
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:宁夏人民出版社  作者:肖尧 主编,徐怡涛 编著,王 译  页数:63  字数:30000  译者:王瑢  




Songyue TemNe Pagoda
Zhaozhou Bridge
Great East Hall of Foguang Temple
Big Whild GOOse Pagoda
Saint Mother HaU of Jind Temple
Guanyin Pavilion of Dule TemNe
Wooden Pagoda in Ying County
Lugou Bridge
White Pagoda of Mmoying Temple
Bering City
The Great WaU of the Ming Dynasty
Thireen Ming Tombs
Temple of Heaven
Qinian HaU
The Palace Museum of Bering
Taihe HaU(HaU of Sup~me Harmony)
Xuankong Temple
Confucius Temple in Qufu
Potala Palace
Wangshi Garden
The Summer Palace
Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden
Chengde Mountain Reao~
Eight Ouflying Temples
F0lk House in Anhui
Hakka EaCh Budding
Quad in Beijing(Example:No.11,Maoer Hutong)
Sun Yat-sen Mausokum
Tiananmen Square
Great Hall of the People


版权页:   插图:    Mount Wutai and Foguang Temple Mount Wutai is one of the four sacred mountains in the Chinese Buddhism.It got its nanle because of its five peaks similar to"terracesmade of earth".People began to build Buddhist temples here in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the construction of temples was neverceased in the following dynasties.It iS said that there were more than 360 temples in Mount Wutai in its heyday.Presently,there areabout 100 temples too. The Foguang Temple is one of the ten most famous temples in the history of Mount Wutai.It was initially built during the rulingperiod of Emperor Xiaowen in the Northern Wei Dynasty(471-499)and was destroyed in the ruling period of Emperor Wu of theTang Dynasty before being rebuilt later.The main part of the temple iS built against the mountain and faces the west.Apart from theGreat East Hall,there are also the Zushi Pagoda with the architectural styles of the Southern and Northern Dynasties,the Pavilionof Sutras from the Tang Dynasty,the Hall of Manjusri built at the beginning of the Jin Dynasty and other precious structures in thetemple.





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