
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:(美)韦斯特,(美)特纳 著,赵刚 改编  页数:347  


本书对传播理论在我们生活中的运用做了实用、有趣且具有针对性的探索。全书以大量实际和具有应用性的案例把抽象理论转化为易于学习者接受的,并能应用于实际生活的知识,很好地祛除了理论的神秘感,帮助学习者更系统地掌握传播理论。   本书有助于学习者加深对传播学领域原理、核心概念及重要理论的印象和理解,对不具备传播学理论背景的初学者也大有裨益。


理查德·韦斯特(Richard West),波特兰南缅因州大学(Universitv of Southern Maine in Portland)传播系教授。他在伊利诺伊州立大学获得学士和硕士学位,在俄亥俄大学获博士学位。理查德^A1984年开始任教,他的教学与研究兴趣从家庭多样性研究一直到师生传播研究。理


第一部分 搭建舞台 第1章 什么是传播 第2章 建构我们的过去和现在 第3章 理解研究过程第二部分 理解对话 第4章 象征性互动理论 第5章 意义协调理论 第6章 认知不协调理论 第7章 期望违背理论 第8章 不确定性降低理论 第9章 社会渗透理论 第10章 社会交换理论 第11章 关系的辩证法理论 第12章 传播隐私管理理论 第l3章 群体思维 第14章 适应结构化理论 第15章 组织文化理论 第16章 组织信息理论 第17章 修辞术 第18章 戏剧理论 第19章 叙事范式 第20章 文化研究 第21章 培养分析 第22章 使用与满足理论 第23章 沉默的螺旋理论 第24章 媒介理论 第25章 面子一协商理论 第26章 立场理论 第27章 失语群体理论 第28章 传播适应理论第三部分 转向新的方向 第29章   向着新的方向前进


  Basic Suppositions of CPM  As we have noted, CPM is concerned with explaining peoples negotiation processes around disclosing private information. Our first task, then, is defining private information. Some researchers have stated that "what makes things private is in large part their importance to our conceptions of ourselves and to our relationships with others". Petronio commented that people define private information as information about things that matter deeply to them. Thus, the process of communicating private information in relationships with others becomes private disclosures. As we have stated previously, CPM focuses on private disclosures rather than self-disclosures.  The emphasis away from self-disclosure makes a distinction between CPMs definition of disclosure and that of traditional research on openness.CPM views the definition differently in three ways. First, private disclosure puts more emphasis on the personal content of the disclosure than does traditional self-disclosure literature. In doing this, CPM gives more credence to the substance of disclosures, or that which is considered private. Additionally,CPM examines how people disclose through a rule-based system. Finally, CPM does not consider that disclosures are only about the self. Disclosures are a communicative process. As Petronio observes, "to fully understand the depth and breadth of a disclosure, CPM does not restrict the process to only the self, but extends it to embrace multiple levels of disclosure including self and group. Consequently, CPM theory offers a privacy management system that identifies ways privacy boundaries are coordinated between and among individuals".  Communication Privacy Management Theory accomplishes this goal by proposing five basic suppositions: private information, private boundaries,control and ownership, rule-based management system, and management dialectics (see Figure 12.1). We will explain each of these basic suppositions of the theory in turn.




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  •   理论书,深入浅出。
  •   买回来,才知道是纯正的英文版哦,疯了。
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  •   绝对不错除了封面和目录以外绝对是全英文如同天书
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