
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:四川人民出版社  作者:石坚,帅培天  页数:283  


全书用第一人称写成,充分体现了人文精神,让使用者以平等的身份参与问题讨论,增强写作道地英语论文的自信心。一些写作理论和技巧,从课文阐述转到了练习之中,从而减轻了说教式的讲解带给读者的枯燥感;同时,读者通过练习去探索,提取某种理论或技巧,会兴致勃勃,因为接下来的是一种成就感。     《英语论文写作》这本书刚一问世,我们便有了修订的打算。两年中,我们注意观察英语专业和大学英语教学的教学改革,留意同学们在英语学习过程中新的要求和需要,不停地寻找、研读新的教学科研成果,思量着去充实、完善这本已经不薄的教材,给读者多一分帮助,少一分含糊。这次修订,大节上增加了CBE参考文献规范和论文写作技巧的介绍,优化了提纲格式,置换了作用欠佳的范文;细节上严密了可能给读者留下疑问的阐述,力求传达作者不断深化的对理论和语言现象“所以然”的认识,包括对标点符号运用情况的变迁与倾向的探讨。    本书的主要对象是大学本科高年级学生,对其他英文学习和工作者而言,不乏为一部指导性的专著。


Chapter 1 An Overview of the Essay  Ⅰ What Is an Essay?    1. The Basic Structure of an Essay    2. Essays in Different Types of Writing  Ⅱ What Is a Research Paper?Chapter 2 Writing an Essay  Ⅰ Planning and Shaping the Essay    1. Choosing and Limiting a Topic    2. Determining Our Purpose and Audience    3. Gathering Material    4. Formulating a Thesis Statement    5. Organizing and Outlining the Essay  Ⅱ Drafting the Essay    1. Writing the Introductory Paragraph      2. Writing the Concluding Paragraph        3. Gaining Unity and Coherence    4. Developing the Essay by Different Patterns of Organization    5. Essay Checklist  Ⅲ Revising the Essay    1. Revising the Essay      2. Editing the Essay    3. Dealing with the Final Draft    4. ProofreadingChapter 3 Writing a Research Paper  Ⅰ Learning About the Central Information System of Modern Academic Library  Ⅱ Doing Prewriting Work    1. Choosing and limiting a Topic    2. Doing Preliminary Reading    3. Writing a Preliminary Bibliography    4. Writing a Prelimminary Outline and Thesis    5. Reading and Taking Notes    6. Revising the Outline and Thesis  Ⅲ Writing the First Draft  Ⅳ Rewriting the Paper    1. Revising the Draft    2. Editing and Documenting the Paper  ……Chapter 4 Making Good Use of the Language  Ⅰ Strving for Clarity  Ⅱ Striving for Accuracy  Ⅲ Practicing Economy  Ⅳ Gaining AppropriatenessChapter 5 Using Punctuation Marks Correctly  Ⅰ End Punctuation Marks  Ⅱ Internal Punctuation Marks  Ⅲ Enclosing Marks  Ⅳ Punctuationof Idividual Words and of TermsAppendixⅠ Two-Letter Abbreviations for US StatesAppendixⅡ Proofreaders' MarksAppendixⅢ Correction SymbolsBibliography




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   和其他英语写作书籍不同的是,这本书真正地教你如何写好论文,而不是为了应付考试而教。学到的是真正的能力与技巧。Highlyrecommend!
  •   书中全面的介绍了英语论文的写作方法及注意事项,值得认真研读,书的质量也较好
  •   老师要求买的这本书,所有同学都买了。看了看书,内容是很有用的。不过论文写作本就很枯燥。。。也不能怪书不好了。
  •   质量一般般,内容也没什么值得看的,不买就对了

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