
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:(英)朱丽叶·狄森伯莉  页数:449  


《皆大欢喜》通常与《无事生非》及《第十二夜》并列为莎翁的三大欢庆喜剧(festive comedy)。本剧有若干常见的莎剧主题,例如:由宫廷城都进入原始森林、善恶对比的两兄弟、女扮男装等等。    本剧的独特点之一是亚登森林,它有些类似侠盗罗宾汉的雪梧森林、圣经里的伊甸园,或是文学传统的田野雅卡迪(Acardia),象征着理想世界的憧憬及向往。女主角罗莎琳是莎剧中最生动迷人的角色之一,而她女扮男装后和奥兰多所发展的情谊,则引发了同性恋议题。     本剧在莎士比亚逝世后一直到1740年才开始有演出记录,之后逐渐成为莎剧的常备剧目。到了20世纪,本剧因为同时呈现纯真与嘲讽、浪漫与写实,而同时吸引了喜好知识与梦想的观众。


作者:(英国)朱丽叶·狄森伯莉 (Juliet Dusinberre)


List of illustrationsGeneral editors’ prefacePrefaceIntroduction  A brief view of the play  Fictions of gender    Rosalind and the boy actor    Later Rosalinds    Celia    Orlando    Phoebe and Audrey  Date  The Forest of Arden    Well, this is the Forest of Arden’    The hunt    Robin Hood and his merry men    Staging the Forest of Arden  Early foresters    The Earl of Essex    Thomas Morley  Realms of gold    Shakespeare and Thomas Lodge    Shakespeare and Sidney    Harington, Ariosto and Rabelais    Golden worlds  Pastoral    Genre: entertainments for Elizabeth    Corin and Touchstone    Borderlands: love and politics    A wise man and a fool: Jaques and Touchstone  ‘A speaking picture’: readers and painters  Text    The staying order    The Folio text: provenance and editorial practices    Text and performance  Epilogue: ‘All the world’s a stage’AS YOU LIKE IT  Appendix 1: A court epilogue, Shrovetide 1599  Appendix 2: Casting and doubling  Appendix 3: Ben Jonson, As You Like It and the ‘War of the Theatres’  Appendix 4: The Douai manuscript  Appendix 5: Political after-lives: Veracini’s opera Rosalinda(1744)and Charles Johnson’s Love in a Forest(1723)  Abbreviations and references    Abbreviations used in notes    Works by and partly by Shakespeare    Editions of Shakespeare collated    Other works cited      Manuscripts      Other works    Stage and film productions cited      Eighteenth-century productions      Nineteenth-century productions      Twentieth-century productions      Twenty-first-century productionsIndex






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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   阿登版的莎士比亚,应该是最好的,人大引进的。但书有点厚,有点沉,个人还是比较喜欢企鹅等出版那种薄薄的轻轻的书。
  •   阿登版莎士比亚堪称英文版莎士比亚中的经典,值得一读。
  •   看到如此好的注解,如此精良的印刷,莎士比亚一定会非常高兴的。读莎翁戏剧,注解是必不可少的。许多版本便宜,但是略去了重要的注解部分,实在是对读者的不负责任。这个英文影印版做到了对莎翁戏剧中用词、典故等的准确注释,是学习和阅读莎翁的好伴侣!
  •   自己是买书狂,把这套书都买齐啦
  •   这套书的确很好。
  •   包装精美 内容丰富
  •   原本的 书真好
  •   人大出版社引进的这套阿登本品质一流, 可惜只有第一系列的10本, 期待继续引进.
  •   书的质量还蛮好的。

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