
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:(美)海德 著,赵秀文 等编译  页数:316  




作者:(美国)约翰·W·海德(John W.Head) 编译:赵秀文 等




73. As noted abOve, governments have for a long time imposed rules regarding account-ing. This is more true today than ever before. Generally speaking, there are two key typesof regulatory requirements that give rise to such rules——what one legal scholar has called (i)the "dispositive" requirements and (ii) the "disclosure" requirements applicable to businessorganizations. 74. Dispositlve requirements may be described as those that require a company to take,or to refrain from taking, a particular kind of action if a certain financial situation exists. Forexample, a company may be prohibited from paying a dividend to its shareholders unless itsassets or earnings exceed stated amounts; or a corporation may ha required to declare bank-ruptcy if the level of its assets falls below the level of its liabilities. In such cases, of course,it is very important to know how to calculate the value of assets and liabilities.75. Disclosure requirements are those that obligate a company's management to reportperiodically to its owners or to their representatives. These are designed mainly to enablethe owners (for example, shareholders) to make collective decisions abOut the managementof the company, or to make individual decisions about selling or buying interests in the com-pany. But these periodic reports are also read by many others——government regulators, po-tential investors, and workers——wbo pass scrutiny on the company for various reasons.76. Disclosure requirements have recently become especially demanding in many coun-triea particularly those that have operating within their borders many companies that arelarge and that engage in complex transactions. For example, businesses increasingly under-take transactions in "derivative financial instruments" such as futures and forward contracts,which frequently can help a business manage certain price risks and financial risks relating toa business' other assets and liabilities!


本书作者海德教授是美国堪萨斯大学法学院的资深教授。1994年春,他作为美国富布赖特基金会(Fulbright Folmdation)向中国派出的法学教授,被当时的国家教育委员会(现在的教育部)安排在中国人民大学法律系从事国际法和国际商事交易法(国际商法)的教学。当时我作为他的助教,一起为1993年入学的法学专业研究生开设了全英文的国际商法课程。我依然清楚地记得,该课程中的仲裁解决国际商事争议的专题,海德教授就是有意让我讲授的,他作为听众坐在同学们听课的座位上给我提问题,以此鼓励我并给了我发挥自己才干的巨大勇气。海德教授在培养我国研究生的同时,也培养了当时作为年轻教师的我和我的同事们。1995年年初,我作为由美国福特基金会资助的中美法学教育交流项目的访问学者到福丹(Fordham)大学法学院进行学术交流,刚到纽约后不久,海德教授就推荐我作为由美国佩斯大学法学院、联合国国际贸易法委员会、国际商会仲裁院、美国仲裁协会等机构联合发起的,由来自北美洲、欧洲和大洋洲等15个国家共23个法学院学生代表参加的,在维也纳举行的第二届维斯杯国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁大赛(William C. Vis Inter-national Commercial Arbitration Moot)①的仲裁员。此后,我们一直保持学术上和朋友之间的联系,每到圣诞节,他都把他亲手精心制作的反映其家庭成员成长的照片作为贺年卡寄给我,至今从未问断;我也把这些贺卡集中放在专门的小册子中,作为最珍贵的礼物收藏。


《国际商事经济法律通则》:21世纪法学系列双语教材教育部 财政部2008年度双语教学示范课程建设项目




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