蓝魔英语 小学英语阅读王

出版时间:2010-12  出版社:广东人民出版社  作者:曾荣,杜轶凤 主编  




Part one Humourous Stories
 Unit 1 A Funny Car Accident
 Unit 2 Never Work after Supper
 Unit 3 Ten Post Cards
 Unit 4 Who IS the Real Baby?
 Unit 5 A Free Flight
 Unit 6 Post Delaying
 Unit 7 An Interesting Holiday
 Unit 8 A Good Reason to Sell a Ladder
 Unit 9 Should We Be Honest?
 Unit 10 Stupid Girl
 Unit 11 It'S No Use Moving to Another House
 Unit 12 Clever Hebe
 Unit 13 It'S Not My Fault
 Unit 14 A Humorous Student
Part two Culture Stories
 Unit 1 Life Was Tough
 Unit 2 The First Woman
 Unit 3 Natural Beauty
 Unit 4 Live a Long Life
 Unit 5 Excellent Service
 Unit 6 Sunny Sydney
 Unit 7 Let Us Give Love Wings
 Unit 8 What IS the Meaning of Life?
 Unit 9 Mother'S Day in the  United States
 Unit 10 Violent Games Affect Boys'Heart Rates
 Unit 11 The Birthday of the Princess
 Unit 12 What 0S a Real Friend7
 Unit 13 God IS Fair
 Unit 14 A Very Important Rule
 Unit 15 Pay Him back in His Own Coin
Part Three Sports Stories
Part Four Famous People Stories



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