
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:晓榭 编  页数:190  字数:125000  




Part I 基础入门篇
 Unit 1 Dog Glasses
 Unit 2 ATM Robbery
 Unit 3 News on Demand
 Unit 4 Eyes in the Sky
 Unit 5 Keeping Their Heads Above Water
 Unit 6 Spheres of Influence
 Unit 7 Potential Jail Time for Lindsay Lohan
 Unit 8 The Oldest Fast Runner in the World
 Unit 9 Shady Business
 Unit 10 Real Life Detectives Fight the CSI Effect
 Unit 11 Cinematic Chameleon
 Unit 12 Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii
 Unit 13 Time Square Welcomes New Year
 Unit 14 The Longest Taco in the World
 Unit 15 Prince William Gives His Mother's Ring to His
Part II 提高精通篇
 Unit 1 Art, the Latest Favorite of Investments
 Unit 2 The chinese Player, Li Na, Reaches a Historic Moment
 Unit 3 McCoffee vs. Starbucks
 Unit 4 Window Shopping
 Unit 5 Blogs Take on Traditional Media
 Unit 6 Seated in Style
 Unit 7 Twitter Time, Good or Bad?
 Unit 8 Going with the Flow on Ma
 Unit 9 Bent into Shape
 Unit 10 Hack-Off!
 Unit 11 A Tough Decision for the Excellent Player
 Unit 12 The New Causes of Hyperteion
 Unit 13 Which Do You Prefer, Pats-down or Full Body Scan?
 Unit 14 Design Acrobatics
 Unit 15 That Sinking Feeling
 Unit 16 Pixar Perfect
 Unit 17 Look at the Hollywood's Blockbuster
 Unit 18 Endurance Stunt Ends



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