert,a leading CRM consultant .a lack of real benefits for salespeople can doom a system to failure. He also says,though,that even when the benefits are real,they must be communicated to the sales force. Otherwise,using the system may be seen as just another task or responsibility added to the bottom of an al read Y 10ng list of things to do.