出版时间:2010-4 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:李箐,(澳)杨春 编著 页数:262 字数:402000
雅思学术类阅读考试采用的是题库制,在实战考试中,3篇阅读文章都考新文章的概率极低,通常新老文章的比例是2新+1老、1新+2老或3老。而且,根据笔者十几年来教授雅思学术类阅读及数十次亲身参加实战考试的经验,越是重复考过的老文章越容易再次出现。因此,本书收录了近2年重复率较高的真题源文,比如:美国肥胖、龙涎香、海獭、考拉、人类五种感觉、厄尔尼诺现象、计时器发展史、阅读的教学方法、机器人和海底热流排放等多篇文章。 近2年共计有3671名参加环球雅思学校培训的考生在课堂上对由以上文章汇编成的10套题进行了真题源文演练,效果喜人:2007年有162名学员取得了8分以上的成绩并领取了奖学金。我相信,“强者恒强”,这些真题源文在2009年也一定会再次出现,让演练过这些真题的考生真正受益。 对于已经接受过雅思学术类阅读考试正规培训的考生,他们可以直接演练这些由真题源文汇编成的10套高仿真模拟题。对于没有接受过雅思学术类阅读考试正规培训和虽接受过培训但依然对考试摸不着头脑的考生,建议先阅读雅思学术类阅读考试题型和评分标准,以便快速掌握学术类阅读的特点、解题的正确思路和技巧,并精心揣摩套题精解示范,然后再做练习。
第一部分 雅思阅读学术类真题题源10套 TEST PAPER 1 PASSAGE 1 口译:同传和交传 PASSAGE 2 生物防治 PASSAGE 3阅读的教学方法 TEST PAPER 2 PASSAGE 1 鲸鱼的文化和语言 PASSAGE 2 看电视上瘾 PASSAGE 3 恐惧研究 TEST PAPER 3· PASSAGE 1 机器人 PASSAGE 2城市规划 PASSAGE 3美国电影 TEST PAPER 4 PASSAGE 1海底热流排放 PASSAGE 2 电击试验 PASSAGE 3 厄尔尼诺现象 TEST PAPER 5 PASSAGE 1 未来汽车业 PASSAGE 2 幽默研究 PASSAGE 3 计时器发展史 TEST PAPER 6 PASSAGE 1 英国天才工程师——伊萨姆巴德·金德姆·布鲁内尔 PASSAGE 2 水坝的灾难 PASSAGE 3 考拉(树袋熊) TEST PAPER 7 PASSAGE 1 美国肥胖 PASSAGE 2 玻璃研究 PASSAGE 3 学术腐败 TEST PAPER 8 PASSAGE 1 选择和幸福 PASSAGE 2 鲸鱼的感觉 PASSAGE 3 语言学派 TEST PAPER 9 PASSAGE 1 地图发展史 PASSAGE 2 仿生学研究 PASSAGE 3 人类五种感觉 TEST PAPER 10 PASSAGE 1 海獭 PASSAGE 2 龙涎香 PASSAGE 3 社会学试验第二部分 雅思阅读学术类2套模拟试题 TEST 1 TEST 2第三部分 附录附录1 2007年8月-2008年8月中国考区雅思考试阅读学术类文章汇总附录2 单词总表
C Classical biological control is the introduction of natural enemies to a new locale where they did not originate or do not occur naturally. This is usually done by government authorities. In many instances the complex of natural enemies associated with an insect pest may be inadequate. This is especially evident when an insect pest is accidentally introduced into a new geographic area without its associated natural enemies. These introduced pests are referred to as exotic pests and comprise about 40% of the insect pests in the United States. Examples of introduced vegetable pests include the European corn borer, one of the most destructive insects in North America. To obtain the needed natural enemies, scientists turned to classical biological control. This is the practice of importing, and releasing for establishment, natural enemies to control an introduced (exotic) pest, although it is also practiced against native insect pests. The first step in the process is to determine the origin of the introduced pest and then collect appropriate natural enemies associated with the pest or closely related species. The natural enemy is then passed through a rigorous quarantine process, to ensure that no unwanted organisms (such as by per parasitoids) are introduced, then they are mass produced, and released. Follow-up studies are conducted to determine if the natural enemy becomes successfully established at the site of release, and to assess the long-term benefit of its presence. D There are many examples of successful classical biological control programs. One of the earliest successes was with the cottony cushion scale, a pest that was devastating the California citrus industry in the late 1800s. A predatory insect, the Vidalia beetle, and a parasitoid fly were introduced from Australia. Within a few years the cottony cushion scale was completely controlled by these introduced natural enemies. E Damage from the Alfalfa weevil, a serious introduced pest of forage, was substantially reduced by the introduction of several natural enemies. About 20 years after their introduction, the population of weevils, in the alfalfa area treated for alfalfa weevil in the northeastern United States, was reduced by 75 percent.