出版时间:2012-3 出版社:宁夏人民出版社 作者:肖尧 主编,王云亮 编著,王 译 页数:63 字数:30000 译者:王瑢
Nymph of the Luo River
Emror Taizong Receiving the Tibemn Envoy
The Heavenly King of Sending So
Lady of Guo on a Spring Outing
CouA LaNm Adorning Their Hak with Flowem
Emror Mmghuangs Refuge in Smhuan
Five Oxen
Night Revels of Han Xizai
Sketch 0f Rare Birds
Bamboo in Snow
Painting of Mount Lu
The Xmo and Xiang Riven
Travele Amid Mountams and streams
Five Tfibute Hoes with Grooms
DeHte Cotton Rose and Golden Pheant
Rivemi Scene at Qingrnmg Festival
Picking Osmund
Cai Wenji On The Way Back To Her Motherland
Bathing Hoes
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mounms
Fishing ViHage aRer Autumn Rain
PHgrimage of Celestials
L0fty Mount Lu
Ink Pamtmg of Gralms
Lotus and Little Birds
Listening to Bamboo Sound in study Room of Yamen
Su Wu Tends Sheep
Red Plum Blossoms
Swimming Shfimps
A Group of Hoes