
出版时间:1996-9  出版社:福建人民出版社  作者:高亮,林郁如 主编  页数:239  字数:383000  


本书以下特点:  1.突出口译理论和技巧的介绍及训练   教程在阅读分册系统地总结、介绍了口译的形式、标准、特点,口译员应掌握的基本功和职业道德规范,以及各种场合的口译技巧。  2.内容新颖丰富,紧扣口译实际选材,有较强的针对性  本教程选择与口译工作紧密相关的社会题材,分成八个专题:社会、国家和地区、国际关系、经济建设、外贸、科技、文化旅游和财政金融。  3.突出口译实际能力的培养  口译实践性强,没有大量的口译训练,口译水平则难以提高。


1 Sociology 1 Population 2 Family 3 Education 4 Medicine and Health 5 Minority and Nationalities2 Countries and Regions 6 China 7 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 8 America 9 Britain 10 Australia3 International Relations 11 China's Foreign Policy 12 Sino-US Relations 13 Sino-British Relations 14 Sino-Australia Relations 15 Sino-ASEAN Relations 16 Sino-EU Relations4  Economy and Production 17 Agriculture (Ⅰ) 18 Agriculture (Ⅱ) 19 Industry (Ⅰ) 20 Industry (Ⅱ) 21 Economic Reform5  Foreign Trade 22 Foreign Trade 23 Foreign Trade Rises to New Heights in China 24 China, the Great Foreign Trade Market 25 Open-Door Policy and International Trade6  Science and Technology 26 Science and Technology in China 27 Computer Science 28 Environmental Protection 29 Biochemistry Engineering7 Culture and Tourism 30 Chinese Theater 31 Chinese Arts 32 China's Physical Culture and Sports 33 Tourism 34 Chinese Cuisine8 Finance and Banking 35 Taxation 36 Banking (Ⅰ) 37 Banking (Ⅱ)Simultaneous Interpreting



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