
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:(美)彼得,(美)唐纳利 著;袁奇 改编  页数:203  


在经济全球化背景下,中国企业参与国际竞争的机会越来越多。为了应对需求多变、竞争激烈的国际市场情况,必须培养既了解营销理论和技巧又熟练掌握外语的复合型人才,这是经济发展的客观需求。本着这样的思路,编者编写了这本教材。    本书改编自美国J.Paul Peter和James H.Donnelly,Jr.合著的畅销世界的市场营销学教材——Preface to Marketing Management(第11版)。此书的特点是,在简单明了、由浅入深地介绍市场营销知识的同时,还可以使读者增加营销专业的英语词汇量,提高读者的英语阅读水平和交际能力。       本教材分为十三个章节,全面系统地介绍了营销管理的基本概念与理论。第一章介绍了怎样制订营销计划和做出营销决策;第二章介绍了市场调查的过程和方法;第三章介绍了消费者行为,分析了消费者购买决策过程中的影响因素;第四章介绍了组织购买行为,分析了企业、政府和机构购买决策的特点;第五章介绍了怎样进行市场细分和市场定位;第六章介绍了怎样制定产品战略和品牌战略;第七章介绍了新产品的计划和研发过程;第八章介绍了整合营销沟通的方法,分析了怎样运用广告、促销、公共关系和直销等不同的方式与消费者沟通;第九章介绍了个人推销的技巧,怎样与客户建立起关系和进行销售管理;第十章介绍了分销策略,分析了销售渠道的选择与管理;第十一章介绍了定价策略,比较分析了几种常用的定价方法;第十二章介绍了服务业的营销,分析了其特点和挑战;第十三章介绍了在全球化背景下怎样在国际市场上组织营销活动。


Chapter 1 Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process   The Marketing Concept   What Is Marketing?   What Is Strategic Planning?    Strategic Planning and Marketing Management    The Strategic Planning Process    The Complete Strategic Plan   The Marketing Management Process    Situation Analysis    Marketing Planning    Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan    Marketing Information Systems and Marketing Research   The Strategic Plan, the Marketing Plan, and Other Functional Area Plans    Marketing's Role in Cross-Functional Strategic Planning   Conclusion  Chapter 2 Marketing Research: Process and Systems for Decision Making  The Role of Marketing Research   The Marketing Research Process    Purpose of the Research    Plan of the Research    Performance of the Research    Processing of Research Data    Preparation of the Research Report    Limitations of the Research Process   Marketing Information Systems   Conclusion  Chapter 3 Consumer Behavior  Social Influences on Consumer Decisi6n Making    Culture and Subculture    Social Class    Reference Groups and Families   Marketing Influences on Consumer Decision Making    Product Influences    Price lnfluences    Promotion lnfluences  Place Influences   Situational Influences on Consumer Decision Making   Psychological Influences on Consumer Decision Making    Product Knowledge      Product lnvolvement   Consumer Decision Making                                 Need Recognition      Alternative Search      Alternative Evaluation      Purchase Decision      Postpurchase Evaluation   Conclusion  Chapter 4 Business,Government adn Institutional BuyingChapter 5 Market SegmentationChapter 6 Product and Brand StrategyChapter 7 New Product Planning and DevelopmentChapter 8 Integrated Marketing Communications:Advertising,Sales Promotion,Public Relations and Direct MarketingChapter 9 Personal Selling,Relationship Building,and Sales ManagementChapter 10 Distribution StrategyChapter 11 Pricing StrategyChapter 12 The Marketing of ServicesChapter 13 Global Marketing


  Before a production manager, marketing manager, and personnel manager can develop plans for their individual departments, some larger plan or blueprint for the entire organization should exist. Otherwise, on what would the individual departmental plans be based?  In other words, there is a larger context for planning activities. Let us assume that we are dealing with a large business organization that has several business divisions and several product lines within each division (e.g., General Electric, Altria). Before individual divisions or departments can implement any marketing planning, a plan has to be developed for the entire organization? This means that senior managers must look toward the future and evaluate their ability to shape their organizations destiny in the years and decades to come. The output of this process is objectives and strategies designed to give the organization a chance to compete effectively in the future. The objectives and strategies established at the top level provide the context for planning in each of the divisions and departments by divisional and departmental managers.




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  •   教材,就是略难,还是中文比较简单
  •   基本全英文,需要有一定的词汇基础和专业基础。
  •   国外经典教材引进原版,经典终究是经典,值得学习
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  •   书是我们专业课的指定教材,送过来感觉不错
  •   里面的英文很专业,对专业来说很有帮助。
  •   书很新,纸张也白,一看就是正版。加油!
  •   值得大家拥有
  •   对于市场营销专业来说还是可以的书
  •   我买它是主要用来积累专业的英语词汇,目标达到了!挺好的书.简洁通俗.
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