
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:冯修文 编  页数:229  




Part Ⅰ  Spoken English for Secretary Chapter One  Reception   Section 1  At the Office   Section 2  At the Exhibitions & Conventions   Section 3  At the Airport Chapter Two  Making & Answering Telephone Calls   Section 1  Putting through Telephone Calls   Section 2  Leaving a Message over the Phone   Section 3  Making the Wrong Telephone Calls Chapter Three  Business Communication on the Phone   Section 1  Making Appointments   Section 2  Making Reservations   Section 3  Seeking Information Chapter Four  Conference Arrangement   Section 1  Before the Conference   Section 2  During the Conference   Section 3  Post-Conference Chapter Five  Management of Business   Section 1  Something Urgent   Section 2  Letters Processing   Section 3  Complaint SettlementPart Ⅱ  Document Writing Chapter One  Work Documents   Section 1  Announcement   Section 2  Meeting Arrangement   Section 3  Meeting Minutes   Section 4  MEMOs   Section 5  Business Trip Arrangement Chapter Two Ceremonial Documents   Section 1  Letters of Thanks   Section 2  Letters Of Congratulations   Section 3  Letters of Apologies   Section 4  Letters of Sympathy Chapter Three  Social Documents (Ⅰ)   Section 1  Letters of Inquiry   Section 2  Letters of Appointment   Section 3  Letters of Invitation   Section 4  Proposals   Section 5  Letters of Complaint Chapter Four  Social Documents (Ⅱ)   Section 1  Letters of Introduction   Section 2  Letters of Recommendation   Section 3  Letters of Request   Section 4  Job Application Letters   Section 5  Letters of Resignation Chapter Five  Human Resources Documents   Section 1  Enrollment   Section 2  Offer   Section 3  Termination of Employment   Section 4  Internal Transfer Chapter Six  Business Documents   Section 1  Establishing Business Relations   Section 2  Inquiries, Offers & Counter-offers   Section 3  Orders & Contracts   Section 4  Terms of Payment   Section 5  Insurance & ShipmentBibliography



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用户评论 (总计13条)


  •   很实用的一本书,特别是适用于英文基础一般般的同志
  •   非常实用,内容丰富。
  •   内容不错,比较实用.
  •   帮学生买的教材书,赶紧还不错,有光盘的话就更好了
  •   个人感觉比较实用
  •   学校用的就是这本书,还不错
  •   比较适合考试用
  •   挺好的,对于口译也有帮助,很好
  •   内容分了两部分,口语和实用写作之类的。感觉内容很易懂。不费力,算的上是一个遇到问题就翻阅的小教材了。要是想深入学习可能要寻求更有深度的教材嘞。
  •   即使不从事文秘这一类,终究还是要学习语言的,但是首先要打好基础
  •   刚接触感觉还比较讲解还是比较易懂,不是很厚的一本教材,蛮喜欢的期待自己的进步
  •   买到后我老师竟然说她也有。。哇哇。。还行。。
  •   书不是很实用,发的快递好慢

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