C++ Primer 第4版 评注版

出版时间:2012-7-18  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:Stanley B. Lippman,Josée LaJoie,Barbara Moo  页数:842  字数:132000  译者:陈硕  


Primer(评注版第4版)》是一本系统而权威的C++教材,它全面而深入地讲解了C++语言及其标准库。本书作者Stanley B.
Lippman(李普曼)在20世纪80年代早期即在C++ 之父Bjarne Stroustrup 领导下开发C++


作者:(美国)李普曼(Stanley B. Lippman) (美国)拉乔伊(Josee Lajoie) (美国)莫(Josee Lajoie) 其他责任者:陈硕  Stanley B.Lippman曾任微软Visual C++团队架构师,他从1984年起在贝尔实验室与C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup一同工作,开发C++编译器。他曾在迪斯尼和梦工厂从事电影动画制作,曾担任美国喷气推进实验室的顾问。他还撰写了《深度探索C++对象模型》等书。 Josee Lajoie,曾就职于IBM加拿大C/C++编译器开发组。为ISO C++标准委员会服务了7年,担任核心语言工作组主席,并是《C++ Report》的专栏作者。 Barbara E.Moo现在是一名独立顾问,具有25年软件研发经验。她在AT&T与Stroustrup和Lippman紧密合作,管理复杂的C++开发项目。Moo和Andrew Koenig一同撰写了《Accelerated C++》和《Ruminations on C++》。 陈硕,北京师范大学硕士,擅长C++多线程网络编程和实时分布式系统架构现任职于香港某跨国金融公司IT部门,从事实时外汇交易系统开发。编写了开源C++网络库Muduo;参与翻译了《代码大全(第2版)》(电子工业出版社出版)和《C++编程规范(繁体版)》(台湾碁峰出版);2009年在上海C++技术大会做技术演讲《当析构函数遇到多线程》,同时担任Stanley B.Lippman先生的日译员;2010年在珠三角技术沙龙做技术演讲《分布式系统的工程化开发方法》;2012年在“我们的开源项目”深圳站做《Muduo网络库:现代非阻塞C++网络编程》演讲。


Chapter 1 Getting Started (新增评注29 条)
1.1 Writing a Simple C++Program
1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our Program
1.2 AFitLookat Input/Output
1.2.1 StandardInput andOutputObjects
1.2.2 AProgramthatUses the IOLibrary
1.3 AWordAboutComments
1.4 Control Structures
1.4.1 The whileStatement
1.4.2 The forStatement
1.4.3 The ifStatement
1.4.4 ReadinganUnknownNumberof Inputs
1.5 IntroducingClasses
1.5.1 The Sales_itemClass
1.5.2 AFitLookatMemberFunctio
1.6 The C++Program
Part Ⅰ The Basics
Chapter 2 Variables and Basic Types(新增评注42 条)
2.1 PrimitiveBuilt-inTypes
2.1.1 IntegralTypes
2.1.2 Floating-PointTypes
2.2 LiteralCotants
2.3 Variables
2.3.1 What Is aVariable?
2.3.2 TheNameof aVariable
2.3.3 DefiningObjects
2.3.4 VariableInitializationRules
2.3.5 Declaratio andDefinitio
2.3.6 Scopeof aName
2.3.7 DefineVariablesWhereTheyAreUsed
2.4 cotQualifier
2.5 References
2.6 TypedefNames
2.7 Enumeratio
2.8 ClassTypes
2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files
2.9.1 DesigningOurOwnHeade
2.9.2 ABrief IntroductiontothePreprocessor
Chapter 3 Library Types (新增评注30 条)
3.1 Namespace usingDeclaratio
3.2 Library stringType
3.2.1 Defining and Initializing strings
3.2.2 Reading andWriting strings
3.2.3 Operatio on strings
3.2.4 Dealing with the Characte of a string
3.3 Library vectorType
3.3.1 Defining and Initializing vecto
3.3.2 Operatio on vecto
3.4 IntroducingIterato
3.4.1 IteratorArithmetic
3.5 Library bitsetType
3.5.1 Defining and Initializing bitsets
3.5.2 Operatio on bitsets
Chapter 4 Arrays and Pointe (新增评注33 条)
4.1 Arrays
4.1.1 DefiningandInitializingArrays
4.1.2 OperatioonArrays
4.2 IntroducingPointe
4.2.1 What Is aPointer?
4.2.2 DefiningandInitializingPointe
4.2.3 OperatioonPointe
4.2.4 UsingPointe toAccessArrayElements
4.2.5 Pointe and the cotQualifier
4.3 C-StyleCharacterStrings
4.3.1 DynamicallyAllocatingArrays
4.3.2 InterfacingtoOlderCode
4.4 MultidimeionedArrays
4.4.1 Pointe andMultidimeionedArrays
Chapter 5 Expressio (新增评注49 条)
5.1 ArithmeticOperato
5.2 Relational andLogicalOperato
5.3 TheBitwiseOperato
5.3.1 Using bitsetObjectsor IntegralValues
5.3.2 Usingthe ShiftOperato for IO
5.4 AssignmentOperato
5.4.1 Assignment IsRightAssociative
5.4.2 AssignmentHasLowPrecedence
5.4.3 CompoundAssignmentOperato
5.5 Increment andDecrementOperato
5.6 TheArrowOperator
5.7 TheConditionalOperator
5.8 The sizeofOperator
5.9 CommaOperator
5.10 EvaluatingCompoundExpressio
5.10.1 Precedence
5.10.2 Associativity
5.10.3 OrderofEvaluation
5.11 The new and deleteExpressio
5.12 TypeConveio
5.12.1 WhenImplicitTypeConveioOccur
5.12.2 TheArithmeticConveio
5.12.3 Other ImplicitConveio
5.12.4 ExplicitConveio
5.12.5 WhenCastsMightBeUseful
5.12.6 NamedCasts
5.12.7 Old-StyleCasts
Chapter 6 Statements (新增评注29 条)
Chapter 7 Functio (新增评注56 条)
Chapter 8 The IO Library(新增评注11 条)
Part Ⅱ Containe and Algorithms
Chapter 9 Sequential Containe (新增评注54 条)
Chapter 10 Associative Containe (新增评注22 条)
Chapter 11 Generic Algorithms (新增评注18 条)
Part Ⅲ Classes and Data Abstraction
Chapter 12 Classes 429(新增评注26 条)
Chapter 13 Copy Control (新增评注30 条)
Chapter 14 Overloaded Operatio and Conveio (新增评注31 条)
Part Ⅳ Object-Oriented and Generic Programming
Chapter 15 Object-Oriented Programming (新增评注56 条)
Chapter 16 Templates and Generic Programming (新增评注31 条)
Part Ⅴ Advanced Topics
Chapter 17 Tools for Large Programs (新增评注37 条)
Chapter 18 Specialized Tools and Techniques (新增评注22 条)
Appendix A The Library


版权页:   Writing to a Stream The first statement in the body of main executes an expression. In C++ an expression is composed of one or more operands and (usually) an operator. The expressions in this statement use the output operator (the


《C++ Primer(第4版)(评注版)》编辑推荐:经过评注的版本,更值得反复阅读与体会。希望这本书能够帮助您跨越C++ 的重重险阻,领略高处才有的壮美风光,做一个成功而快乐的C++ 程序员。


本书在全世界C++教学领域的突出和重要,已经无须我再赞言。” ——侯捷,汁算饥技术书籍作家、译者、书评人 《C++ Primer》是公认的学习C++的绝佳书藉之一,对各种层次的C++程序员都能带来帮助。第4版巩固并增强了这种地位。” ——Steve Vinoski,IONA Technologies 首席工程师 “本书真的能让你人手学习C++这门庞大而复杂的语言。” ——Justin Shaw. Aerospace集团,编程技术指导委员会资深委员 “本书不仅让初学者尽早上手,还传授良好的编程实践。” ——Nevin“:一)”Liber,总工程师(1988年起其就是C++开发者)




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