出版时间:2004-8 出版社:中国人民大学 作者:[]罗宾·巴德[Rob
本书是一本初级的西方经济学教材,作者为帕金夫妇。帕金先生除发表于专业杂志上的学术论文以外,还出版了多本程度深浅不一的西方经济学教材,其中另一本初级教材出版于20世纪末,行销颇广,在不到20年的时间,已经再版6次。 在这些已经出版的教材之外,为什么帕金夫妇还要撰写这样一本新教材?对于这个问题,作者自己在本书序言中提供了答案。他们认为,撰写本书的原因在于它所具有的三个特点,而经过较为仔细的浏览之后,笔者相信,本书的内容符合这三个特点。
作者:(加拿大)罗宾•巴德 (Robin Bade) (加拿大)迈克尔•帕金 (Michael Parkin) 罗宾•巴德,她自1970年起在多所大学任教,本书中的很多内容是她在西安大略大学指导学生时积累的。 迈克尔•帕金,他曾经担任加拿大经济学会主席,并且在《美国经济评论》和《货币经济学杂志》编委会中任职。他曾发表有关宏观经济学,货币经济学以及国际经济学的160多篇论文。他还是已经五次再版的畅销教科书《经济学》的作者。作为夫妻。罗宾与迈克尔的合作非常完美。他们最引人注目的研究成果是衡量中央银行独立性的巴德-帕金指数,这一成果引发了该领域丈量的后继研究。他们合作撰写的教材包括《宏观经济学》(Prentice-Hall公司出版),《现代宏观经济学》(Pea rsonEducation Canada公司出版)以及《经济学:全球视角下的加拿大》--帕金所著《经济学》的加拿大改编版。
第1篇 导论/1 第1章 经济学预览/1 本章要点/1 1.1 定义与问题/2 微观经济学/3 宏观经济学/3 宏观经济学所研究的问题/3 检查站1.1/6 1.2 经济学:一门社会科学/7 观察与测量/8 建立模型/8 检验模型/9 揭示因果关系/9 检查站1.2/12 1.3 宏观经济学思想/12 理性选择与激励/12 生活水平与生产率/14 生活成本与货币数量/14 支出波动与生产率波动/15
版权页: 插图: A unit of account is an agreed-upon measure for stating the prices of goods and services. To get the most out of your budget, you have to figure out whether going to a rock concert is worth its opportunity cost. But that cost is not dollars and cents. It is the number of movies, cappueeinos, ice-cream cones, or local phone calls that you must give up to attend the concert. It' s easy to do such calculations when all these goods have prices in terms of dollars and cents (see Table 11.1 ). If a rock concert costs $ 32 and movie costs $ 8, you know right away that going to the concert costs you 4 movies. If a cappuccino costs $ 2,going to the concert costs 16 cappuccinos. You need only one calculation to figure out the opportunity cost of any pair of goods and services. For example, the opportunity cost of the rock concert is 128 local phone calls ($32.00÷25¢= 128). Now imagine how troublesome it would be if the rock concert ticket agent posted its price as 4 movies, and if the movie theater posted its price as 4 cappuccinos, and if the coffee shop posted the price of a cappueeino as 2 ice-cream cones, and if the ice-cream shop posted its price as 4 local phone calls! Now how much nlnning around and calculating do you have to do to figure out how much that rock concert is going to cost you in terms of the movies,cappuccino, ice cream, or phone calls that you must give up to attend it? You get the answer for movies right away from the sign posted by the ticket agent. But for all the other goods, you' re go-ing to have to visit many different places to establish the price of each commodity in terms of another and then calculate prices in u-nits that are relevant for your own decision. Cover up the column labeled "price in money units" in Table 11.1 and see how hard it is to figure out the number of local phone calls it costs to attend a rock concert. It' s enough to make a person swear off rock !