
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:张道真  页数:284  字数:535000  


教材编写紧密结合教学大纲要求和课堂教学实际。教材严格依据教育部制定的教学要求编写;所有编者都是来自于教学第一线的教学骨干,他们把丰富的教学经验融入到了教材中,特别是在选编课文时,注重选编短小精焊的短文,让师生在一个教学单位时间内能够完成一个相对完整的内容。    教材内容选材新颖,富有趣味性。无论是交际技能,还是课文学习,抑或是写作训练,从形式到内容,编者都注重选择最新的语料,并努力使英语学习寓于趣味性、娱乐性之中,使得学生在课堂学习和课后自学都不会觉得枯燥乏味。    教材编排形式科学。本套教材的主体总分按照交际技能、课文学习、综合练习和写作训练进行编排,努力做到在听、说、读、写、译五个方面提高学习者的英语水平。    立体化教材包。与纸质教材配套,充分利用现代计算机和多媒体技术设计制作了供学生使用的多媒体光盘和供教师使用的教学资源库,使得课堂教学和课后自觉都更加直观和有趣。


Unit 1  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills  How Are You These Days? PART Ⅱ TextA  Standard English for the 2008 Olympic Gmes PART Ⅲ TextB  Summer Holidays in England PART Ⅳ Writing Work    How to Wire Correct Simple English SentecesUnit 2 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills    May I introduce Mr.Collins? PART Ⅱ TextA    What Is a Tyical Day Like for a Chid in England——A Diary of a Boy in England PART Ⅲ TextB    Talking about Food PART Ⅳ Writing Work    How to Write Correct Compound Sentences by Using Corrdinating ConjunctionsUnit 3  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills    You've Done a Very Good Job PART Ⅱ TextA    Anew Era for World Economy PART Ⅲ TextB    The History of Money PART Ⅳ Writing Work    How to Write Correct Complex Sentences(1)——Noun ClausesUnit 4  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 5 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 6  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 7  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 8  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 9  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 10 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 11  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 12  PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 13 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing Work Unit 14 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 15 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 16 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 17 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing Work Unit 18 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 19 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkUnit 20 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills PART Ⅱ TextA PART Ⅲ TextB PART Ⅳ Writing WorkVocabulary



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