出版时间:2009-9 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:杨桦,李远征 主编 页数:320
新思维研究生英语系列教材基于数据驱动与开放式语料库,设定为三个级别:初级(preliminary,针对基础较弱的学生,如特招生,在职研究生,单考、联考入校生等)、中级(vantage:,针对通过全国研究生英语入学考试的学生,如大部分在校脱产研究生)和高级(higher,针对有较好英语基础的入学后免修生或有志于参加托福、雅思、GRE等考试的学生)。每个级别包括3本书:听说教程、读写教程、听说教程教师用书,即出版纸质教材共9本。在具备一定技术支持条件下,还将陆续出版发行其他衍生产品,如练习册、多媒体教学资源光盘、智能学习软件、流媒体在线学习平台、手机版无线学习软件等。 本套教材初级教程的材料选择难度控制在5000~6000词汇量的范围内,通过此段学习,学生应能达到四、六级水平;中级的词汇量为6000~8000,通过此段学习,学生应能达到研究生学位的水平;高级的词汇量为8000~10000,通过此段学习,学生可以通过托福、雅思等考试。 本套教材的编写具有横向、纵向两方面的连贯性、传承性和系统性,即既在同一级别的听说教程和读写教程之间体现出主题相关、练习相联、相互促进的特点,又使同为听说教程或读写教程但不同级别的3本教材体现出循序渐进的递进性和促进学生语言知识和运用能力逐步提高的特点。这样教材将不只面对高校师生,还可以满足其他各种有意提高自己英语水平的读者。 本套教材的体例和练习设置具有一定的灵活性和实用性。教材内容尽可能既贴近学生的学习、生活、工作,具有一定的时代感和现实性,又结合经典文章,让学生欣赏到历久弥新的具有传承性和共时性的佳作典章。
Unit 1 Growth and SuccessUnit 2 Relations and PsychologyUnit 3 Network and Digital WorldUnit 4 Science and EnvironmentUnit 5 Cross-cultural CommunicationUnit 6 Marriage and FamiliesUnit 7 Children's EducationUnit 8 Finance and Stock ExchangeKey to Exercises
When you think of "millionaire", what image comes to mind? For many ofus, it's a flashy Wall Street banker type who flies a private jet, collects cars andlives the kind of decadent lifestyle that would make Donald Trump proud. But many modem millionaires live in middle-class neighborhoods, workfuU-time and shop in discount stores like the rest of us. What motivates themisn't material possessions but the choices that money can bring: "For the rich,it's not about getting more stuff. It's about having the freedom to make almostany decision you want," says T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the MillionaireMind. Wealth means you can send your child to any school or quit a job youdon't like. According to the Spectrem Wealth Study, an annual survey of America's wealthy, there are more people living the good life than ever before——the number of millionaires nearly doubled in the last decade. And the rich are getting richer. To make it onto the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans, a mere billionaire no longer makes the cut. This year you need a net worth of atleast $1.3 billion. If more people are getting richer than ever, whyshouldn't you be one of them? Here, five people whohave at least a million dollars in liquid assets share thesecrets that helped them get there. Twenty years ago, Jeff Harris hardly seemed on the road to wealth. He wasa college dropout who struggled to support his wife, DeAnn, and three kids,working as a grocery store clerk and at a junkyard where he melted scrap metalalongside convicts. "At times we were so broke that we washed our clothes inthe bathtub because we couldn't afford the Laundromat." Now he's a 49-year-old investment advisor and multimillionaire in York, South Carolina. There was one big reason Jeff pulled ahead of the pack: He always knewhe'd be rich. The reality is that 80 percent of Americans worth at least $5million grew up in middle-class or lesser households, just like Jeff. "Wanting to be wealthy is a crucial first step." says Eker, "The biggestobstacle to wealth is fear. People are afraid to think big, but if you think small,you'll only achieve small things." ……