出版时间:2008-5 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:宋利芳 等主编 页数:294
《经济学专业英语教程》(第二版)共分上、下两册。上册共设计14单元,每一单元包括主课文和副课文,系统介绍了经济学方面的基础知识和基本理论,具有较强的系统性和完整性,涵盖了微观经济学和宏观经济学的主要内容。 本书结构严谨,内容权威,知识通俗,是经济学专业本科生的参考教材、非经济学专业本科生的通识课教材。
Unit One Text: What Is Economics? Additional Text: The Economic Problem Text: Demand and Supply Additional Text: Supply and Demand and Odd Yellow FruitUnit Three Text: Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply Additional Text: How Landlords Respond to Rent Control: The Case of New York City Text: Cost of Production Additional Text: Economies and Diseconomies of ScaleUint Four Text: Monopoly Additional Text: Perfect CompetitionNint Five Text: Oligopoly Additional Text: Monopolistic CompetitionUnit Seven Text: Gross Domestic Product Additional Text: Two Alternative Approaches of MeasurinE GDP Text: Economic Growth Additional Text: Sources of Economic DevelopmentUnit Nine Text: Inflation Additional Text: Unemployment Text: Money and Banking Additional Text: Facing the Impact of Foreign BanksUnit Eleven Text: Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate Additional Text: Exchange Rates and Trade Text: The Balance of Payments Additional Text: International Monetary Systems Text: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Additional Text: Lags in the Economy's Response to Monetary and Fiscal Policy Text: Role of Government in the Economy Additional Text: Government's Policies Toward ExternalitiesAppendix Ⅰ Answers to ExercisesAppendix Ⅱ Chinese Translation of the Texts
本书是“大学专业英语系列教材”中的经济类上册(共上、下两册)。按照新教学大纲的要求,本书适合于目前在校的大学二至三年级学生,是较为理想的英语加专业知识的“大学英语”教材。 本书兼顾英语语言的学习应用和经济学专业知识两个方面。学生在锻炼英语应用能力的同时,又可学到经济学方面的知识。