
出版时间:2008-02-01  出版社:河南人民出版社  作者:王振山,张锐 编  页数:298  




Unit 1第一单元Making a differencePart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 2第二单元News mediaPart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 3第三单元Art and arclutecturePart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Kev and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 4第四单元A garden of poemsPart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 5第五单元The British IslesPart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Mid-term test期中测试题Key and analyses to mid-term test期中测试题参考答案及解析Unit 6第六单元Life in the futurePart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析UIut 7第七单元Living with disease Part l Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 8第八单元First aidPart 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 9第九单元Saving the earth Part 1 Key points重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Unit 10第十单元Frightening naturePart 1 Key pomts重点难点精讲Part 2 Synchronous test同步测试与训练Part 3 Key and analyses to test同步测试与训练参考答案及解析Terminal test期末测试题Key and analyses to terminal test期末测试题参考答案及解析



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