
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:安徽人民出版社  作者:伊索  页数:240  译者:林维  








出版说明译者序驴 Ass鸟 Bird牛 Bull骆驼 Camel猫 Cat鹿 Deer狗 Dog老鹰 Eagle狐狸 Fox青蛙 Frog天神 God兔子 Hare马 Horse昆虫 Insect狮子 Lion人类 Men猴子 Monkey鼠 Mouse事物 Object猪 Pig羊 Sheep蛇 Snake植物 Plants


驴子、公鸡和狮子  The Ass,the Cock,and the Lion牲口棚里住着一头驴子和一只公鸡。一天,一头饥肠辘辘的狮子悄悄地靠近这里,想把驴子吃掉。在这危急时刻,公鸡大声啼叫起来,狮子(据说狮子非常害怕公鸡的啼鸣声)顿时吓得趴在地上,随后拔腿就跑。驴子以为狮子是怕自己才逃跑的,就毫不犹豫地追赶狮子。当他们跑了很远的时候,狮子转过身把自以为是的驴子吃掉了。An Ass and a Cock were in a straw-yard together when a Lion,desperate from hunger,approached the spot. He was about to spring upon the Ass,when the Cock(to the sound of whose voice the Lion,it is said,has a singular aversion)crowed loudly,and the Lion fled away as fast as he could. The Ass,observing his trepidation at the mere crowing of a Cock summoned courage to attack him,and galloped after him for that purpose. He had run no long distance,when the Lion,turning about,seized him and tore him to pieces.* * *盲目自信通常会自取灭亡。False confidence often leads into danger.驮着雕像的驴子 The Ass Carrying the Image一头驴子驮着一尊木质的雕像走在大都市的街道上。这尊雕像将要被安放在寺庙中。路旁的行人看到雕像纷纷跪地膜拜。自以为是的驴子认为人们是在向自己表达敬意,就扬扬得意起来,不再往前走。气愤的赶驴人一边拿着鞭子狠狠地抽打驴子,一边教训他:“你这个傻瓜,难道真的认为人们会愚蠢到向一头驴子膜拜的地步吗?”An Ass once carried through the streets of a city a famous wooden Image,to be placed in one of its Temples. As he passed along,the crowd made lowly prostration before the Image. The Ass,thinking that they bowed their heads in token of respect for himself,bristled up with pride,gave himself airs,and refused to move another step. The driver,seeing him thus stop,laid his whip lustily about his shoulders and said,“O you perverse dull-head! It is not yet come to this,that men pay worship to an Ass.”* * *依靠别人的功劳炫耀自己是不明智的举动。They are not wise who give to themselves the credit due to others.驴子、狐狸和狮子 The Ass,the Fox,and the Lion为了各自的安全,驴子和狐狸决定和平相处。有一天,他们一起去森林里打猎,不料,还没走多远,就遇到了一头狮子。狐狸见情况危急,连忙跑到狮子面前表示只要狮子保证他的安全,他就设法诱骗驴子上当。狮子答应了。于是,狐狸把驴子骗入了陷阱。狮子见驴子已经无法逃脱,就立刻把狐狸吃了,然后再悠闲地享用驴子。The Ass and the Fox,having entered into partnership together for their mutual protection,went out into the forest to hunt. They had not proceeded far when they met a Lion. The Fox,seeing imminent danger,approached the Lion and promised to contrive for him the capture of the Ass if the Lion would pledge his word not to harm the Fox. Then,upon assuring the Ass that he would not be injured,the Fox led him to a deep pit and arranged that he should fall into it. The Lion,seeing that the Ass was secured,immediately clutched the Fox,and attacked the Ass at his leisure.* * *千万不要轻信你的敌人。Never trust your enemy.野驴和狮子   The Wild Ass and the Lion为了能够更轻易地获取食物,狮子和野驴结成同盟去打猎。狮子力气大,驴子速度快,他们相辅相成。当他们猎取到足够多的猎物后,狮子按需要把食物分成了三份。“这第一份嘛,”狮子说,“理所当然归我所有,因为我是‘百兽之王’;第二份也应该是我的,因为全靠了我才能得到这么多食物;至于第三份,如果你不尽快离开这里的话,相信我,你会付出很大的代价。”A Wild Ass and a Lion entered into an alliance so that they might capture the beasts of the forest with greater ease. The Lion agreed to assist the Wild Ass with his strength,while the Wild Ass gave the Lion the benefit of his greater speed. When they had taken as many beasts as their necessities required,the Lion undertook to distribute the prey,and for this purpose divided it into three shares. “I will take the first share,” he said,“because I am King: and the second share,as a partner with you in the chase: and the third share(believe me)will be a source of great evil to you,unless you willingly resign it to me,and set off as fast as you can.”* * *弱肉强食,适者生存。Might makes right.……





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