
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:山东人民出版社  作者:孙晓燕,康德纲,吴荣香 主编  页数:239  


中等职业学校英语课程是一门重要的、必修的文化基础课程,具有很强的工具性和实践性。学生通过英语学习和语言实践,逐步掌握基础知识和基本技能,不断提高语言运用能力和人文素养,为其职业发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。     本课程项目任务贴近学生生活,反映时代热点,突出加强学生的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,提高综合语言运用能力。在教材的设计中体现以下理念:注重基础,突出实用性;任务驱动,凸现趣味性;多元评价,强调激励性;强化能力,增强运用性。


Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Meeting People for the First Time    Meeting People AgainDOt ml  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    Introduction  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 2 Family  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Conversation with a Friend    Conversation about a Visit  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    The Chinese Family and the American Family  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 3 Weather  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Talking about the Weather    A Snowy Day  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    Four Seasons  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 4 Thanks and Apologies  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow。the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Making an Apology    Thanks On Award Ceremony  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    Thanksgiving Day  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Spare Time    My Hobby  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    My Hobby  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 6 Asking the Way  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3Read-the conversations    Going to the Beijing Railway Station    Going to the Post Office  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    States and Big Cities in the USA  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 7 Making a Tel印hone Call  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Making a Phone Call    In the English Department  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    A Telephone Message  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 8 Shopping  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Buy a Knife    In Shopping Streetr  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    A Difficult Customer  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 9 Study  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Study in the Summer Holiday    Campus Life  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    PETS Level 1  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准    Uhjt 10 Service  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Making a Reservation    Check In  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    The Garden Hotel  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 11 Sports and Entertainments  项目任务1Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    A Computer Games Fan    Sports  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    Newspapers and Magazines  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 12 Food and Culture  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    Have a Dinner with Your Friend    HOW to Cook Winter Bamboo Shoots  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    Mooncakes and the Mid-Autumn Festival  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 13 Health  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3Read the conversations    Seeing a Doctor    A Medical Examination  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    What's Wrong with Me?i  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 14 Invitation  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    An Invitation    A Dinner Invitation  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    An Invitation to Dinner  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准Unit 15 Job Interview  项目任务1 Lead in  项目任务2 Follow the samples  项目任务3 Read the conversations    A Summer Job    A Job Interview  项目任务4 Comprehend the passage    How to Behave in an Interview  项目任务5 Quiz time  项目任务6 Cultural notes  项目考核标准附录  PETS模拟检测试题一  PETS模拟检测试题二  PETS模拟检测试题三  PETS模拟检测试题四  PETS模拟检测试题五  PETS模拟检测试题答案总词汇表全国公共英语一级考试写作



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