出版时间:2009-1 出版社:化学工业出版社 作者:何牧 页数:279
《中式英语到英语》是专门针对学习英语的国人编写的,由于英语学习环境的狭窄,“中式英语”是中国人在学习中难以避免的,为了引导改正这个情况,我们在每一课中均设立了“中式英语到英语”这一小节,这是《中式英语到英语》异于同类书籍的优点,以帮助读者的英语学习大功告成。 《中式英语到英语》有如下几个特点,请读者使用时灵活应用。 一、课程设计以乔姆斯基的转换语法为基础,为了使读者轻松进入状态,理论术语一概隐含在内,以免学习时产生畏难情绪,有较高水平的读者可以参考韦恩·奥尼尔有关英语语法的相关著作。 二、课文中对于必须解释的难点做了详尽说明,力图突出重点,这是我们必须迈过的一道坎儿,为了不出现阅读疲劳,每个部分都做到清晰易懂,以达到轻松活泼学英语的目的。 三、《中式英语到英语》的词汇解释以《英华大词典》(郑易里主编)和《朗曼当代英语词典》为准,不以《牛津英汉双解词典》为准,特别说明。 化学工业出版社已经出版了若干英语学习读物,《中式英语到英语》的写作及出版也得到了该社的关心和支持,笔者深感荣幸,也感谢对我的信任。 由于笔者学识有限、经验不足,书中难免有疏漏之处,敬请批评指正。 几位翻译界前辈对此书予以极大关注和指导,由于前辈们谦虚谨慎,不愿将大名见诸于文字,笔者在此以感动之心感谢众位师长,祝他们健康长寿!
本书编者结合多年实际经验收集经典美文40篇,通过文章详解、重点剖析和英语知识延伸介绍等板块对有价值的知识点逐个解析,循序渐进,语言风趣生动,内容全面实用,具有很强的可读性。同时,注重英语语法的规范性,结合大量例句,深入浅出地对语法进行阐述,通俗易懂,可使读者在短时间内通过轻松阅读中学到英语知识,提高英语水平,实现从中式英语到地道英语的跨越。 本书适合于略有英语基础并希望通过轻松阅读提高英语水平的广大英语学习、爱好者参考使用。
(第一部分英语的重要性) (怎样学习英语) (向美国呼吁) (阅读的乐趣) (传记带给我新朋友) (卖火柴的小女孩) (皇帝的新装) (英国的教育制度) (为什么学外语很困难?) (丢失的项链) (最后一课) (第二部分欧美的过去时代) (我的蕾娜小姨) (游戏) (资本积累的历史趋势) (回忆马克思) (在马克思墓前的讲话) (辩证法与形而上学) (牛虻之死) (理财家) (金色的号角) (随遇而安) (第三部分从俄国革命到第二次世界大战) (不可遏制地前进) (纪念欧仁·鲍狄埃逝世25周年) (青年团的任务) (列宁的科学的学习方法) (我见到了列宁) (母亲) (文学与政治——在高尔基纪念大会上的讲演) (马克思主义论语言学问题) (斯大林在德黑兰与雅尔塔) (24个小时) (第四部分新中国的道路) (白军中的红“匪”) (白求恩大夫的讲话) (白求恩医生面对危险) (与朱德总司令在一起的日子) (解放军救了西藏女孩) (司机老李) (中国人的艺术) (在总理的专车上) (联络中国) (开启新纪元的握手)
This was added to the list. "Then theres the milkman. Ive not paid him for four weeks. He hasnta bill yet, but you can work it out. we have two pennyworth every day. " "Thats four and eight , "said Easton, writing it down, "Anything else?" "We owe the butcher two and seven pence. " "Why, we havent had any meat for a long time, " said Easton, "Whenwas it?" "Three weeks ago. Dont you remember? A small leg of mutton. " "Oh, yes," and he added the item. "Then theres the installments for the furniture and oilcloth——twelve shil-lings. A letter came from them today. And theres something else. " She took three letters from the pockets of her dress and handed them toEaston. Each demanded some payment that was overdue, twelve shillings forthe furniture and oilcloth~~ one pound four and one penny for the General Dis-trict and Special Rates~~ and one pound one and five pence halfpenny for PoorRate. Easton read the letters several times over and finally with an oath threwthem on the table. "Its a great pity that we ever had the things at all," he said, peevishly."It would have been much better to have gone without un.til we could pay cashfor them: but you would have your way, of course.Now we 11 have thisbloody debt dragging on us for years, and before the damn stuff is paid foritll be worn out. " Ruth did not reply at once. For months she had been existing without suf-ficient food. When Easton was unemployed had to stint themselves so as toavoid getting further into than was absolutely necessary. Often she pretended,as she gave him his meals, that she had had her meal while he was out. At last she spoke: "But you were just as much in favour of getting themas I was. You remember how the wind used to come up between the floor-boards and if we hadnt got the oilcloth there would have been illness in thehouse. "