
出版时间:2001-9  出版社:辽宁人民出版社  作者:毕红梅 等  页数:265  字数:260000  


为了帮助广大学生全面提高英语阅读理解能力,系统了解并掌握四、六级考试中阅读理解、简答、翻译等方面的内容和技能,我们在结结长期教学经验与教训、广泛研究现行各版本大学英语教材的基础上,精心策划、编写了这套《大学英语提升阅读》(1-4册)。目的是为广大读者提供一套既符合读者认知特点,又有助于培养读者驾驭语言能力,增强四、六级考试信心和实力的阅读理解教材。    该套书选材广泛,内容新颖,体裁多样,既注重知识性、信息性、又不失趣味性与实用性。内容涵括科普知识、科幻小品、网络知识、生物趣闻、世界奇迹、名人轶事、异域文化、社会热点、历史事件等方方面面。全套书共选编短文320篇,每册80单元。每单元由(1)文章正文;(2)旁注;(3)背景知识;(4)练习题;(5)练习题答案;(6)谚语、诗歌、幽默故事等六部分组成。本册词汇量为2000~2500词。全书按循序渐进、梯度提升的方式进行编排,书中材料互有联系,语汇复现率高,便于读者联想和记忆。为提高学习效率,建议广大读者独立完成练习后再查阅答案。羽套书可作为高校本科生的阅读教材,教学需72学时,供2学年使用,也可作为广大英语爱好者的自学用书。


Passage 1  mermaids Passage 2  Sun StonesPassage 3  Eye ContactPassage 4  Father's Summer SchoolPassage 5  CoralPassage 6  Preservation of WildlifePassage 7  Instant FriendshipsPassage 8  Heroes in HistoryPassage 9  Early SportsPassage 10  The Independence Ceremony of fhe British ColonyPassage 11  Driving ForcePassage 12  The Process of Making Peppermint OilPassage 13  The Inventiom of Icebox Passage 14  One Means of Sales PromotionPassage 15  Shofts in American Family Structure Passage 16  Educational Systems in the West and the Orient Passage 17  How to Learn LanguagesPassage 18  Cmputer Crime Passage 19  The Development of AdvertisementPassage 20  The Mysterious Missing ShoesPassage 21  Why People Wear Differently?Passage 22  A Story of LightningPassage 23  InfluenzaPassage 24  Early AutumnPassage 25  Jane AddamsPassage 26  Earth People on MarsPassage 27  A Handwriting ForgerPassage 28  A Tour in BostonPassage 29  The Role of Nursing StaffPassage 30  Agony ColumnsPassage 31  Emotional ExpressionPassage 32  Marketing Passage 33  The Live SpecimenPassage 34  The Importance of EcosystemsPassage 35  The New Theory of Triassic ExtinctiomsPassage 36  Tiredness Bred by FailurePassage 37  Principes of Scientific ExplanationPassage 38  Effects of Excessive Alcohol ConsumptionPassage 39  The Revival of MythologyPassage 40  Employment Interview……



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