
出版时间:2008-10  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:(美)凯什岚斯基 等著,葛晓华 审校/注释  页数:624  






作者:(美国)马克.凯什岚斯基 (美国)帕特里克.吉尔里 (美国)帕特里夏.奥布赖恩


Detailed ContentsPrefaceSupplementsAbout the AuthorsINTRODUCTION: The Idea of Western CivilizationChapter 1  The First CivilizationsChapter 2  Early Greece,2500-500 B.C.E.Chapter 3  Classical and Hellenistic Greece,500-100 B.C.E.Chapter 4  Eady Rome and the Roman Republic,800-146 B.C.E.Chapter 5  Imperial Rome,146 B.C.E.-192 C.E.Chapter 6  The Transformation of the Classical World,192-500Chapter 7  The Classical Legacy in the East: Byzantium and IslamChapter 8  The West in the Early Middle Ages,500-900Chapter 9  The High Middle Ages,900-1300Chapter 10  The Later Middle Ages,1300-1500Chapter 11  The Italian RenaissanceChapter 12  The European Empires Chapter 13 The Reform of ReligionChapter 14  Europeat War,I555-I648Chapter 15  The Experiences of Life in Early Modern Europe,1500-1650Chapter 16  The Royal State in the Seventeenth CenturyChapter 17  Science and Commerce in Early Modern EuropeChapter 18  The Balance of Power in Eighteenth-Century EuropeChapter 19  Culture and Society in Eighteenth-Century EuropeChapter 20  The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era,1789-1815Chapter 21  Industrial EuropeChapter 22  Political Upheavals and Social Transformations,1815-1850Chapter 23  State Building and Social Change in Europe,1850-1871Chapter 24  The Crisis ofEuropean Culture,1871-1914Chapter 25  Europe and the World,1870-1914Chapter 26  War and Revolution,1914-1920Chapter 27  The European Search for Stability,1920-1939Chapter 28  Global Conflagration: Wodd War Ⅱ,/939-1945Chapter 29  The Cold War and Postwar Economic Recovery,1945-1970Chapter 30  The End of the Cold War and New Global Challenges,1970 to the Present词汇与注释


The West is an idea.It is not visible from space.An astro-naut viewing the blue——and·-white terrestrial sphere can make out the forms of Africa,bounded by the Atlantic,the Indian Ocean,the Red Sea,and the Mediterranean.Australia,the Americas,and even Antarctica are distinct patches of blue-green in the darker waters that surround them.But nothing comparable separates Asia from Europe,East from West.Viewed from 100 miles up,the West itself is invisible.Although astronauts can see the great Eurasian landmass curving around the Northern Hemisphere,the Ural Mountainsmthe theoretical boundary between East and West——appear faint from space.Certainly they are less impressive than the towering Himalayas,the Alps,or even the Caucasus.People,not geology,determined that the Urals should be the arbitrary boundary between Europe and Asia.  Even this determination took centuries.Originally,Europe was a name that referred only to central Greece.Gradually,Greeks extended it to include the whole Greek mainland and then the landmass to the north.Later,Roman explorers and soldiers carried Europe north and west to its modern bound-aries.Asia too grew with time.Initially,Asia was only that small portion of what is today Turkey inland from the Aegean Sea.Gradually,as Greek explorers came to know of lands far-ther east,north,and south,they expanded their understand。ing of Asia to include everything east of the Don River to the north and ofthe Red Sea to the south.  Western civilization is as much an idea as the West itsel Under the right conditions,astronauts can see the Great Wall of China snaking its way from the edge of the Himalayas to the Yellow Sea.No comparable physical legacy ofthe West is so mas-sire that its details can be discerned from space.Nor are Western achievements rooted forever in one corner of the world.Ⅵ1at we call Western civilization belongs to no particular place.Its lo.cation has changed since the origins of civilization,that is,the cultural and social traditions characteristic of the civitas,or city.Western”cities appeared first outside the”West),in the Tigris and Euphrates river basins in present-day Iraq and Iran,a region山at we today call the Middle East.These areas have never losttheir urban traditions,but in time,other cities in North Africa,Greece,and Italy adapted and expanded this heritage.  Until the sixteenth century c…E the western end of the Eurasian landmass was the crucible in which disparate cul.tural and intellectual traditions of the Near East.the Mediterranean,and northern and western Europe were smelted into a new and powerful alloy.Then“the West”ex-panded by establishing colonies overseas and by giving rise tothe“settler societies”of the Americas,Australia and NewZealand,and South Africa.Western technology for harnessing nature,Westerh formsof economic and political organization,Western styles of artand music are for good or ill-一dominant influences inworld civilization.Japan is a leading power in the Western tra.ditions of capitalist commerce and technology.China,themost populous country in the world,adheres to Marxist so.cialist principles——a European political tradition.Millions ofpeople in Africa,Asia,and the Americas follow the religions ofIslam and Christianity,both of which developed fromJudaism in the cradle ofWestern civilization.


《西方文明史(第5版)》囊括了历史地理、政治制度、经济样式、地区冲突与战争、宗教、思想观念、文化艺术、社会生活等诸多的内容,让读者对西方文明史的整体轮廓与丰厚积淀有了一个比较清晰的认识。This bust of Socrates portrays himwith the traditional beard of thephilosopher.His features display thetraditiOn that thiS man.whosethoughts were the most beautiful.was nevertheless of rema rkablyhomely appearance.The battle of Agincourt(1415)wasone of the great battles of the HundredYears’War.The heavily armoredFrench cavalry mel defeat at lhehands of a much smaller force ofdisciplined English pikemen andIongbowmen.This image of Henry VIII is amongthe most recognizable from an age of mona rchy that began in the sixteenth century and coincided withthe consoI;dations of nations in western Europe and their expansioninto aII CO rners of the g10be Everywhere small principalities and kingdoms were absorbed by theirlarger and more powerful neighbors,and Europe'S military might was ondisplay as far easl as India and asfar west as Peru.Though Englandplayed but a smalI part in a centurydominated by Spain and France,even its monarch could believe thathe bestrode lhe world fike a colossus.This cartoon depicts the plightof the French peasants.An oldfa rme r iS bowed down Unde rthe weight of the p riviIegeda ristoc racy and cle rgy whilebirds and rabbits,protected byunfair game laws,eat his crops.




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  •   这本书努力使其在连续性和变化方面能达到完美的融合。以使读者真正有机会了解西方文明史核心的重要观点。本书并未局限于欧洲史的范围,为了将西方文明置于一个更广阔的领域,它对世界其他一些地区,比如美国和一些非西方地区的文明也作了简要的论述,因为它们与西方世界存在着相互的影响。书中每个部分首尾之处的导言和回顾简要地概括出对主要历史时期的看法。书中还有些以历史学家不同观点为主的解释性文章,以鼓励读者对过去公认的一些推论产生有益的怀疑,学会对历史研究的意图提出问题。书中附有大量的地图及插图,突出和补充了文字内容。
  •   内容翔实,语言流畅,为西方文明发展勾勒出了清晰的轮廓,实为一本不可多得的好书。
  •   很大很厚的一本。之前有本中文翻譯版本的,和這版的對照。個人認為了解西方文明還是用英文得好。
  •   西方文明史,很好的一本书,英语专业的很值得读~~~
  •   我想了解西方历史,这本书很好。外国人写的东西比较客观。中国人三个代表,八荣八耻学多了,写的都比较片面。
  •   其实这本书作为学习西方文化的选读教材有点难,不知道是不是我水平有限的问题。看不进去。字体很小。
  •   一直都比较喜欢西方人的历史写作方式,把诸多博大精深的东西像讲诉故事一般娓娓道来,让人倍觉亲切,没有距离感...各章节篇幅不大,但所涉及的范围广,内容丰富...由于才看一点点,没有多少发言权...总之个人是很喜欢这本书。
  •   很不多的一本书吧,和世界文明史一个系列
  •   文句通俗易懂,虽然是高级英语,但是语法和词汇并不复杂,适合大多数人读
  •   内容非常翔实,图片印刷质量很高,尤其是里面的历史地图,非常精确,有利于读者学习。
  •   内容翔实,又配有插图,历史跃然于眼前,喜欢!
  •   英语好的人 可以买来读的
  •   英文原版读起来是很吃力的,不过内容很丰富,可以得知整个人类的是非纠葛。由于个人的能力,至今只看了三大章,希望以后可以好好把它看完。
  •   学英语的人专业推荐此书,富含各类英语知识,托福考题库等
  •   非常好学习英语
  •   插图很不错,大概是很多外国书的特点吧,插图和文字并用。讲解很详细,也是提高英语不错的书籍。
  •   一本值得看的好书。内容很丰富。
  •   内容非常丰富的一本书,值得仔细阅读
  •   上课教材,人大出版社原版引进,不过纸张质量一般,性价比超高啊
  •   大学时候的教材,买来做纪念~
  •   主要学英文,偏贵
  •   it is very hard for most english learner. if anybody wants to be translator, suggest buy.
  •   书不错,但是我是高二学生,以我的水平看不太懂。我要好好努力了!
  •   当资料还不错。
  •   原版的英文书,学习与阅读两不误,不错!
  •   一本西方历史的详细描述!
  •   文明史,交融史.学英语,读历史,一举两得.
  •   适合对西方史入门了解,全英文,要有点英文基础
  •   作为英语学习教材也挺不错
  •   已经翻阅,内容全面.印刷尚清晰.
  •   送单的速度有待提高!
  •   在图书馆看到了就想买,只是这本书的封面似乎没有图书馆的质量好啊。
  •   物流坑爹啊,2号下单11号才到。。。
  •   书看起来比较旧,本来以为书的表面会有塑料薄膜包着的,结果没有。书看起来粘了很多灰似的,不满意。
  •   内容详实但枯燥
  •   貌似纸质没有之前在图书馆看到的好
  •   纸张太**了,超薄。其他的还好。
  •   快递居然把我送错地点了,很气氛!
  •   还是快递,不得不说很差劲
  •   从没遇到这样的物流,还把我的书弄坏了,很生气
  •   快递很坑人,严重影响了我的学习,让人愤怒!!!
  •   快递**,严重影响到了我的学习!!!投诉
  •   买这本书是作为讲课用的参考教材。看了这本书,才真正感觉到国内大学历史教材和美国的差距,国内教材是居高临下,把学生作为吸收知识的容器。而美国大学在编写教材时,真正体现学生为中心,处处考虑到学生的需要,启发式教学,编写教材的皆为当今著名学者,然而,阅读时,看不到一点大学者的架子,倒是经常“屈尊”去讨教学生和一线教师的意见。书中以丰富直观的史料,极力启发读者对西方文明史的重大问题进行思考,形成自己的见解。而其语言通俗易懂,英语不太好的读者也能借助书后词汇表读懂。唯一缺憾是人大出版社在影印版中删去了每章节后的参考书目和网站导航,这样也夺去了读书一大乐趣--探索求知,希望能在新版中补上这一部分。
  •   影印书里,这个算不错的。基本是完全按原版影印的。排版、地图、图片都保留了,虽然是黑白的。比北大出的西学影印丛书好多了,还便宜。
  •   作者的描述带有一定倾向性,观点有些不是很合理。
  •   书很好,内容没得说,对了解西方文明进程的参考价值很有价值,但是属于“英文改编版”(书后写得很明白!),还没有机会看到原版,但相信当有少许适应当局要求的改动!相比北京大学的明显删节,算很人道了!另外,纸张太薄了!如果天气潮湿点,有书页就会变得凸出来, 参差不齐的。
  •   很好的书,性价比很高 值得购买
  •   性价比高,书内容很厚,也有很多插图,虽说黑白版,但不影响阅览,唯一不足是纸张很薄。
  •   非常好,西方的历史也是人类历史中的一个瑰宝。我们是中国人,可能非常偏爱中国文化,但是如果懂得外语的话,去看看西方的文明,对读者来说是受益匪浅的。
  •   该商品很不错,是正品
  •   英语专业老师要求看的,排版和内容都很不错。
  •   封面有损坏,书没有问题
  •   非常好,比国内相关书籍好的太多了
  •   对于到英语学习的很有帮助,加强了写作思维和语感,又丰富了知识,要静下心来看。
  •   很厚很厚的书,内容非常丰富,很好的一本书,但需要一定英语基础,词汇很难
  •   用来学英语不错,而且价格实惠
  •   背面角破了一小点,但是还行吧 关键是类容吓到我了 真的好大好大的书
  •   内容简洁明了,涉及范围广
  •   本来还蛮忐忑,自己英文烂,但是讲西方史的中文书大多要么太浅显要么太枯燥,还好这本书的英文大多都看得懂,内容也比较生动,配图很丰富合理,真的有感觉说啊,老外读的是这样的书啊,的感觉。如果是原版书的话纸质会更好些,但这个价格够了。开始了翻译事业(说得太牛叉了?),呵呵,总之,推荐。
  •   书很好,质量也很好,我在大学讲西方文化入门这个课,对老师本身读起来很适合,但对于学生来说难度太大了。
  •   书还是非常不错的,不过呢,还是呢西方人的逻辑和东方人的逻辑不同,内容描述感觉有点小杂乱了,要对照中文的走出野蛮之类的书来看才好
  •      之前被本书的印刷质量蒙蔽,给了4星的评价,拿过来大致翻了一下,感觉作为一本历史入门教材非常不合格。作者在其中的倾向性非常大,这也是它能够在中国出版的原因。比如,对于人类历史上最大的人道主义灾难,列宁的高征购计划和后继者斯大林的大清洗,作者几乎只字未提。对于苏联公然动用坦克毒气轰炸机镇压本国农民暴动,作者一句话:“在内战方面,列宁并不比前几任政府有更多的选择,1000万平民死亡(大意)。” 当然,关于苏联毒气镇压农民有可能是资本主义的洗脑,对于伟大社会主义的卑劣进攻。可是即使中国教材也对于欧文的空想社会主义无情批判,书中只字未提这些闹剧是如何收场,反而给了如下评价,让我大跌眼镜:
       Owen established a principle of communal regulation to improve both the work and the character of his employees. New Lanark became the model of the world of the future.
       其次,书中的逻辑性并不强,比如分析东西罗马为何走了不同的道路,作者指出一条原因是西罗马存在popular poverty, 而东罗马没有,这条论据与前面的大量论述相矛盾。东罗马大部分地区属于征服地区,作者在前面提到很多次地方长官如何腐败,残酷压榨征服地区,为何穷的反而是罗马本土呢?其次,基督教在传播过程中,作者提到大部分信徒的是贫民,而贵族还是信朱庇特。那为何基督教发扬光大的地方不是穷鬼大乐园罗马,而是富有的君士坦丁?而且说东罗马继承了爱琴海地区国家热爱自由的传统,这个更是公然无视东罗马政教合一的体制。 当然,入门教材可以不要求那么高,完全可以忽略一些东西,可是作为入门教材容易让人产生一些先入为主的偏见,比如说土地兼并问题和今日对照。所以我认为这本书只能作为一本当作英语练习册,就别当历史读物看了。
  •   这本书上还写着 葛晓华 校

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