
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:北京  作者:易行  页数:173  


周测 1 Try not to translate every word周测 2 Please help me!模块测试(一)周测 3 Have you ever entered a competition?周测 4 My aunt has travelled all over the world模块测试(二)周测 5 Has it reached Mars yet?周测 6 We haven't found life on other planets yet模块测试(三)周测 7 How long have you studied English?周测 8 Project Hope has built many schools模块测试(四)周测 9 It's western classical music,isn't it?周测 10 Vienna is the centre of European classical music模块测试(五)周测 11 They were having a tea party.周测 12 The white rabbit was looking at its watch模块测试(六)周测 13 That smells delicious!周测 14 We speak loudly and smile a lot模块测试(七)周测 15 Go along Prince Street and turn left周测 16 The London Eye is on your right.模块测试(八)周测 17 We need to protect animals.周测 18 The government is working hard to save the panda模块测试(九)周测 19 I wanted to see Lao She's Teahouse周测 20 It takes place in a teahouse.模块测试(十)周测 21  It may be cold tomorrow.周测 22 When's the best time to visit your town or country?模块测试(十一)周测 23 You must wait and open it later.周测 24 You mustn't ride your bike on the pavement模块测试(十二)期中测试期末测试参考答案



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