
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:贾卫国 编  页数:291  


  《大学英语交际口语》(第二册)是在学生已经掌握了一定的听说能力后,需要进一步学习,提高英语口语表达能力的教材。  《大学英语交际口语》(第二册)运用多媒体优势,努力创造一种真实的语言环境,让学生在情景体验过程中学习英语,运用英语,领略东西方文化,培养跨文化交际的能力。  《大学英语交际口语》(第二册)对学生英语口语能力的要求是:通过课堂教学或自主学习,完成课程内容和技能训练;能熟练运用2 200-2 500个英语单词(积极词汇)和部分短语就某一话题进行流利、持续的会话或议论,能对事物进行基本的描述;在与外国人交流中,清楚地表达自己的思想;语音、语调基本正确。  《大学英语交际口语》(第二册)共分8个单元,每个单元为一个专题。围绕每个专题下设四个主要部分:“Read and Speak”,“Listen and Speak”,“I,isten and Translate”和“Watch and Speak”,各个部分内容相互贯通,强调语篇水平上的口语能力训练。


本书具有下列鲜明的特点:    1.独特的编写理念和编排方式    本书的编写符合学习者认知的规律,由浅人深,温故知新,以信息输入带动输出。本书以口语练习为中心,采取“先听后说,先读后说,先看后说”的形式,通过视频和音频媒介传导大量的语言、文化信息,让学生在了解基本信息的基础上主动学习,在口语表达中加以运用,在运用中达到熟练。本书还特别注意学习技能的培养和语言知识的扩展,每个单元都有针对性地设计了不同的练习,提供了Learner’S Dictionary栏目使学生在反复练习中逐步掌握说的基本技能,积累语言文化知识和扩大词汇量。为了方便学生理解,对于难度较大的语言点和文化点,课本都做了注释,并提供了与主题相关的词汇表。在教材的后面则附有音视频的文字参考资料和本书的练习答案。        2.丰富的语料资源和文化内涵    本书内容十分丰富,既有西方文化的话题也有中国文化的话题,涉及校园生活、旅游、休闲娱乐、体育活动、环境保护、节日庆典等多个方面,涵盖了新闻、影视、访谈等多种文体,较全面地展示了东西方社会的文化生活。视、听语料皆出自真实场景,保存了英语的原汁原味。   3.很强的趣味性和实用性   本书充分考虑到学生的需求和兴趣,在内容编排、练习设计上力求新颖、时尚,并围绕谈话主题,提供了详细的注释和参考资料,便于学生自主学习之用。


Unit 1 The Nation and PeopleUnit 2 Cross-cultural CommunicationUnit 3 International Academic ExchangeUnit 4 Advanced TechnologyUnit 5 EducationUnit 6 Medical CareUnit 7 Market and ServiceUnit 8 Career Planning视频录音材料以及参考答案


  The Gap, or Target, or Wal-Mart all have websites. Usually their domain name is the name ofthe company: www. (the name of the company).com. By going to that site, you can browse foranything you might find in their store. Some websites will also give customer recommendations,or employee recommendations, or what is the top purchased item of the day, or of a particulartype of product.  How can I be a safe Internet shopper?  There are certain things that happen on the Intemet that can be dangerous. One of them iscalled phishing. A phish website, p-h-i-s-h, is a website that is mocked up to look like a normalcompany. Perhaps like Target or Ebay or even your bank website. But very frequently, the domainaddress in the address bar or in the status bar of your browser will show that this is not "Citibank.com", this is "Joesscamartist.com" or something else. So, one of your best tools is to payattention to the domain name and where youre clicking and pointing too. Another thing is, nocompany will ask you in email, for your credit card information. Theyll ask you on their website,for if you are purchasing something and it will generally say that their website is secured. Yourweb browser might also let you know that youre entering or exiting a secure site. Pay attention tothat, this means that information is being encoded and encrypted to protect you. One of the thingsthats important to notice and pay attention to about shopping online, is that although you mayshop at a particular website or a particular store front, you may get emails from that company, butbe weary because there are what are called phishing emails out there. And a phishing email is anemail that looks like it came from a particular company and asks you maybe for your credit cardinformation or your password or your username or some information to theoretically identify youto that store. But the problem is that no professional company will send you an email that will askyou any insecure information like that. Theyll get that insecure information from their websitewhere they can lock it down, secure it, and encrypt it and keep you safe. So, dont give out yourpersonal information via email. Nine times out of ten its a scare.



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  •   KEY
  •   东西很不错,很系统,值得购买!!!
  •   比较实用,关键是坚持练习!
  •   比像中的差了点,就是重点方面不行吧。
  •   太失望了,第二册居然没有光盘!!!

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