
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:刘秋梅,高海燕 编著  页数:115  


随着改革开放的不断深入和中国加入WTO,社会对各行各业人才的英语水平要求越来越高,职业英语的发展成为必然趋势。本教材是根据这一新趋势专门为中职学生编写的英语听说教材。    本教材以银行活动为背景,内容涉及储蓄、兑换、挂失、租用保管箱、汇款、贷款等多项银行业务。    注重从实际出发,引导学生迅速而准确地掌握实际应用的本领,是本教材的宗旨。本教材每一课包含两个对话,由浅至深,简单、实用;课后设有形式多样的练习并附有参考译文。本教材于2005年8月作为校内教材开始使用,至今已5年,得到广大师生的认可。现在原有教材基础上进行修订,对课文内容进行补充和调整,增加背景知识介绍。本教材具有较强的针对性、应用性及可操作性,适合未来从事银行职业的中职学生及相当水平人士使用。


Lesson One  Making InquiriesLesson Two  Opening an AccountLesson Three  Handling Time DepositLesson Four  Handling WithdrawalsLesson Five   Exchanging Foreign CurrenciesLesson Six   Cashing a Traveller's CheckLesson Seven  Handling ReconversionLesson Eight  Reporting a Lost PassbookLesson Nine  Renting a Safe Deposit BoxLesson Ten  Handling Outward RemittanceLesson Eleven  Handling Inward RemittanceLesson Twelve  Offering a Housing LoanLesson Thirteen  Offering a Foreign Exchange Loan附录  附录一  对话参考译文  附录二  主要国家或地区货币名称中英文对照表  附录三  主要大银行名称中英文对照表  附录四  听力练习原文主要参考文献


  The most common banking service is the checking account (支票账户). People deposit their money in the bank, and then they can write checks to buy things. A check is a piece of paper. It tells the bank to pay the seller. The bank must pay the seller from the customers account. The customer usually pays the bank a service charge (服务费) for a checking account.  Another banking service is the savings account (储蓄账户). People can de-posit some of their money in a savings account. They do not usually need this money right now. They leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need it. The bank will pay interest on the savings account, Interest is the money that the bank gives to the customer.  Loans (贷款) are an important banking service. Banks give money to businesses and individuals (企业或个人). A bank may loan money to a business to buy more machines or tools. Some people borrow money from the bank to buy a house or a car. The bank always charges interest on loans (收职贷款利息). The borrower must repay the loan (偿还贷款) plus the interest. The interest on loans is always higher than the interest on savings accounts.



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