出版时间:2007-1 出版社:黑龙江人民出版社 作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特 页数:215
华盛顿致妻子的信George Washington to His Wife霍桑致妻子的信Nathaniel Hawthorne to His Wife海明威致女儿的信Ernest Hemingway to His Daughter海明威致母亲的信Ernest Hemingway to His Mother阿比盖尔·亚当斯致丈夫的信Abigail Adams to Her Husband约翰·亚当斯致妻子的信John Adams to His Wife亨利·詹姆斯致姐姐的信Henry James to His Sister奥格登·纳什致女儿的信Ogden Nash to His Daughter艾温·布鲁克斯·怀特致母亲的信E.B.White to His Mother约翰·奥哈拉致女儿的信John O’hara to His Daughter马克·吐温致妻子的信Mark Twain to His Wife爱默生致惠特曼的信Emerson to Whitman杰斐逊致侄子的信Thomas Jefferson to His Nephew本杰明·富兰克林致姐姐的信Benjamin Franklin to His Sister海伦·凯勒致爱德华·黑尔博士的信Hellen Keller for Dr.Edward Hale爱伦·坡致惠特曼夫人的信AIlan Poe to Mrs.Whitman尤金·奥尼尔致卡洛塔·奥尼尔的信Eugene O’Neil to Carlotta O’Neil罗纳德·里根致夫人的信Ronald Reagan to His Wife爱因斯坦致罗斯福的信Einstein to Roosevelt罗伯特·骚塞致夏洛蒂·勃朗特的信Robert Southey to Charlo~e Bronte夏洛蒂·勃朗特致罗伯特·骚塞的信Charlore Bronte to Robert Southey罗伯特·勃朗宁致伊丽莎白·勃朗宁的信Robert Browning to Elizabeth Browning伊丽莎白·勃朗宁致罗伯特·勃朗宁的信Elizabeth Browning to Robert Browning温斯顿·丘吉尔致妻子的信Winston Churchill to His Wife温斯顿·丘吉尔致女儿的信Winston Churchill to His Daughter雪莱致伊丽莎白·西琴勒的信Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchhiker雪莱致济慈的信Percy Bysshe Shelley to Keats济慈致雪莱的信John Keats to Shelley托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯致母亲的信T.E.Lawrence to His Mother拜伦致夫人的信George Gordon Byron to Lady Byron拜伦致桂乔丽伯爵夫人的信George Gordon Byron to Countess Teresa Guiccioli查尔斯·狄更斯致凯瑟琳的信Charles Dickens to Catherine托马斯·哈代致伊凡菊林·史密斯的信Thomas Hardy to Evangeline Smith达尔文致父亲的信Charles Darwin to R.W.Darwin切斯特菲尔德伯爵致儿子的信Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield to His Son塞缪尔·约翰逊致切斯特菲尔德伯爵的信Samuel Johnson to Chesterfield赫胥黎致母亲的信Thomas Henry Huxley to His Mother简·奥斯汀致姐姐的信Jane Austen to Hef Sister海涅致卡蜜尔·塞尔登的信Heinrich Heine to Camile Sleden贝多芬致其“永恒的爱人”的信Beethoven to His“lmmortaI Beloved”马克思致燕妮的信Marx to Jenny Marx狄德罗致索菲·波莱德的信Diderot to Sophia Poland朱丽叶·德鲁埃致雨果的信Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo雨果致阿黛勒·福契的信Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher玛丽·巴什科采夫致莫泊桑的信Marie Bashkirtseft to Guy de Maupassant莫泊桑致玛丽·巴什科采夫的信Guy de Maupassant to Marie Bashkirtseff拿破仑致约瑟芬的信Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine巴尔扎克致汉斯卡夫人的信Honore de Balzac to Madame Evelina Hanska福楼拜致乔治·桑的信Gustave Flaubert to George Sand皮埃尔·居里致未婚妻的信Pierre Curie to His Future Wife蒙田致居松伯爵夫人的信Montaigne to Comtesse de Gurson玛丽亚·谢利斯特·伽利略致父亲的信Maria Celeste Galilei to Galileo伽利略致开普勒的信Galileo Galilei to Kepler开普勒致伽利略的信Johannes Kepler to Galileo契诃夫致高尔基的信Anton Pavlovich Chekhov to Gorky列夫·托尔斯泰致维拉利亚·阿森涅娃的信Count Leo Tolstoi to Valeria Arsenev罗伯特·彭斯致埃里森·拜珀的信Robert Burns to Ellison Begbie李斯特致卡尔·车尔尼的信Franz Liszt to Carl Czerny卡夫卡致父亲的信Franz Kafka to His Father莫扎特致父亲的信Mozart to His Father凡·高致弟弟的信Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
书摘海明威致女儿的信 亲爱的基特纳: 我一直在努力地工作,但对你的思念却与日俱增。今天我没有收到任何邮件。我于前天给你写了一封信,今天又附上一封信,希望你能够转交给非伦沙的艾塞尔。此时已是日暮时分。自你离开那天起,这里一直是秋高气爽。我和埃米利欧去打猎时,共捕获二十五只小鸟。我们原本可以再打到两只野鸭——当我们正在吃午饭的时候它们从我们头上掠过,于是我们便错失了良机。 除了给阿尔弗雷德·赖斯的信之外,我已经回复了所有信件。也许我会先完成自己的写作再给赖斯写信。因为我还要去威尼斯办理委任书的公证。对了,我也给查利·里茨写了一封信。 明天(星期天)上午,或者星期一,我们要去打野鸭。埃米利欧今晚将来通知我确切时间上次打猎时我们多是从高处向下射击,这使我的肩膀至今仍感到酸痛;因此,我希望能够星期一去,不然的话我的肩膀可能会不堪重负。我现在已经掌握了射击的技巧,但还没有开始学习双管枪射击。 由于码头工人罢工事件频发,已有五万多件邮件滞留在纽约码头。相信你已看过相关报道,不需要我更详细地描述一番了。 你最近的摄影作品(塔等等)非常棒!我是在昨晚收到的。 我没有收到奇尔狄斯的任何消息。 希望你能够收到好消息。 我现在坚持晚上读书,直至午夜,或凌晨一点。 没有收到任何地方的新闻。穆基的脚已经好了。我今天在室外吃了顿午饭,那只米色的小狗一直把头放在我的膝盖上。它不吵也不闹,只是待在那里。另一只小狗博比,是克里兹的兄弟,它能够坐起来讨食,还会做“你好”和“见到你真高兴”等表达问侯的动作。 现在,其他人都已不在这里住了。中午时,有几对夫妇在这里共进午餐。其中一个眉清目秀的女子,有些像电影明星,或许其中两个衣着入时的女子都是(坐得直直的,浓妆艳抹)。一个像布鲁斯代尔一样的男人带着一个女人,还有一对比利时夫妇——只要闻一下,我就知道他们是来自比利时的游人。 代我向你所有的朋友问好。我爱你,我的小猫咪。祝你身体健康,生活愉快。现在,天已经黑了下来,还不时能听到几声枪响。我一直在努力回想,比利时人身上的味道像什么(战后的比利时游人)。我想,也许是多种味道混合在一起形成的一种怪味吧——叛变的国王,挤在一起的脚趾,没有洗的肚脐,破旧的自行车座(浸着汗),铺路的石子,大量钱财,再加上一点儿韭菜汤和烹调用的欧洲防风根和在一起的味道。 我爱你,最亲爱的基特纳,我非常非常非常非常非常非常想念你。 爸爸 1948年11月20日于托塞罗 Ernest Hemingway to His Daughter Torcello, 20 November 1948. Dearest Kittner, Been working hard and missing you harder. No mails today at all. I wrote you daybefore yest and forwarded a letter from your family to the Excelsior in Firenze today.Now writing you just at sun set. Been beautiful fall weather ever since the day youleft. I went shooting with Emilio andshot 25 small birds and we might have gottentwoducks as four flashed over us very low but we're eating lunch when it happened.Might have missed them too. Have my correspondence all done except for letter toRice. Then will do the arti-cle. May do the article and then Rice since will have to go into Venice to get Power ofAttorney notarized. Wrote Charley Ritz too. There is a big duck shoot either tomorrow(Sunday)a.m, or else Monday. Emilio isgoing to let me know tonight. Hope it's Monday as my shoulder is sore= from thosehigh, straight up and down shots. I think those are probably quite heavy loads of thelight shot. Can really shoot that over and under now. Haven't started learning the dou-ble yet. Believe magazines etc. held up by the docks trike. They say over 50000 sacks ofmail on the docks in NY. But you read the papleys too sowon't Kalten born the newsto you. Your last pictures(the tower etc.) came out excellently. Got them last night. No more word from Childies. Hope your news was good. I've been trying to stay awake and read until midnight or one a. m. No local news. Mooky's foot got ok. Ate outdoors in the sun today and he kepthis head in my lap all through lunch;clams, s01e, white rice plain. Bobby the otherdog, Crazy's brother, can situp to beg and also make a how do you do and a FancyMeeting You. There's nobody living here now. Today three couples for lunch though; a char-acter who was either a fairy or a cinema stars or both with reconditioned woman (fend-ers straightened, bad paint job), a sort of Brusadelli type with woman tomatch and abrace of Belgiums. I can now tell the travelling Belgium as far as can smell them. Best to all your friends. Love to my kitten. Begood and have good fun. It's darknow and the shooting has started. Been trying to think what a Belgium smells like (thepost -- war travelling Belgiums)think it is a blend of traitorous King, toe jam, un --washed navels, old bicycle saddles,(sweated), paving stones, and eminently soundmoney with a touch of leek soup and cooking parsnips. I love you dearest kittner and miss you very, very very very, very, very much. Papa P5-8
一个人也许在一个小时里就能爱上另一个人的美,而放弃这份爱也仅需一个小时而已;但两个人若灵魂相惜,才是真正懂得了爱的真谛。 如果你是一名大、中学生,阅读本书可以提高人文素养,开阔视野,陶冶情操。如果你是一位英语爱好者,阅读本书可以一睹这些佳作的原文风采。如果你是一位翻译爱好者,阅读本书可以将原文和译文对比推敲,欣赏佳译。如果你是一名文学爱好者,阅读本书可以从优美的文字中感受最真挚、最纯洁的感情,从而思索生命的意义。 本书《世界上最感人的书信》选译的书信均为全世界名人书信中的经典之作。在这些伟大人物的书信中。包含着他们对成功、对痛苦的最真切的体验,对亲人、对朋友的挚诚之爱。