
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:甘肃人民出版社  作者:杨华堂  页数:187  




Unit One General Introduction to Ga u(甘肃简介)Part l Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 Discussion.Unit Two General Introduction to the Tibetan culture(藏族文化简介)Part 1 Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionUnit Three Hada,Wedding and Taboo(哈达,婚俗和禁忌)Part 1 Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionUnit Four Foods,Clothing and Houses(食物,衣服和住所)Part 1 Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionUnit Four Tibetan Arts(藏族岂术)Parts l Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionUnit Six Natural Tourism Resources(自然旅游资源)Part l Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionMore ReadingUnit Seven Pavilio and Monasteries(佛阁和寺院)Part 1 Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 DiscussionMore ReadingUnit Eight Memorials(纪念地)Part 1 Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionUnit Nine Native products(土特产)Part l SituationaI DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chiese ReadingPart 4 DiscussionUnit Ten Tibetan Medicine(藏医藏药)Part 1 Situational DialoguePart 2 English ReadingPart 3 Chinese ReadingPart 4 Discussion



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