
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:北京出版社  作者:易行  页数:159  


周测1 The first English lesson周测2 I'm from China and I'm Chinese周测3 Language in use模块测试(一)周测4 I can speak English.周测5 These are my parents周测6 Language in use模块测试(二)周测7 There are 46 students in my class周测8 Where’S the library?周测9 Language in use模块测试(三)周测10 How many people are there in your family?周测11 I've got a small family.周测12 Language in use模块测试(四)周测13 Have we got any oranges?周测14 A lesson in good health周测15 Language in use模块测试(五)周测16 Would you like to go to the cinema7周测17 Let’s go to the cinema on Fridav.周测18 Language in use模块测试(六)周测19 I like maths f周测20 Lessons start at nine o,clock.周测21 Language in use模块测试(七)周测22 Tony always likes birthday patties.周测23 His birthday present is a cinema ticket.周测24 Language in use模块测试(八)周测25 Does the tiger eat meat?周测26 Is it an M'rican elephant?周测27 Language in use模块测试(九)周测28 How do 1 write my homework 0n the computer?周测29 How often do you use a computer?周测30 Language in use模块测试(十)期中测试期末测试参考答案



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