
出版时间:2004-8-1  出版社:上海人民出版社  作者:尤尔根.哈贝马斯  译者:曹卫东  


《交往行为理论》这部著作是涉及面相当广泛。这部著作中,马克斯・韦伯(Max Weber)占据了一个更为突出的位置,并且这些诠释的素材更加集中在哈贝马斯自己思想的观念图式上。哈贝马斯在这本书的开篇就声称,交往行为理论既非一种元理论,也非一种借助其它手段进行的认识论的继续。交往行为理论的分析让我们联接了与社会分析相关的三种理性:一个是涉及解释学和英美分析哲学中作为论争的理性,特别是关系到相对主义的问题。如果不同文化或生活方式有他们自身内在的合理性标准,那么在何种意义上才可能按照普遍性的标准比较他们并使其服从于批评?另一个是涉及到行为理性,即如何领会人的行为中有特殊意义的性质?这触及到理解的意义问题,还触及到了当行为者本人已经为他们的行为设定了理由时,社会科学在主张更好的解释时其自身的任务问题。最后一个是是关于理性的社会扩张问题,即作为现代西方社会特有的那种合理化问题。这本书的大部分努力就是致力于此。哈贝马斯断言:理性更多地是与运用知识的方式联系在一起,而较少地与知识有关。如果我们认为在一些情境中谈论某事是合理的,那么,我们就会明白这要么是指人们表达的认识,要么是指包含认识的符号表达形式。我们说某个人理性地行动,或者说某种陈述是合理的,实际上就是说这个行为或陈述可以被有关的某些人批驳或辩护,而这恰恰就是他们为了能够证明自己是正当的或有根有据的。我们不能像经验主义者那样,限制理性行为的范围和对客观世界的认识。我们必须以“交往合理性“的概念来弥补“工具认知理性“的不足。正如哈贝马斯自己所说的,合理性意味着交往,因为只有符合与至少另一个人达成相互理解的必要条件时,某事才是合理的。


尤尔根・哈贝马斯(Juergen Habermas)生于1929年,曾先后在德国哥廷根大学、瑞士苏黎士大学,德国波恩大学学习哲学、心理学、历史学、经济学等,并以论文《论谢林思想中的矛盾》获哲学博士学位;1961年以《公共领域的结构转型》(已有中译本)一书获得教授资格。1961-1964任海德堡大学哲学教授1964-1967任法兰克福大学哲学-社会学教授、法兰克福大学社会研究所所长1971-1983任德国马格斯。布朗克研究院科技世界生活条件研究所(Max-Planck Instut zur Erforschung der Lebensbedingungen der wissenschaftlich-techneschen Welt)所长1983-1994任法兰克福大学哲学-社会学教授,1994年退休。






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  •     viii the history of postwar philosophy
      p1 (不是基于理性,而是希望从社会科学角度来进行研究)确实是旁征博引。
      p144 Horkheimer,Adorno,Marcuse用Weber的视角来解释Marx.
      p168 结合对韦伯的研究来进行读解。
  •      这套书读了10来天了,很辛苦的说。最终还在某种的迷茫中部分逃离,虽然期间也不乏喜悦。
       曹卫东译本尚好。有个英译本对照就足够了。但曹的序言却有点误导,说是“是一部过渡性的著作”,实际上应该是“基础性的著作”,communicative action是哈贝马斯理论的基石,无论从批判角度,还是从建构性角度。
       Habermas之广博让人五体投地,同时却以让人极端畏惧的方式写作:德意志式的、渊博的才华横溢的却又冷冰冰的、毫无同情心也毫无节制的写作方法。当他涉入任何一个分论题的时候【Weber, Searle,Parsons, wittgenstein, Mead, Durkheim,Lukacs, Horkheimer,Adorno, Austin ,Mycintyre, Rawls, Piaget,】都以一流的专业性和一流的篇幅来予以处理,总体的效果却是让那些弱智的追随者被遗弃在漫长而艰辛的马拉松思想之旅中悲叹甚至折磨致死。再考虑到语言翻译的问题,这一困难简直是灾难性的了。
       第一部分“导论”中, Habermas说,理性【rationality】构成了哲学的基本问题:随着科学和反思意识的发展,哲学变成或收缩成为元哲学,其中保持稳定的就是“认知、语言理解和行为中的合理性的形式前提”,也即是合理性理论【theory of rationality,p2】;随即哈贝马斯沿着社会学的路径去介入合理性问题。【在此,sociology不是今天已经高度分化和体制化的社会学,而是一种特定的社会理论,试图解释“现代生活世界合理化的增长过程”(p.6)】
       第一节“rationality: a preliminary specification”中,哈贝马斯比较了认知-工具理性和交往理性,并将前者契入后者之中,从而形成了某种较为宽泛的“合理性”:范围涵盖断言行为、规范行为、表达行为和评价行为。这四者一起构成交往实践,特点是共识,且建立在主体间对可批判地检验的有效性要求的认可上(rests on the inter-subjective recognition of criticizable validity claim)。
       第二节比较了神话世界观和现代世界观的特点。在分析神话世界观的时候,采纳了Levi-Strauss及其弟子Godelier的理论。“先人们毫无戒备地把自己奉献给无法主宰的周围偶然世界,神话思维在叙事中解释世界,在想象中把握世界”(p.47-48)。当世界逐渐去魅(disenchantment)时候,自然和社会就在反思中分化了。这一变迁伴随着基本概念系统的变化,而哈贝马斯则试图在其中为交往理性提供一个关键的位置:联结de-centered worldview与有效性要求。
       第三节则沿着上述思路,分析四种行为概念:目的[和策略]行为对应着客观世界;规范调节的行为对应着社会世界;戏剧行为(dramaturgical action)对应着主观世界;而交往行为则对应着某种原初的生活世界(lifeworld)。后一种行为把三个世界概念合成一个体系,可以用于达成沟通的解释框架。
      第二部分讨论Max Weber的合理化理论。或许这里提供了Weber研究的最好的也最精致的导游图。Weber摆脱了孔多塞的启蒙的理性主义和19世纪的历史进化论,在一种科学的语境中来理解现代社会的合理化过程。这里分为四个小论题:西方理性主义;宗教-形而上学的去魅与现代意识的形成;社会合理化与新教伦理;法的合理化。应该强调了Weber对工具理性过度发展即所谓官僚化‘铁笼’的担忧。
      第三部分借助Austin和searle的语言分析的讨论而开展哈氏的形式语用学(formal pragmatics)的建构,为交往理性奠定某种语言学、方法论和知识论基础。得到强调的是“以言行事的行为【illokutionary action】”,是交往的基础。
      第四部分讨论了马克思主义者Lukacs、Horkheimer, Adorno等对weber官僚化命题的接纳。进一步发展为物化(reification)这一悲观的命题。意义和自由都丧失了:就前者而言,工具理性丧失了道德基础;就后者而言,阿多诺的“受到控制的世界【verwaltete welt】”和韦伯的“铁笼”是一样,个性萎缩, Horkheimer说,只有听命于环境了,面对工具合理性的技术世界,人已经微不足道,彻底边缘化了。在分析中,哈氏也注入了淡淡的信心的光芒“扎根在言语有效性当中的合理性潜能才是核心所在。这种合理性潜能永远不会完全枯竭”。【P321】
       为了提供新的可能性,在这一部分的最后一部分,哈贝马斯指出,为了摆脱绝望,必须摆脱意识哲学范式【paradigm of consciousness philosophy】,借助语言学走向主体间性【inter-subjectivity】,“有了主体间性,个体之间才能自由交往,个体才能通过与自我进行自由交流才能找到自己的认同,才可以在没有强制的情况下实现社会化”。【375】
      江绪林 2011年5月23日
  •     实在写不动了,把自己作业给贴上来吧:P
      Habermas argues that the history of Western society is the history of societal rationalization (institutional differentiation). If Weber saw inherent dangers in this process, Habermas paints a more complex (and contingent) picture. While he recognizes the danger of one-sided development (colonization of the lifeworld) he also makes the case for how the balance between the lifeworld and systems can be stabilized. How does he make this case?
       What Habermas, together with other contemporary theorists, face in modern society is the growing autonomy of subsystems, which have detached from the world views in which they were originally embedded. Modernity is thus featured with multiple value spheres, with each of them having their own logic. If activities can only be rationally justified within their own value system, the decision between different value systems can never be rationally grounded. Since there is no rationality of value any more, formal rationality, presented as the rational calculation of money and power in market and state, will become dominant. So the problem of modernity is actually the incompatibility of value systems and the imbalanced development of rationalization. Weber sees no historical necessity for such contradiction to be resolved, and he predicts that the advanced formal rationalization will inevitably confine us in the iron cage, while Habermas wants to rescue us from Weber’s pessimistic prophecy of our future. He suggests that the hope to overcome these problems lies in the communicative action and the rationalization of our lifeworld.
       Habermas starts his argument from his interpretation of Weber’s theory on rationalization. Weber describes the rise of capitalism as the general theory of rationalization with the history of specific form of rationalization, but he seems to believe that as long as the switchman has introduced us the to the track, we don’t need validity claim any more, and can go on forever on the track without thinking what our destination is until the next charismatic movement occurs. Habermas also recognizes the risk that the state and market colonize the lifeworld, but he argues that these two spheres, whose inner logic are oriented to satisfying interests, cannot produce meaning and legitimacy. He suggests that an instrumental order based only on the purposive-rational weighing of interest by strategically acting subjects would be unstable. Validity claim is always needed to stabilize the system, since “process of rationalization can attach to societal orders of life only because the stability of legitimate orders depends on the de facto recognition of validity claims that can be attacked internally, that is shaken by critique, new insights, learning process, and the like” (Habermas, 1984:192). Habermas suggests that only through ideas can order of life acquire legitimacy, which brings back Weber’s theory on the interplay between ideas and interest. He agrees with Weber on his analysis of the interconnected relation between social structure and cultural value in The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism. “Interest can be satisfied through norms of social intercourse in the long run only if they are connected with ideas that serve to provide reasons for them; and ideas in turn cannot establish themselves empirically if they are not connected with interests that supply them with power” (Habermas, 1984:188). Puritan’s pursuit of profit is embedded in the value system of Calvinism. Only the interpenetration of ideas and interest and their reciprocal stabilization can anchor the value orientation of accumulation for the sake of accumulation.
       But in assuming the predominance of bureaucracy, Weber goes too far in confining rationalization only to the type of purposive rational action. Habermas argues that there are two limitations in Weber’s prophecy. Firstly, he tailors his view on rationalization to the stand point of ethical rationalization. It is true that the spirit of capitalism has been decoupled from the support of religious doctrine as soon as it becomes dominant in society, but even if religion doesn’t work anymore, the potential of cultural rationalization can equally be traced to other dimensions. The second limitation of Weber’s argument is that he is mostly interested in the evolutionary process of anchoring purposive rational action in a value-rational way from a concrete historical context, while ignores the potential of rationalization of lifeworld from divergent paths in the world. Habermas suggests that Weber hasn’t exhausted the systematic scope of his theoretical approach on the interplay between ideas and interests, which is linked to the institutionalization of new action orientations and the emergence of legitimate orders.
       Habermas doesn’t deny the potential as what Weber describes that different spheres become in conflict with each other, but he thinks it is possible to unify them through the compatibility of their inner logics. Modern theorists have long been trying to answer the question of how can we make sure that modern society, with different value systems, not fall apart. Utilitarianism argues that society can achieve stability when every individual tries to maximize their own interest. Habermas says this is wrong, since it only assumes one world in which everyone’s goal is fixed, and this is absolutely not the reality in modern world. Normative regulated theory assumes the predominance of norms that bind us together as a society. Habermas doesn’t accept this view either, since it doesn’t explain where the norms come from, thus leaving no room for the possibility of social change. After refuting all the other theorists from Durkheim to Goffman, he offers the solution as communication. He argues that the compatibility of different value systems is secured at the formal level of the rational argumentation. Rationality is defined by Habermas as “a disposition of speaking and acting subjects that are expressed in modes of behavior for which there are good reasons or grounds” (Habermas, 1984:22). So the logic of argumentation is to support validity claims not within one’s own framework, but by good reasons that those outside the framework can also understand and criticize. Habermas assumes the existence of universal reasons in his critique on cultural relativism. He never offers a clear definition of what universal reasons are in the whole book of The Theory of Communicative Action, but I think this is absolutely justifiable because for Habermas, universal reasons are not some substantive standards for evaluation. Universal reasons are embodied in the process of communication, and people’s attempts to rationally justify their value system and leave it open to renovation. So the assumption of universal reasons is not a Euro-centric view point. On the contrary, it contains the possibility of discovering divergent paths to cultural rationalization in different places of the world.
       The importance of communicative rationality reveals itself only in modern society, because in traditional society, the mythical worldview of what society is and ought to be is mostly inherited from the past and internalized to every member in society from generation to generation. The burden of interpreting this worldview is limited to a very small group of people in society. This is what Durkheim calls “mechanical solidarity”. But the problem of modernity is that more and more people begin to have the hunch that what we see in the world may not be the only representation. So in a context that there are multiple values as candidates for interpretation, we need argumentative speech as the procedure to achieve consensus, instead of accepting the worldview from the past. Habermas defines lifeworld as the “totality of interpretations presupposed by the members of society as background knowledge” (Habermas, 1984:13), without which our communication will become absolutely unstable and collapse in chaos. But the critical difference in modern society from traditional society is that the background knowledge in lifeworld is always open to critiques and reinterpretation. The whole process is always unstable and filled with conflicts and struggles, but the learning process of achieving consensus through rational communication can be socially institutionalized. So the stability of modern society comes from the unstable process of open discussion and the logic of argumentation.
       By emphasizing the importance of argumentation, Habermas provides us with a normative dimension of seeing democracy, which is different from the instrumental view. The instrumental view assumes that politics is only the balance of interest and power, so democracy is only to equalize the opportunity for different groups to influence the decision making process. While acknowledging its importance, Habermas criticizes the instrumental view as confusing the empirical consensus coming from negotiation of interest with the consensus achieved from rational communication and mutual understanding. Habermas suggests that the instrumental view of democracy doesn’t explain how the translation between systems is possible, thus leaving the question of how integration of society is possible unanswered. Revised theories presuppose the norms as a function to maintain solidarity. But Habermas continues to question this stance because it cannot explain how people’s preference change in communication. He points out that the major shortcoming for both liberalism and system theory is that they regard the transference rules between individuals (or systems) as given or coming into existence spontaneously. But these rules are far from fixed and unchallengeable. On the contrary, they are achieved through deliberation.
       However, different from Elster’s theory on argumentation, Habermas is not only depicting a process of will formation through public discussion. If open discussion in lifeworld has nothing to do with the politics in formal political systems, deliberation becomes nothing but noise. What Habermas suggests is a civil society that is “composed of spontaneously emergent organizations and movements, which resonates problems in private sphere, distill and transmit the reactions in amplified form to the public sphere so that they can institutionalize problem solving discourses on questions of general interest inside the framework of organized public spheres” (1996:367). Public sphere is not only a communication structure rooted in the life world through the associational network civil society, it must also “amplify the pressure of problems, that is, not only detect and identify problems but also convincingly and influentially thematize them, furnish them with possible solutions, and dramatize them in such a way that they are taken up and dealt with by parliamentary complexes” (Habermas, 1996:359). In the process, law is always needed as a surety for the cohesion of society. Since participation in civil society is always discursive, formal political systems are needed to routinize and institutionalize it. What Habermas suggests is a political system embedded in the public sphere, where the rational potential intrinsic in everyday communicative practices can dam against the colonizing encroachment of system imperatives on areas of lifeworld.
       Critiques on Habermas are mostly focused on the inequality and exclusion in public sphere. It is true that in modern society, various value systems are all candidates for reinterpretation, but what we cannot ignore is that some candidates just have more opportunities to win than others. Public sphere cannot be of zero degree culture (Fraser, 1992:120). Fraser argues that by assuming one unified public sphere, we run the risk that the voice of the subordinate is swallowed (1992:119). Then how can we know that deliberation is but another way for the powerful to mask and legitimize their dominance? Habermas’s response is to revise his theory on public sphere and make it more plural. But he insists on his theoretical framework, which emphasizes the importance of communicative rationality. From Habermas’s stance, we can defend his theories in two dimensions. Firstly, even if we adopt the counter subaltern public sphere, social movement still needs to appeal to the public. Although interest is always behind, social movement is not only the expression of interest of a particular group, but the attempt to thematize problems that the whole society should concern. The empirical question of to what extend should the public sphere be unified can always be open to discussion, but the argumentative process of acquiring legitimacy is always the same. Secondly, even if we acknowledge that “legitimacy is always based on some form of successful power and every consensus exists as a temporary result of a provisional hegemony as a stabilization of power” (Mouffe, 1999), we should also notice that Habermas never denies the existing inequality and power struggle. Communicative action in lifeworld not only provides the common ground for bourgeoisie, but also for the excluded others, like labor movement and feminist movement. Contact with these movements in turn “transformed these discourses and the structures of the public sphere itself from within” (Habermas, 2001:429). We can say the goal of any power is the economic and political hegemony, and deliberation is among all the ways to achieve hegemony, but the argumentative process as a formal standard to reach consensus at least opens up the opportunity for different groups to compete for the hegemonic dominance, and reinterpreter or even abandon the previous one in the process of open discussion.
       By making the balance between system and lifeworld, Habermas tells us that politics is not limited to the negotiation and compromise of interest and power; it is also to establish legitimacy of norms where various perceptions of what good life is could be contained. This is not only to set up a desirable goal of what politics ought to be. Because all the good sociologists stand somewhere between facts and norms, Habermas’s theory also offers useful concept packages to explain the empirical facts of how the structural transformation of public sphere is possible, and what makes democracy work better.
      Fraser, Nancy. 1992. "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy." Pp. 109-143 in Habermas and the Public Sphere, edited by Craig Calhoun. Cambridge: MIT Press.
      Habermas, Jürgen. 1981. The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society. Boston: Beacon Press.
      Habermas, Jürgen. 1996. Selections from Between facts and norms : contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
      Habermas, Jürgen. 2001. The postnational constellation: political essays. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
      Mouffe, Chantal. 1999. “Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism?” in Social Research, Vol. 66, No. 3 (Fall 1999).
  •     其实最近两天看Habermas,仔细玩味一下这iron cage的说法,又觉得这判断确实就是很专横的:资本主义的兴起是某个价值观念的内化和社会结构在一个个特定的历史环境下互动的结果,追求财富本来是一个价值合理的行为,怎么到了最后就突然变成目的合理的行为了呢?资本主义的兴起是需要这种价值体系作支撑的,弄到最后反而就完全不顾价值,变成了工具理性的行为。这个究竟是怎么回事,好像Weber也没有明确的解释过,全然是他个人直觉式的判断,是个预言。我也很怀疑这预言是不是真的就准确。像Jose列举了那么多国家的例子。但我一直觉得理论会指导你去看它想让你看到的东西。你怀里揣着Weber,当然看世界怎么看都是Weber了。
      Habermas觉得Weber走得太远,说穿了他想把我们从iron cage中拯救出来。于是他说Weber对于理性化的定义在分析未来世界的时候被他给缩小了。现代社会的目的合理行为仍然是需要在价值上自圆其说的,而且因为有不同价值体系的存在,这种通过交往而相互理解、证明的行为是重要的,且是现代社会之所以为现代社会的重要特征。在Habermas看来,传统社会里不存在为某一个价值体系自圆其说的问题,因为几乎每一个人生下来以后就自然而然地把那套传统的东西给内化了。社会中也不存在与传统相竞争的价值体系。现代社会与传统社会不同,并不在于现代社会中没有共同分享的价值体系,而在于这个体系更多程度上是“自致”(achieved),而不是“先赋”(ascribed)的。所以大家有更多的空间去反思去参与去讨论,现代社会的价值体系是在交往的过程中形成的。这个相当于在解释Durkheim的有机团结(organic solidarity)如何可能。
      可我觉得Habermas也并没有把我们从iron cage里面救出来。或者说,Habermas对于交往的需要与可能性的判断,和Weber对于“路径依赖”(当然Weber本人没用这概念啦)的判断,两者相比较起来,专横的程度是一样的。就像Weber没有办法从理论上给我们解释为什么我们上了轨道就把扳道工给踢出局一样,Habermas也没可能跟我们解释现代社会为啥就一定建立在扳道工辛勤工作的基础之上(有意思的是Habermas用的比方是switch station)。
      Habermas的理论的特点(我一共就读了五天而已,如果说得不对,麻烦指出来)在于“论战性”。我觉得沟通行动理论最精彩的地方在于它对功利主义、目的论、Durkheim Parsons Goffman的批判。(但是对Durkheim的看法我不是很同意,在社会分工论和自杀论里面,Durkheim确实有把价值规范当成理所当然的存在的倾向,但是宗教生活的基本形式可是论述了这种规范的来源的,当然和Habermas又是不一样的路数。)在看批判的时候你就大概知道他的观点了,但是论述交往如何可能的时候,倒多少有点让人失望。这次除了我之外所有人的memo都说他们看了Habermas之后并没有了解沟通如何成为可能。这倒是件很讽刺的事情,因为Habermas要解释的正是这个问题。
      可不管怎么说,Habermas倒是目前颇为流行的“审议式民主”(deliberative democracy)的理论基础。我觉得你列出种种细节性的技术问题质问Habermas交往如何可能,是很无聊的事情。Habermas又不灌水不做BBS版主,他当然不会知道要让一大群人变得虚心变得爱学习,善于接受各种信息和意见,站在别人的角度思考……这些事情有多困难。他估计没有那种互动越多道理说得越烂最后意见完全被推向两个相反极端的惨痛经历,因而还对交往理解沟通抱有美好的幻想,抑或公共空间也无非就是个隐喻。所以美国的社会学家要跑到世界各个地方去做比较研究,告诉大家deliberation在各种社会背景下究竟需要些什么条件才能成为可能。这样的问题你得去问Patrick和Gianpaolo,问Habermas那算问错人啦。现代社会科学研究就是有这么个稀奇古怪的分工,你可以不喜欢它,但是它就放在那里。
      Habermas对我的意义在于提醒我们更加关注“价值”的一边而不是仅仅把政治理解为权力的斗争和利益的平衡。虽然基于理性和相互理解的辩论(argumentation)未必就能完全和基于利益平衡的协商(negotiation)完全分开来,事实上Habermas也不是要把这两个东西分开来,他分开来说完全是用了Weber“理想类型”(ideal type)的方法,他更不是想告诉我们argumentation比negotiation要来得高级。他就是想告诉我们,政治其实还是有argumentation的,这一块一直是存在的。这是我从最消极的角度理解的Habermas,而我觉得它有意义。
      上个礼拜读的Frazer和Mouffe的书都是对Habermas的批判。(插一句,这两位的书都非常好读,但我最喜欢的还是Cohen跟她老公写的那本Civil Society and Political Theories,我在网上弄了一本,今天寄到了,八百页,重死人了,缺点就是不能躺床上看。)他们基本的观点是在权力不平等的情况下,指望通过理性交往达成共识不但是不可能的,而且会起到加剧不平等的负面效果。本来是强权政治,谁欺负谁大家都看得清清楚楚;现在改成了投票,强势者的地位就被合法化了;甚至再把你拉过来好好谈谈,不但从制度上来说强势者的地位合法化了,而且从弱势群体的心理层面来说,他们也会“觉得”既得利益者的强势地位是“合理”的,并且从别人的眼睛里面来看这个世界。说到这里Gramsci的味道已经很浓了。果不其然,说着说着Mouffe同志就给了我们一个葛兰西式的论断——所有社会都不过是某一种文化的霸权主义统治罢了。
      而Frazer作为女性主义者,强调公民社会的多元化。大概意思是说,社会上的弱势群体,不能直接参加Habermas意义上的那个单一的公共空间,而要有自己的subaltern counter public sphere。这有点像一个安全的地带,保护那些弱势群体(比如女性),发出他们自己的声音,而不被主流所吞没。但是Frazer自己也意识到,弱势群体的声音是不可能永远保留在自己那个安全的地带的,真正想让这个声音变得有意义,最终还是要诉诸公众。所以这下就变成了一个经验问题:公共空间在多大程度上是多元的?“安全地带”在多大程度上要介入到真正的公共空间?所以Frazer的批判其实也没有推翻Habermas的理论,她只是做了修正,让公共空间变得更加多元罢了。而Habermas被修正过的理论也从来就没有说公共空间是单一的。
  •   德意志式的、渊博的才华横溢的却又冷冰冰的、毫无同情心也毫无节制的写作方法
  •   原来是华东师大的老师,失敬,语言具有穿透力的说,正在阅读这本书,曹sir是俺们学校的老师噢
  •   兔子:客气了。对Habermas实在理解得少。
  •   阅读此书犹如拥抱一具干尸,没有生命力。
  •   "而一个自由开放的社会是不是就意味着什么都能公开讨论了呢?现在全世界自由开放社会的典范又是哪里呢?美国吗?来了这里你就会发现,这里的人虽然喜欢公开讨论,却在极多的问题上有惊人的共识(可能他们自己都没有意识到这点)。而在我们的国家呢,BBS动辄有宕机危险,网站动辄要被低俗的情况下,民众竟没有被宣传机器灌输成想法一样的人。"
  •   “Habermas又不灌水不做BBS版主,他当然不会知道要让一大群人变得虚心变得爱学习,善于接受各种信息和意见,站在别人的角度思考……这些事情有多困难。他估计没有那种互动越多道理说得越烂最后意见完全被推向两个相反极端的惨痛经历,因而还对交往理解沟通抱有美好的幻想,抑或公共空间也无非就是个隐喻。”
    “唯一仍然让我感到困惑的是,按照Habermas的说法,现代社会的人几乎不需要“权威”。Habermas并不认为现代社会就是什么都能批判什么都能反对完全用不着传统的社会,他也认为lifeworld当中需要保持一些传统的东西使得我们的交往可以在某种程度上稳定。但传统需要不断被反思和批判。什么能够批判,什么不能够批判,还是由公开的讨论来决定的。而我认为这观点不是很靠谱。公开的讨论只能决定我们怎么看一件事情,不能决定我们能不能公开讨论一件事情。这在逻辑上是有问题的——你都已经公开讨论了,还说什么不能公开讨论的。 ”
    关于公开的讨论这点我也觉得挺不靠谱的。不过Habermas所谓传统的东西需要在Lifeworld里有所保留,但需要不断被反思批判,还是比之前看的Paulo Freire的extension versus communication要更进一步,讲得清楚很多了,直接解决了我读pf时的关于这方面的疑惑,就是extension是否完全不可取?是否在某些环境或者情况下,对于某些传统的extension也是有必要的?
    从这点上来讲,Habermas是对的,关于共识的实质性评判标准,在现代社会是不存在的,但是我们需要给大家一个机会,由原则而推出共识,而并不仅仅是通过利益的妥协而达成共识。所以虽然实质性的评判标准不存在了,形式标准仍然存在。 ”
    所以读了些Habermas,这学期选修课我选了门evolutionary social psychology,看看人到底进化得怎么样了走得离猴子有多远,哈贝马斯说的这些玄玄乎乎的标准和理想化状态究竟在可预知的未来有没有搞头,哪天也能实现一下。。

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