
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:彭举威,王若竹,钱永梅 主编  页数:197  


  环境科学与工程专业英语为基础英语的后续课程。其学习的目的是提高高等学校环境工程、环境科学及给水排水专业学生阅读和翻译英文专业书刊的能力,掌握阅读翻译专业文献资料的技巧,熟悉科技论文撰写的基本知识,扩大专业词汇量,为在今后的工作学习中获取专业信息、掌握学科发展动态、参加国际学术交流等奠定良好的基础。  《新编环境科学与工程专业英语》是编者根据大学英语教学大纲的要求,结合环境工程与环境科学专业英语教学实践中的经验和体会,依据环境工程行业的发展状况,专门为高等院校环境工程与环境科学专业学生学习专业英语而编写的。本书亦可供广大从事给水排水工程专业、工程管理专业工作,并具备一定英语基础的工程技术人员及自学者学习参考使用。  本新编教材共分五个部分。第一部分为基础知识,包括三个单元:第一单元,主要介绍专业英语的基本特点;第二单元,专业英语的翻译,阐述专业英语的翻译方法和技巧;第三单元,科技论文的写作,介绍科技英语的基本例句和写作基本知识。结合专业英语专业性比较强的特点,本书在第二部分~第四部分集中选编了英文文献共30篇,涵盖了环境科学与工程专业各个方面的内容。其中:第二部分为环境科学与工程概述,选编英文文献10篇;第三部分为环境污染与控制技术,选编英文文献14篇;第四部分为环境管理与相关政策,选编英文文献6篇。第五部分为词汇表,除汇总了选编英文文献的生词和主要专业词汇外,还汇编了环境科学与工程专业相关规范的专业术语词汇,使学习者能够准确掌握专业词汇的英文表达。  本教程英文文献选材针对性较强,题材范围广泛,难度适中,结合了学生学习专业知识的特点。同时,为了便于学习者学习使用,本书最后附录还编写了包括专业英语常用词缀、常用数学符号的文字表达、环境科学与工程中常用的度量衡和单位换算等内容。  本书由吉林建筑工程学院的彭举威、王若竹、钱永梅主编,田伟、金玉杰、陆海副主编,林英姿、孙雪景、宋铁红、张文宝、赵可、姚秀霞参编。全书由韩相奎教授和邹建奇教授主审。本书在编写过程中得到了东北师范大学霍明昕教授和长春建筑工程学院邵丕红教授的帮助,并参考了有关文献的部分资料,在此一并表示感谢!由于水平有限,书中难免有疏漏和不足之处,恳请广大读者和同行、专家批评指正。


本书共分五个部分。第一部分为基础知识,包括专业英语的基本特点、翻译和科技论文的写作。第二部分~第四部分选编了英文文献30篇,其中:第二部分为环境科学与工程概述,第三部分为环境污染与控制技术,第四部分为环境管理与相关政策。第五部分为词汇表,除汇总了选编英文文献的生词和主要专业词汇外,还汇编了环境科学与工程专业相关规范的专业术语词汇,使学习者能够准确掌握专业词汇的英文表达。     本书根据大学英语教学大纲的要求编写,为基础英语的后续课程,可供高等学校环境工程、环境科学及给水排水专业师生作为教学用书或教学参考用书。


Part I The Basic Knowledge 1  Unit 1 The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose 1     1.1 The Characters of Language 1     1.2 The Characters of Grammar 2     1.3 The Characters of Words and Expressions 3     1.4 The Characters of Structure 5  Unit 2 The Translation of English for Special Purpose 7     2.1 Introduction 7     2.2 Contrast between English and Chinese 9     2.3 Selecting and Extending the Meaning of a Word 12     2.4 Method of Changing the Syntactical Functions 13     2.5 Methods of Adding and Omitting 15     2.6 Translation of Special Sentence Pattern 18     2.7 Translation of Long Sentence 22     2.8 Translation of Subordinate Clause 24     2.9 Translation about Quantity 26  Unit 3 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers 29     3.1 Stylistic Rules of Papers 29     3.2 Title and Sign 30     3.3 Abstract 31     3.4 Writing and Organizing of the Main Text 34 Part II Introduction to Environmental Engineering 47  Unit 1 What is “The Environment” 47  Unit 2 Introduction to Environmental Science 50  Unit 3 Historical Overview of Hazardous Substance Disposal in the USA 55  Unit 4 Engineering and the Environment 58  Unit 5 Environmental Analysis 62  Unit 6 Studies and Designs 66  Unit 7 Environment—the Human Condition 71  Unit 8 Global Environmental Issues 74  Unit 9 Urban Environmental Problems Transition 77  Unit 10 Extinction of Species 80 Part III Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies 83  Unit 1 Water Pollution and Pollutants 83  Unit 2 Biological Wastewater Treatment 88  Unit 3 Wastewater Treatment Process 93  Unit 4 Sludge Treatment 98  Unit 5 Air Pollution 102  Unit 6 Type and Sources of Air Pollutants 105  Unit 7 Conventional Technology of Air Pollution Control 108  Unit 8 Solid Waste 112  Unit 9 Sources and Types of Solid Wastes 115  Unit 10 Solid Waste Disposal Technology 120  Unit 11 Sound and Noise 123  Unit 12 Noise Control 125  Unit 13 Energy Consumption and Pollution 127  Unit 14 Techniques for Removal Pollutants from Soil 129 Part IV Environmental Management and Policy 132  Unit 1 Environmental Degradation and the Law 132  Unit 2 Environmental Management Systems 137  Unit 3 Environmental Protection and Education in China 141  Unit 4 Solid Waste Management Overview 145  Unit 5 Sustainability and Water Management 149  Unit 6 A New Politics for a New Era — A Political Agenda for the 1990s 152 Part V Words and Phrases 158  Unit 1 Words and Phrases of Literatures 159  Unit 2 Glossary of Environmental Science and Engineering 172     2.1 Words of Environmental Protection 172     2.2 Words of Pollutant 174     2.3 Words of Air Pollution Control Engineering 176     2.4 Words of Water Treatment Engineering 178     2.5 Words of Solid Waste Treatment 183     2.6 Words of Noise Pollution Control 187     2.7 Words of Wild Animals 187 Appendix 189 Appendix 1 Specialized English Affixes Commonly Used 189 Appendix 2 Expression of Mathematical Symbols Commonly Used 192 Appendix 3 Measurements and the Conversion Commonly Used 195 References 196


  Most people care about the environment. But what exactly dose that mean? When we talkabout "environment problems" that need to be addressed, what do we have in mind?  The "environment" can mean different things to different people. Simply said, theenvironment can be defined as ones surroundings. In terms of the environmental engineersinvolvement, however, a more specific definition is needed. The unabridged Random Housedictionary defines environment as "the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions orinfluences, especially as affecting the existence or development of someone or something".  Generally, the term environment refers to the physical environment that surrounds us. Thisincludes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land, oceans, rivers, and forests thatcover the earth. To an increasing extent it also includes the buildings, highways, and modeminfrastructure of urban settings in which a growing proportion of the worlds population resides.This environment will directly and indirectly affects the viability of all living things on theplanet such as the people, plants, birds, fish, and others animals that we care about.  To the environmental engineer, the word environment may take on global dimensions~,may refer to a very localized area in which a specific problem must be addressed, or may, in thecase of contained environments, refer to a small volume of liquid, gaseous, or solid materialswithin a treatment plant reactor.  The global environment consists of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere inwhich the life-sustaining resources of the earth are contained~. The atmosphere, a mixture ofgases extending outward from the surface of the earth, evolved from elements of the earth thatwere gasified during its formation and metamorphosis. The hydrosphere consists of the oceans,the lakes and streams and the shallow groundwater bodies that interflow with the surface water.The lithosphere is the soil mantle that wraps the core of the earth.



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  •   新编环境科学与工程专业英语(彭举威)
  •   蛮不错的环境专业英语,内容丰富。
  •   本书我强烈推荐,一方面是本书具有前半部分的科技文的写作特点及句型的教程,另一方面后半部分结合各种具有很有参考性的文章,基本上包括了环境的各个领域。值得拥有并好好学习,必定会使自己的写作水平更上一层楼。
  •   对环境工程、环境科学的同学挺有用的
  •   光英语好是不够的,自己在平时看文献时还是会有很多专业的名词不懂,这本书绝对是帮了大忙~~
  •   不错的专业书,很有帮助
  •   第一次来当当购物,很愉快,发货也很快,书是正版应该,很开心
  •   快递速度给力,大过年的,不容易,书还没好好看,希望同样给力。。。
  •   和哈工大的差不多
  •   书整体很好,各方面都很全面,很适合自己的学习习惯。
  •   感觉很不错哦,适合大学生看!
  •   正版很赞啊,包装不错啊,很好
  •   挺好的,这是一本跟我考试比较相关的专业英语的书
  •   内容很好,每个部分都很合理!
  •   对于本专业的学生,比较实用,分类很系统!
  •   书还是蛮新的,不过还是有点尘土在表面,内容还没来得及看
  •   书的内容还不错,受益。
  •   没有想象中的详细,不过也很有帮助
  •   书有点薄……觉得有些贵

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