出版时间:1970-1 出版社:化学工业出版社 作者:贺小凤 编 页数:243 字数:399000
本书是一本体系完整、知识全面的室内环境检测和控制技术的英语教材。内容涵盖了室内空气质量的基础知识;室内空气质量检测方法;甲醛、氡和生物性污染物等室内空气污染物的危害;健康环保的室内装修;汽车内空气质量等室内环境保护知识。本书内容可读性强,能反映出室内环境保护领域的最新动向和专业英语最新词汇。 本书不仅可以作为高职高专室内检测与控制技术专业的教科书,也可以作为其他环境类专业英语教材,还可供同等英语程度的室内环境技术人员或相近环保领域人员使用。
Part Ⅰ Indoor Air Quality Unit 1 Indoor Air Quality Concerns 1. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Problems 2. Indoor Air Pollution Standards 3. Building-Related Illness (BRI) Reading Material Do You Suspect Your Office has an Indoor Air Problem? Translating Skills Ⅰ Unit 2 The Common Causes of IAQ Problems 1. Pollutant Sources 2. Amount of Ventilation Reading Material Sources of Combustion Products Translating Skills Ⅱ Unit 3 Indoor Air Pollution and Health : 1. Immediate Effects 2. Long-Term Effects 3. Sensitive Proportions of the Population Reading Material Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Translating Skills Ⅲ Unit 4 Identify the Indoor Air Quality Problems 1. How to identify your indoor air quality problems? 2. Measuring Pollutant Levels Reading Material Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme of Hung Kong Translating Skills ⅣPart Ⅱ Sources of Indoor Air Pollution Unit 5 Formaldehyde 1. Sources of Formaldehyde 2. Health Effects 3. Steps to Reduce Exposure Reading Material The Questionnaire about IAQ Translating SkillsⅤ Unit 6 Organic Gases and TVOCs 1. Organic Gases 2. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 3. Interior Paints and TVOCs Reading Material Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide Translating Skills Ⅵ Unit 7 Radon 1. Sources of Radon 2. Health Risks Reading Material January is National Radon Action Month Translating Skills Ⅶ Unit 8 Respirable Particles 1. Physical and Chemical Properties 2. Sources of Respirable Particles 3. What airborne particles are found in your home? 4. Health Effects 5. Steps to Reduce Exposure to Respirable Particles Reading Material Asbestos in Your Home Speaking Skills Ⅰ Unit 9 Environmental Tobacco Smoke 1. Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) 2. Health Impact 3. Remedial Action Reading Material Secondhand Smoke Speaking Skills Ⅱ Unit 10 Biological Pollution 1. Sources of Biological Pollution 2. Health Effects from Biological Contaminants 3. Reducing Exposure to Biological Contaminants Reading Material Legionnaire's Disease Speaking Skills ⅢPart Ⅲ Improving Indoor Air Quality Unit 11 Source Control 1. Basic Strategies to Improve Indoor Air Quality 2. Adequate Designs, Maintenance and Operation of MVAC System 3. Application of Common Sense Reading Material Ozone Speaking Skills Ⅳ Unit 12 Healthy Renovation 1. Indoor Air Pollutants Generated from Renovation Works 2. Reduce the IAQ Problems during and after Renovation Reading Material Improving Indoor Air Quality with Plants Writing Skills I Unit 13 Ventilation Improvements 1. Health Problems and Ventilation 2. Ventilation System Problems and Solutions 3. System Design 4. Operation and Maintenance Reading Material Air Cleaners Writing Skills ⅡPart Ⅳ In-Vehicle Air Quality Unit 14 Pollutants Lurk inside Vehicles 1. Give me Some Space 2. New Car Smell Reading Material Air Pollutants inside California Vehicles Writing Skills Ⅲ Unit 15 Tackling in-Car Pollution 1. The Pollutants inside Automobiles 2. The Pollutants from Auto Exhaust 3. The Solutions to the in-Car Pollution Problem Reading Material ARRPET and ARRPET Activity in Beijing, China Writing Skills ⅣReferences