
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:伏思静,胡志华 主编  页数:127  


本书共分7个单元,分别叙述了材料等基础知识、塑料成型工艺及模具、板料冲压成型工艺及模具、铸造及锻造模具、计算机在模具设计制造中的应用、先进制造技术、模具报价等,内容精炼,选材新颖,均选自英、美等国家专业教材及相关专业刊物原文。全书图文并茂,与专业课程紧密结合。每课内容后都附有单词、词组、注释等,实用性强。    本书可作为高职高专院校、中等职业学校模具设计与制造专业教材,也可作为模具技术培训用书,还可供企业从事模具设计与制造方面工作的工程技术人员参考。


Unit 1  Fundamental Knowledge  Lesson 1  Metal Materials  Lesson 2  Heat Treatment of Metal Materials  Lesson 3  Structure and Application of Plastics  Lesson 4  Non-traditional Machining ProcessUnit 2  Plastics Forming and Mold Design  Lesson 5  The Procedure of Injection Molding  Lesson 6  The Basic Structure of Mold  Lesson 7  Injection Molding  Lesson 8  Mould Cavities and Cores  Lesson 9  Feed System  Lesson 10  Parting SurfaceUnit 3  Sheet Metal Forming  Lesson 11  Press Process and Product Applications  Lesson 12  Shear Operation and Die  Lesson 13  Bending Operation and Die  Lesson 14  Drawing Operation and Die  Lesson 15  Compound and Progressive Dies  Lesson 16  The Forming EquipmentUnit 4  Casting & Forging Dies  Lesson 17  Sand Casting  Lesson 18  ForgingUnit 5  Computer Applications of Mold & Die  Lesson 19  CAD/CAM  Lesson 20  CAEUnit 6  Advanced Manufacturing Technology  Lesson 21  NC Technology  Lesson 22  Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing  Lesson 23  Other Manufacturing TechnologyUnit 7  Quotation for Mold & Die  Lesson 24  Quotation for Mold  Lesson 25  Die Life and Die FailureVocabularyReferences




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