
出版时间:2004-9-1  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:杨若东,袁锡兴  页数:141  字数:131000  


此书是在《研究生英语写译教程(基础级)》出版之后写成的,因此在基础级本里讨论过的在本书中略讲。写作部分主要分五大部分:首先是总的介绍,第二是英语句子的论述,第三是英语的段落,第四是英语的篇章,第五是经常被忽略的标点符号的得体使用。总的思路是组句成段,再加上正确使用标点等手段,使自己的句子、段落和文章更加清晰、连贯、流畅。写作各个部分的划分纯粹出于论述方便,教师可根据自己的教学对象、学者目的、教学计划和要求、教学理念和学生的要求,打乱各个部分的划分,系统有机地灵活使用各个部分的材料,以期达到最佳效果。    翻译部分将英译汉和汉译英融合在一起讲解,各自单独举例论述,并有相应的译文,有利于对比学习和研究,使学生更深刻地掌握翻译的基本理论的常用技巧。该部分财时注重翻译的实用性,专门设计了不同文体的翻译一章。    此书的特点是选材多样新颖,语言地道纯正,突出写作和翻译技能的培养,着重写作和翻译手段的了解与掌握,揭示翻译和英文写作的特点及衡量标准,使学生在了解什么是好的翻译和英文写作的基础上学习翻译和英语写作。


Proficient Writing Part Ⅱ Building Good Sentences  Chapter Two Essential Qualityies of Sentences   Section 2 Some Basic Qualities of Sentences    1.Sentence Clarity     2.Sentence Unity    3.Sentence Coherence    4.Sentence Emphasis     5.Sentence Euphony    6.Sentence Strength  Chapter Three Producing Effective Sentences   Section 1 Working on Readability    4.Being Forceful   Seciton 2 Manipulating Syntactic Structures for Sentence Coherence    1.Coordinating to Relate Equal Ideas    2.Subordinating to distinguish the Main Idea    3.Choosing clear Connectors    4.Using Parallelism   Section 3 Emphasizing Main Ideas     1.Arranging Ideas Effectively    2.Repeating Ideas     3.Separtating Ideas    4.Rrpferring the Active Voice the Passive Voice    Section 4 Being concise    1.Cutting Empty concise    2.Avoiding Unnecessary Reptition    3.Simplifying Word Groups and Sentences     4.Changing Negatives into Affirmatives   Section 5 Achieving Variety    1.Varying Sentence Length and Emphasis     2.Varying Sentence Beginnings    3.Varying Simple SentencesPart Ⅲ Composing Peerless Paragraphs   Chapter Four Essential Qualitities of Paragraphs    Section 1 Making the Topic Clear   Section 2 Maintaining Paragraph Unity    2.Putting the Topic Sentence in the Best Place    Section 3 Achieving Paragraph Coherence         1.Organizing the Paragraph    2.Using Parallel Structures    3.Repeating and Restating Words and Word Groups    4.Using Pronouns as Transitions    5.Using Synonyms as Transitions     6.Being Consistent    7.Using Formal Transitional Expressions  Chapter Five Developing Effective Paragraphs   Section 1 Developing the Paragraph Fully   Section 2 Choosing a Pattern of DevelopmentPart Ⅳ Sonstructing Strong EssaysPart Ⅴ Taking Advantage of Punctuations翻译篇  第一章 词语的翻译  第二章 句子的翻译  第三章 篇章的翻译  第四章 长句的翻译  第五章 不同文体的翻译



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