出版时间:2007-3 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:马哈詹,邦高 页数:230 译者:金永红
发达国家的人口仅占世界人口的工4%,这些国家的市场已经饱和,竞争异常激烈。然而,大多数公司仍固守传统市场法则,在“红海”中血拼。 占世界人口86%的发展中国家则蕴藏着大量的潜在机会。这些国家的年人均国民生产总值虽不足工万美元,但累积起来却是一个十分巨大的市场。 一些有远见的公司,如宝洁、联合利华、可口可乐等,早就开始针对86咒市场制定和实施战略,并取得了显著的业绩。通用电气公司更是明确表示,在未来10年内,其增长的60%将来自发展中国家。 开拓86%市场需要全新的思维和战略战术。本书基于众多跨国公司的实践而得出的全面解决方案,无论对于国际化公司,还是在本国市场上与跨国公司竞争的中国公司来说,都是一份十分宝贵的财富。
第1章 充满机会的新大陆 86%的机会 不同层次上的机会 新兴市场的特点及其创造的机会 找出解决方案第2章 当需要牛车时,不要生产汽车 为6码的纱丽进行设计 回到基本问题 好好驾驶牛车第3章 关注回跳经济 回跳经济 瞄准目标 更好地利用回跳经济第4章 将品牌与市场联系起来 货摊经济 品牌意识 本地品牌控制战略 发展中的品牌第5章 关注年轻一代 青年潮 针对年轻人市场的战略 年轻人引发增长第6章 从小处着眼以求壮大 逆向定价 小家庭 从小处着眼的战略 小奇迹第7章 为自己构建基础设施 两个市场的传说 制度和金融基础设施 发现基础设施中的机会 重复的基础设施第8章 寻求跳跃式发展 跳跃式发展战略 超越活用技术第9章 将市场送到人们面前 复杂的分销 将市场送到人们面前的战略 在远离网络处寻找机会第10章 与市场共同发展 ……结论:一个不容错过的机会
简评 This book demonstrates that the dramatic differences of emerging markets create tremendous opportunities. The authors present powerful solutions for unlocking these opportunities. 《The 86 Percent Solution》 is a wake-up call for any company, consultant, or educational institution that has not given these markets sufficient attention in the past. And it can serve as a rich guidebook for those who want to understand and grow their businesses in the 86 percent world. ——RAJAT GUPTA, Senior partner worldwide, McKinsey & Company, and Chairman of the Board of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad 《The 86 Percent Solution》makes it abundantly clear that while emerging markets are the future, the path to this future will not be a smooth highway. Emerging nations advance in the balance between tradition and innovation. The solutions presented in this book are based upon a deep understanding of the complexities of these markets. The authors offer insights not only for companies engaged in these markets, but also for policymakers, NGOs, and worldwide organizations that want to understand the role that business can play in innovation and economic development. ——CHANDRA BABU NAIDU, Former Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh, India 《The 86 Percent Solution》offers a unique insight for those who need to understand what will be the key driver of the global economy in the first half of the twenty-first century. ——NIALL FITZGERALD, Chairman of Reuters and former Chairman of Unilev