
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:上海人民出版社  作者:沈丁立,等 编  页数:251  


  亚洲经济增长与社会发展对世界具有重要的影响。亚洲各国文化多元,制度各异,人口众多,优势互补,经济繁荣。在新一轮经济全球化浪潮下,亚洲各国正在经历深刻的制度变革、结构重组和经济增长方式转变,新的发展与合作空间日益增大,快速成长的亚洲城市已开始扮演全球网络节点的重要角色,增强了亚洲和全球的活力。  由于地缘和文化的原因,亚洲各国在历史上保持了长期的互动和协作发展,共同为亚洲和世界文明作出了重要贡献。20世纪中叶以来,亚洲较为成功地整合了政府与民众的目标,使发展的速度不断加快,表现出不同于世界其他地区的特征。亚洲的崛起由日本率先开始,随后是韩国、新加坡等东亚及部分东南亚国家和地区,创造了“东亚奇迹”。始于1978年的中国的改革开放,使这个具有13亿人口的发展中大国经历连续28年的高速经济增长。与此同时,印度经济也在快速崛起。


上海论坛共识:亚洲的和谐发展将造福全世界中国和亚洲良性互动的秩序框架The Rationale for East Asia Commuruty Building:Regional and Global Govemance Issues-Economic DimensionClash of Two Asias? Competing Visions for Security in Northeast AsiaA Long Way to Go for an East Asian Economic Integration: An Evidence from Trade in Telecommunications ServicesASEAN Economic Regionalism in Response to Globalization and the Rise of ChinaOn International Cooperation in the Development of an Economic, Financial and Environmental Infrastructure in AsiaEnergy Cooperation in Northeast Asia中国“能源威胁论”无助亚洲能源合作中印能源关系的博弈分析The Container Security Initiative and Maritime Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific美国与东亚:贸易格局的变化及其原因分析ASEAN-US Relations at 30: Issues and Challenges六方会谈面临的挑战与东北亚安全合作New Policy Paradigm to North Korea关于泛北部湾区域合作


  Indeed, there is a rich field for positive initiatives called for by thecontinued and even deeper commitment to market competition on thepart of economies in East Asia. These initiatives are called for themarket trinity of trade, innovation and finance. All these would requirethe continued involvement of national governments dealing with macro-economic issues. But even greater involvement would be necessary onthe part of business corporations supported by research and educationalinstitutions at the tertiarv level. Their involvement, necessarily at themore micro-economic level, would have to be guided by the pnnciplesand best practices of corporate and institutional governance in line withprofessional and ethical standards that markets have increasingly beendemanding.There is an equally rich field for initiatives called for by theimperative of meeting the pressures exerted upon domestic integrationarising in part from higher economic and export growth in many parts ofthe region. Indeed, the pressures from congestion, rising inequality,and corruption would have to be mitigated by positive initiatives on thepart of national govemments in the region. However, governments atthe national level, in many economies, are finding it necessary, evenincreasingly essential, to count upon the greater and more sociallyresponsible involvement of local governments and intermediate socialgroups, starting with associations of families and other sectors in localcommunities. But at this sub-nationaV local leveV the standards ofpublic governance practices need to be significantly raised. Transparencyand accountability as well as higher professional and technical competenceneed to be added to social responsibility in the public govemance practiceoflocal govemments that must bank on the participation and sustainedinvolvement of intermediate groups in the community.  All these initiatives are open to, and in some instances ripe for,greater and more intense cooperation between economies in the region. The agenda for regional cooperation in East Asia, moving forward,extends to concems that go beyond the narrow fields traditionally reservedfor macro-economics and finance. It includes related fields carved out bymore open market competition between business corporations at themicro-economic level as well as more substantive cooperation and mutualsupport between research and graduate institutions. Issues related toeconomic geography such as the rise of middle-sized cities beconungmore inter-connected with each other and particularly with the biggermetropolitan centers, also get into the agenda. The priority list of theagenda would also include issues from welfare economics such as accessto skills training, continuing education and other vital social services,especially for the more marginalized segments of the population,Looming up as umbrella issues are those directly connected withcorporate, institutional and public governance. The expansion of theagenda comes from the wider and deeper realization that East Asia hasrecovered from the Asian financial crisis of a decade ago; and that it hasdone so by following a framework relying heavily upon scale economiesand the imperative of maintaining domestic cohesion through higherstandards of public governance practice.  ……




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