
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:天津人民出版社  作者:赵恒元  页数:182  字数:130000  




1. Friendship Provebs and Quotes 2. Mend a Broken Friendship 3. Police Question Mom Accused of Beating Her Daughter4. The New Millennium Thrill Ride 5. People Who Become Words 6. Origin of Maverick7. Face to Face with Muhammad Ali 8. Presidential Medal of Freedom9. Web Ads, From Roach to Rich 10. Promote Stem Cell Research 11. Biotech Corn Rejected12. A Plan to Reform Education13. Hands off Our School 14. Our Insane Focus on Iraq15. Can Embryos Be "Adopted"?17. Singapore: Searching for a New Groovy Image 18. Universe Awash in Black Holes 19. West Nile Appears Able to Paralyze 20. Single-Sex Classrooms Gaining Favor 21. Bush Isn't as Lonely as He looks 22. Certain Species of Trees Contribute to Air Pollution23. The Electrocution Photos 24. The Pulizer Prizes 25. Ten In-Demand Job Skills 26. The Essence of the Coast Guard: America's Maritime Guardians



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