
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:高虎,刘薇,王艳 编著  页数:254  字数:410000  


Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy in China (Project CPR/97/G31)was financed by Global Environment Facility (GEF), Australian government and Netherlands government, and was jointly implemented by the Government of China and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). .Through the introduction of advanced experience and technology of international renewable energy development, the project aims to speed up the commercialization of Chinese renewable energy development. The project was of great significance to the rapid development of renewable energy in China. ..The series of books have summed up the achievements of the project, which are suitable for all those who are interested in Chinese renewable energy development. ...


Chapter 1 UNDP/GEF Project “Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy in China” Chapter 2 Outline of Wind Resource Measurement and Assessment Chapter 3 Siting of Monitoring Systems Chapter 4 Measurement Parameters and Tools Chapter 5 Installation of Monitoring Stations Chapter 6 Station Operation and Maintence Chapter 7 Data Collection and Handling Chapter 8 Wind Resource Assessment Chapter 9 Certification of Wind Resource Measurement and Assessment Chapter 10 Compilation of Achievements for the Project ReferencesAcronyms



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