
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:陆家政,陈菲 主编  页数:307  




本书针对药学类专业无机化学的双语课程,将无机化学课程的基本内容进行精选,结合国内高校教学实际,删除原版教材中大量的复杂、繁琐及较深奥的部分,力求使之既能体现无机化学课程的专业基础课特色,又可提高学生的英语应用能力。     鉴于医药学专业学生理论与实验课程并重的特点,全书包含两大部分:Ⅰ Inorganic Chemistry与Ⅱ Inorganic Chemical Experiments。Part Ⅰ includings thirteen chapters:1 Introduction,2 Structures of Atoms,3 Chemical bonds,4 Thermochemistry,5 Chemical Kinetics,6 Chemical Equilibrium,7 Solutions,8 Solubility Equilibrium,9 Acid?Base Equilibria,10 An Introduction to Electrochemistry,11 Chemistry of Coordination Compounds,12 Nonmetals and Semimetals,13 Metals。Part Ⅱ includings three chapters:1 Basic Techniques of Experimental Chemistry,2 Typical Chemical Laboratory Apparatus,3 Experiments。     本书可作为高等院校本科药学及化学类相关专业的无机化学双语教材,也可作为化学专业英语课的教材或参考书。


Ⅰ Inorganic Chemistry Chapter 1 Introduction  1.1 Observations and Conclusions  1.2 The Scientific Method  1.3 Units of Measurement  1.4 Advice on Studying Chemistry  Key Words Chapter 2 Structures of Atoms  2.1 Particles in Atoms  2.2 The Bohr Model  2.3 The Wave Theory of Electrons  2.4 Heisenberg?s Uncertainty Principle  2.5 The Schr?dinger Equation  2.6 Quantum Numbers  2.7 Shapes of Atomic Orbitals  2.8 Many?Electron Atoms  2.9 Valence Electrons  2.10 The Periodic Table and Electronic Configurations of Atoms  2.11 The Periodicity of the Properties of Elements and Atomic Structure   Key Words  Exercises Chapter 3 Chemical bonds  3.1 Ionic Bonds  3.2 Covalent Bonds  3.3 Lewis Dot Symbols and Lewis Structure  3.4 Sigma and Pi Bonds  3.5 Bond Polarity  3.6 Bond Energy, Bond Length and Bond Angle  3.7 Molecular Geometry  3.8 The VSEPR Model  3.9 Hybrid Orbitals  3.10 Molecular Orbitals  3.11 Intermolecular Force  Key Words  Exercises Chapter 4 Thermochemistry  4.1 First Law of Thermodynamics  4.2 Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change  4.3 Hesss Law  4.4 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics   4.5 Spontaneous Processes and Gibbs Free Energy  4.6 Temperature and Direction of Spontaneous Change  4.7 Standard Free Energy of Formation and Standard Free Energy of Reaction  Key Words  Exercises  Chapter 5 Chemical Kinetics  5.1 Reaction Rates   5.2 Theories of Reaction Rates 8  5.3 Effect of Concentration on Rate of Reaction   5.4 Rate and Temperature   5.5 Catalysis  Key Words   Exercises Chapter 6 Chemical Equilibrium  6.1 Concept of Equilibrium  6.2 Equilibrium Constant  6.3 Le Ch?telier?s Principle  Key Words  Exercises Chapter 7 Solutions  7.1 Ways of Expressing Concentration  7.2 Colligative Properties  Key Words  Exercises Chapter 8 Solubility Equilibrium  8.1 Saturated Solutions and Solubility  8.2 Solubility Equilibria  8.3 Factors Affecting Solubility  8.4 Predicting Precipitation Reaction  8.5 Selective Precipitation134   8.6 Application of Precipitate on Medicine  Key Words  Exercises  Chapter 9 Acid?Base Equilibria  9.1 Acids and Bases  9.2 Ion Product of Water  9.3 Strength of Weak Acids and Bases  9.4 The pH of Weak Acids and Bases  9.5 The Common?Ion Effect  9.6 Buffer Solutions  Key Words  Exercises Chapter 10 An Introduction to Electrochemistry  10.1 Oxidation?Reduction Reactions …… Chapter 11 Chemistry of Coordination Compounds Chapter 12 Nonmetals and Semimetals Chapter 13 MetalsⅡ Inorganic Chemical ExperimentsAppendixReference


插图:In science, a theory is a unifying explanation of the general principles of certain phenomena with considerable evidence or facts to support it. Hypotheses that survive many experimental tests of their validity may evolve into theories.A scientific theory or law represents a hypothesis, or a group of related hypotheses confirmed through repeated experimental tests. Science progresses by cycles of suggested theories and tests by experiment. No matter how elegant a theory is, its predictions must agree with experimental results if we are to believe that it is a valid description of nature. So as soon as a new theory has been suggested, new experiments should be launched to test it. If the experimental results support the theory, it is accepted. If they do not, it must be modified or a new theory invented. Accepted scientific theories and laws become a part of our understanding of the universe and the basis for exploring less well-understood areas of knowledge. In part because of the unavailable necessary technology, probing or disproving a theory can take years, even centuries. For example, it took more than 2000 years to work out atomic theory proposed by Democritus, and ancient Greek philosopher.





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  •   这书是我们老师编的,现在上他的元素无机化学(双语)要用这书。但是发现里头讲得很简单,不过还是很适合对化学专业英语有兴趣的人。还有一个特点就是,书中第二部分是一些关于实验的英文表述,在同类书中很少有!
  •   这本书英语写得不太好,有很多语法错误,讲的内容也比较少

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