
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:刘如意 编  页数:226  


  物流英语是物流管理专业的专业课之一。通过本课程的学习,学生能初步掌握与物流相关的各种专业知识和术语,掌握基本物流单证的填写和使用技能,为学生走向社会、提升就业平台奠定基础。  本书采用模块化方式安排内容,以物流知识的介绍和应用为主线,内容逐渐递进,相互关联。每个模块既是教材的组成部分,又具有相对完整性和独立性。考虑到高职高专的教育特点,理论内容以“必需、够用”为度,突出实际应用能力的培养。  本教材具有以下特点:  1.把握高职高专教育特点,合理安排内容,难度适中。  (1)本书的一个突出特点就是难度较为适中,这是由高职高专教育的要求和生源特点决定的。从我们对学生所做的调研可知,大部分学生对英语尤其是专业英语的学习愿望是十分热切的。大多数高职高专学生都参加过高考,高中教育使得他们具有了一定水平的英语能力,如果教材过于简单,将不利于他们提高英语能力和学习更多的知识,而直接拿本科教材来使用,也不符合学生实际的英语掌握情况。  (2)本书内容基本覆盖了物流领域的专业知识,理论知识点到为止。本书分别围绕什么是物流、物流的两个核心职能——运输和仓储、物流采购、物流包装和信息技术、物流成本管理、第三方物流、供应链管理、商业信函、物流单证等来组织内容。从物流基础知识到物流管理知识、从物流到与之相关的商流,内容前后衔接,形成一体,尤其是对商业信函和物流单证这些在实际应用中十分重要的知识,我们重点做了介绍。对于理论知识,我们遵照“必需、够用”的要求,基本上做到点到为止,不做深入研究和阐述。  (3)内容安排符合当前学生考证能力的培养要求。本书在内容安排上紧密结合当前十分热门的物流师考试、助理物流师考试以及国际货运代理资格考试的考试要求,能使学生更加轻松地应付上述考试项目中的英语部分。


通过学习本书,学生能初步掌握与物流相关的各种专业知识和术语。以及基本物流单证的填写和使用技能,为学生走向社会、提升就业平台奠定基础。    本书采用模块化内容安排,以物流知识的介绍和应用为主线,内容逐渐递进,相互关联。每个模块既是教材的组成部分,又具有相对完整性和独立性。考虑到高职高专教育的特点,理论内容安排以“必需、够用”为度,突出实际应用能力的培养。


Chapter One The Introduction of Logistics  Unit One  The General Introduction of Logistics  Unit Two  Career in Logistics  Reading MaterialChapter Two Transportation  Unit One  Transport Modes  Unit Two  The International Marine Market  Reading Material  Chapter Three  Warehousing Management & Inventory Control   Unit One  The Classification of Warehouse  Unit Two  Inventory Management  Reading MaterialChapter Four Purchasing Management  Unit One  The Importance of Purchasing  Unit Two  Globalized Purchasing  Reading MaterialChapter Five Logistics Packaging & Information Processing  Unit One  Industrial Packaging  Unit Two  Information Technology in Logistics  Reading MaterialChapter Six Logistics Cost Management  Unit One  How Are Logistics Costs Represented?  Unit Two  Activity-Based Costing  Reading MaterialChapter Seven supply Chain Management  Unit One  What Is Supply Chain Management?  Unit Two  SCM vs Logistics Management  Reading MaterialChapter  Eight Third Party Logistics  Unit One  Third Party Logistics  Unit Two  How to Manage Third Party Logistics  Reading MaterialChapter Nine Logistics Documentation  Unit One  Letter of Credit  Unit Two  How to Read and Use A Letter of Credit  Reading MaterialChapter Ten Business Correspondence  Unit One  Contents of Business Letter  Unit Two  How to Write a Good Business Letter?  Reading Material参考文献


  Regardless of what kind of companies they areand how experienced they are in outsourcing, 3PLsface common challenges to prime their mar-ket. These include:  Self Evaluation: How a Third Party LogisticsProvider sees itself frames how it presents and posi-tions itself in the market. Is it an ocean carrier witha 3PL service option? Or is it a logistics service pro-vider with a strong shipping, transport, warehouseor forwarding capability? A Third Party Logistics Provider should honestly assess its strengths andweaknesses, its capabilities and limitations, and carefully position itself to find a comfortableniche in the market as self position has significant impact on its strategy.  Strategy Development: Strategy is how a Third Party Logistics Provider differentiates itselffrom others in the marketplace. It strongly affects which customers a company targets and what typeof service a company provides. With the strategy, a company can assemble the resources and ap-proaches needed for the market that it has selected. If 3PLs are adept at physical logistics, moremarket strategies should be adopted to avoid direct competition. On the other hand, if 3PLs aremore proficient in international and managerial logistics solutions, they should develop more chan-nels in the global market.  An Outstanding Management Team: Outstanding management requires a leadership who has asustainable vision of the processes, goals and methodology of the business. These leaders are pro-active, not reactive, seeing the logistics service and supply chain process, not the freight, ware-house or other assets employed. These executives can break the company from its commodity serv-ice origins into being a value-adding service provider.  Market Research: Depending on the market position, 3PLs may be looking for general or specific information as to opportunities, with the market or with themselves. The information in- cludes composition, size, trends and needs of the market. 3PLs should find who are the custom- ers, what they need, what external factors exist for customers. And remember, customers are both new and existing, with changing needs.  Organization: Organization structure will be vertical, horizontal or matrix. It should reflect not only the positions in a company but also the employees assigned to those positions. And more importantly, it should support the means to provide a dynamic, ongoing logistics service with suc- cessful results.  Other Skill Sets: To be a supply chain service solution provider, certain skill sets should be developed, with which a tailored logistics program will be made to fit the specific needs of each customer. These skill sets are process design capability, personnel training, negotiatiort skills, IT technology, cost management, customer service and advertising.



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